Issue 469
Family of Man
At the start of the ZetaTalk saga in 1995 the Zetas were asked to describe the emergence of man, the family tree, and the origin of the many races of man on Earth today. The list the Zetas presented was longer than what human anthropologists assume, as the Zetas included a genetically engineered race that quickly died out (Angola Man), and pronounced that the American Indian was a transplant from another world. Where everyone seemed to agree that White Man (Caucasian), Black Man (Negroid), and China Man (Mongolian) were separate races, they were unsure what to do with Indonesia Man (Aboriginal, Malay, Australoid) or the American Indian. Gypsy Man, the brown skinned residents of India and Arabia, is ignored by human anthropologists.Indonesia Man
ZetaTalk Overview 7/15/1995: Angola Man was not black at all, but pale to the point of being bluish. Indonesian Man was short and stocky, with a rounded belly. Gypsy Man was slight, and slid from confrontation, a factor of his hominoid genetics as well as the root ape, which took to the trees to escape and confronted only when escape was not possible. White Man evolved in the desserts of Africa, and migrated across the Mediterranean, which in those days was not the water barrier it is today. The particular hominoid stock forming Black Man emerged from a portion of the Family of Man that relied on physical skills and social harmony. The hominoid stock used to build China Man was from those least likely to be impulsive, where deliberation brought rewards and had thus been selected for survival during evolution.
ZetaTalk Overview 6/15/1996: The American Indian bears the marks of shared genetics with Asians that crossed the land bridge to Alaska, but the root race was much older and unique to the Americas. Unlike the six races of man, who were formed by genetically engineering an ape of Earth, the American Indian was a transplanted hominoid who arrived far earlier. Why have their bones not been found? What is discovered from the prior race of transplanted hominoids is not recognized for what it is. This race was slight in build, and is taken for monkey bones when found.
Human anthropologists also cling to the “out of Africa” assumption, based in part on a common mitochondria found among humans of all races on Earth, thus the Mitochondrial Eve theory. This theory does not consider that the common mitochondria might have been in the test tubes used by the genetic engineers, who had a hand in the development of all the races of man from various base apes.
The “out of Africa” theory stumbled on several fronts. For one, how did White Man emerge? Bathing in bleach? For another, the heavy lids of China Man are nowhere in evidence in Africa. But the lack of evidence from any location except Africa was used religiously to support the “out of Africa” theory. Until very recently, that is. Homo Habilis, assumed to have never left Africa, was found in a Himalaya cave in June, 2014. This was covered in Issue 406 of this newsletter, and the Zetas explained.
- Mitochondrial Eve
- In human genetics, Mitochondrial Eve is the matrilineal most recent common ancestor (MRCA), in a direct, unbroken, maternal line, of all currently living humans, who is estimated to have lived approximately 100,000–200,000 years ago.
ZetaTalk Explanation 6/21/2014: The issue here is not why the Himalayas would have caves that contain evidence of life from warmer climes or lower elevations, but that Homo Habilis was found outside of Africa, countering the going theory that this version of early man was only in residence in Africa. Speculation on mankind’s origins are so wrong as to be almost comical, based on spotty data and full of denial on the absolute evidence of genetic engineering done by aliens. Early man roamed to Australia, due to land bridges present in the past, and throughout China and Russia.
- Startling Discovery of Frozen Caveman in Himalayan Mountain
June 14, 2014 Primary analysis of the skeleton reveal the bones belong to an adult male Homo Habilis, which is believed to have lived from approximately 2.33 to 1.44 million years ago. This opens a whole new interpretation of generally accepted views of the colonization of the planet by the human species. According to most widely accepted theories on the subject, Homo Habilis isn't normally believed to have traveled this far from Africa and lived in such hostile climates.
And what to make of the Flores Hobbit, whose skeletal remains did not fit any of the early man types discovered in Africa. The Zetas described Indonesia Man as having a dominant forehead, such that it formed shade for his eyes. This was certainly not in the African ancestors. But it does show up in the modern day Aboriginals and in the 2004 discovery of the Flores Hobbit. Dare I say Zetas Right Again?China Man
- Hobbit-Like Human Ancestor Found in Asia
October 27, 2004 Australian and Indonesian researchers discovered bones of the miniature humans in a cave on Flores, an island east of Bali and midway between Asia and Australia. They had slightly longer arms than us. More conspicuously, they had hard, thicker eyebrow ridges than us, a sharply sloping forehead, and no chin.
The Flores Hobbit is clearly Indonesia Man, though the Australian Aboriginals also appear to have the Black Man genes described by the Zetas. The Aboriginals also have the rounded belly included in the Zeta description for Indonesia Man.
- Scientists find Prehistoric Dwarf Remains
October 27, 2004 This much is clear: Its worn teeth and fused skull show it was an adult. The shape of the pelvis is female. The skull is wide like H. erectus. But the sides are rounder and the crown traces an arc from ear to ear. The skull of H. erectus has straight sides and a pointed crown. The lower jaw contains large, blunt teeth and roots like Australopithecus, a prehuman ancestor in Africa more than 3 million years ago. The front teeth are smaller and more like modern human teeth. The eye sockets are big and round, but unlike other members of the Homo genus, it has hardly any chin or browline. The rest of the skeleton looks as if it walked upright, but the pelvis and the shinbone have primitive, even apelike features.
ZetaTalk Overview 7/15/1995: Indonesian Man in the pure form also died out, but through casual encounters with Gypsy Man merged into what we will call Polynesian Man. The Australian Aborigines also can point to Indonesian Man for a large portion of their genetic heritage, being, like the new Polynesian Man, a combination of Gypsy Man and Indonesian Man, with the addition of some Black Man genes due to a highly promiscuous Black Man who traveled with a small band to that part of the world. As an oddity, and tall in stature compared to their tallest warrior, he was treated as a god and given all the women they could muster. He considered this a pleasant retirement. Indonesian Man was short and stocky, with a rounded belly. He had a dominant forehead which protruded out over his eye sockets, giving him the natural equivalent of shades. He was not swift, but moved in a ponderous manner, and thus his demise. He could not run for safety or rescue others quickly, and his lack of agility and rounded shape prevented him from taking to the trees or cliffs for safety. Indonesian Man had what we might describe as a stubborn rage that when lit would not soon quell. Where he stood to fight, and won some, he was invariably bested by large predators. He too was eaten, irregularly, until gone.
Then there was the stunning discovery of the bones of early China Man in 2012. These showed no evidence of having emerged from Africa, which would not surprise anyone who had noted that the races of man all look so very different from one another. The Zetas had explained that China Man, as the other races, had a different base ape, and were happy to point out that China Man had been engineered from the Orangutan who are, as one will note, from Asia, not from Africa. So much for the “out of Africa” theory. This was covered in Issue 408 of this newsletter where the Zetas once again explained. Let me point out that the discovery that early China Man had the Orangutan as the base ape means Zetas Right Again!Neanderthal Man
ZetaTalk Insight 7/12/2014: Was the Red Deer Caveman essentially early Chinaman? We stated that the six races of man all had a different base ape, though most of these base apes have morphed or died out over time. But in looking at the distinctive flange on the cheekbones of the Red Deer Cave hominoid, one can only see one candidate that would apply as the base ape for Chinaman. The Chimp has these flanges but evolved in Africa, and is too belligerant. Likewise the Baboon. The Gorilla has a placid temperament but does not have the flanges. But look at the Orangutan, an ape from southeast Asia, with distinctive flanges, a broad jaw, intelligence, and a placid nature!
- Red Deer People of Sundaland
March 14, 2012 One partial skeleton, with much of the skull and teeth, and some rib and limb bones, was recovered from Longlin cave in Guangxi province. More than 30 bones, including at least three partial skulls, two lower jaws and some teeth, ribs and limb fragments, were unearthed at nearby Maludong, or Red Deer Cave, near the city of Mengzi in Yunnan province. The discovery of the Red Deer Cave people shows just how complicated and interesting human evolutionary history was in Asia right at the end of the ice age. We had multiple populations living in the area, probably representing different evolutionary lines: the Red Deer Cave people on the East Asian continent, Homo floresiensis, or the 'Hobbit', on the island of Flores in Indonesia, and modern humans widely dispersed from northeast Asia to Australia. This paints an amazing picture of diversity, one we had no clue about until this last decade.
Neanderthal Man’s history and legacy demonstrate that man has been genetically engineered. Man is presumed to have evolved from apes. But why then do some people have Rh negative antibodies, lacking the Rhesus factors common to all apes? Analysis of the DNA taken from Neanderthal bones found in caves in Europe show that the human blood factors A, B, and Rh positive are utterly lacking in the Neanderthal. Neanderthal man had blood group O, exclusively. In Issue 284 of this newsletter we detail how the range of Neanderthal, who interbred with other versions of Early Man, has affected the genetics of humans still living in those regions. The Basque people in Europe have the highest percentage of blood group O (55%), and the highest percentage of Rh negative blood (33%) in the world. They have Neanderthal blood! Neanderthal’s blood type certainly disproves the “out of Africa” theory.Gypsy Man
Much speculation abounds about why Neanderthal disappeared. At the start of the ZetaTalk saga in 1995 the Zetas stated that he was phased out as a genetic engineering experiment, as he could not digest the food stuffs available to him.
- How the Neanderthals became the Basques
August 26, 2002 This research included studies of DNA extracted from bones of Neanderthal remains. It was concluded that Neanderthals were probably a fully separate species from modern humans, not just a subspecies. Looking now at the evidence for the theory that the Basques are descended principally from Neanderthals. The Basques are well-known to have the highest percentage (around 33%) of Rhesus-negative blood of any human population, and so are regarded as the original source of this factor. Around 600,000 years ago, in southern Europe, a species of man separated off from the ancestral line, and we call this species Homo neanderthalensis, the 'N-people'. The blood of this species contained none of the factors A, B, or Rh. Much later, possibly around 200,000 years ago in Africa, the main human line had picked up the A, B, and Rh factors, and by then could be classed as Homo sapiens, the 'S-people'.
ZetaTalk Description 7/15/1995: Archeologists discover bones, such as those of Neanderthal Man, and wonder what became of him. Did he die out? Did he evolve? It seems he rather abruptly disappeared, and such a strapping fellow, he was! Neanderthal Man was taken in hand to correct a problem. All of him? Yes. This was affected by making him sterile, a simple snip to the male, where he roamed free, and genetically engineering those taken into the lab. So what were Neanderthal's problems, and what did he become? Neanderthal, big brute that he was, had a digestive problem. It is often assumed that he died out because he was stupid, or confrontational, but he was none of these and underwent change only because he had tummy troubles. He was not living his full life, and some died young, due to inability to digest the foods available, to take advantage of the fauna and flora that were perforce his menu. Coming out of his genetic correction, and returned to his environs, he looked different - a bit like Cro Magnon Man.
Years later, in the year 2000, scientists discovered that indeed, Neanderthal could only digest meat. Per the Zetas, this fits with the Neanderthal related humans of today, who tend to have food allergies. What can I say but Zetas Right Again!
ZetaTalk Explanation 3/3/2012: The Basque people have a high percentage of Neanderthal genetics, and thus a higher than usual percentage of Rh negative blood. It has been identified in recent DNA analysis of Neanderthal bone marrow that Neanderthal had no blood components for A, B, or Rh, which came during later genetic engineering projects. Thus their high percentage of Rh negative blood reactions. We have mentioned that Neanderthal Man was stopped, his vas cut and replaced by another genetic engineering product, as he had problems digesting food native to the Earth. Recent analysis of Neanderthal caves has confirmed that he had a meat diet, almost exclusively, and the Basque people have a tendency to have many food allergies.
- Study Suggests Neanderthals ate Meat and little Else
June 12, 2000 If a Neanderthal walked into a hamburger joint today, he probably would order a double burger. And hold the bun, the lettuce, tomato and onion. A new study of 28,000-year-old Neanderthal bones suggests the ancient hominid ate meat, lots of it, and very little else. Studies of bones from the early modern humans in Europe suggest they had a more varied diet, eating smaller animals, such as rabbits, and lots of fish - up to 30 percent of their diet. But for the Neanderthal, it was meat, meat and more meat. The researchers probed the diet of the Neanderthal by measuring the isotopic ratios of nitrogen in skulls and jawbones recovered from a cave in Croatia.
Now we have yet another discovery, this one in S Africa, proving the Zetas correct. In 2013 bones were discovered in a cave near Johannesburg, but to the puzzlement of anthropologists the bones did not match any of the prior “out of Africa” variations of Early Man. Once again, the Zetas explain. This is Gypsy Man, who made the leap to India because India was snugged next to southeastern Africa in those days. I can only say, Zetas Right Again! Only the Zetas stated in 1995 that Gypsy Man was a distinct race of man, and what his characteristics were. Wow.Annunaki
- 'Tiny Brain, Slender Body': New Human-like Species Discovered in S. African Cave
September 10, 2015 Scientists in South Africa have unearthed a new species of human relative in a burial chamber deep down in a remote cave system. Paleontologists have come to the conclusion that H. Naledi deliberately deposited bodies of their dead in a remote cave chamber – behavior previously thought limited exclusively to humans. The research, published in the journal Elife, shows that on average H. Naledi stood approximately 150cm tall and weighed about 45kg. Its teeth are described as similar to those of the earliest-known members of our genus, such as Homo Hanilis, as are most features of the skull. The shoulders, however, are more similar to those of apes. Surprisingly, H. Naledi has extremely curved fingers, more curved than almost any other species of early hominin, which clearly demonstrates climbing capabilities. Its feet and long legs suggest that the species was well-suited for long-distance walking. The creature, which evidently walked upright, represents a mix of traits. For example, the hands and feet look like Homo, but the shoulders and the small brain recall Homo's more ape-like ancestors, the researchers said.
ZetaTalk Explanation 9/12/2015: Who is this early man, so slender, a tree climber and long-distance walker? Does this not sound like our 1995 description of Gypsy Man, one of the 6 versions of Early Man genetically engineered for Earth? We stated that Gypsy Man was slight, and took to the trees to avoid confrontation. H. Naledi is described as having hands that showed climbing capabilities. We described Gypsy Man has having sharp, prominent teeth, and these are clearly what H. Naledi possessed. How did he get from S Africa to India? Look at the map of Pangea! India was snugged up against southern African, and H. Naledi was a walker. Why was he found in a cave? He was non-confrontational, and to evade large predators at night, one hid in a cave with a tight opening!
- Homo Naledi: New Species of Human Ancestor Discovered in South Africa
September 10, 2015 When an amateur caver and university geologist arrived at Lee Berger's house one night in late 2013 with a fragment of a fossil jawbone in hand, they broke out the beers and called National Geographic. Berger, a professor at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, had unearthed some major finds before. But he knew he had something big on his hands. What he didn't know at the time is that it would shake up our understanding of the progress of human evolution and even pose new questions about our identity.
Where the Annunaki did not evolve from apes on Earth, they are close enough genetically to man to be able to interbreed, and have left their mark among men. Legends of course abound from the Gods of Mt. Olympus to the tales of Samson and David and Goliath. Samson was Annunaki, as was Goliath. David, of the David and Goliath tale, was a half breed.
ZetaTalk Explanation 8/18/2012: Where Samson is described as being of Hebrew stock, he was not. Annunaki soldiers were stationed on Earth during the long 3,600 year period between the periodic passages of their home planet, and since they had a normal life span as do humans, reproduction had to occur. Annunaki women were thus stationed with the soldiers, to bear young. When one of them died in childbirth, the child was unwanted by the father as there had been a dispute over paternity, and the babe left to die. Adopted by a Hebrew couple, who lied about his origin, he had status in the community but was also highly resented because of his size and strength and fierce determination. Thus, he came under attack. The Samson saga is a true story, although descriptions of his strength in some accounts are exaggerated.
ZetaTalk Explanation 7/15/1995: Most often, a female slave that had been impregnated would die in childbirth, unable to deliver an oversized infant, taking her infant with her. On rare occasions half-breeds survived, often without their mothers who bled to death or were torn beyond repair. David’s mother, like he, bore genes from a half-breed, and thus had the hips to bear the product of rape and live.
Do they live among us today? Yes, as hybrids in Patagonia, a very secretive tribe. And the 7 foot high Qiang People of China show distinctive Annunaki characteristics, as detailed in Issue 389 of this newsletter.
ZetaTalk Comment 2/4/2012: Where in one photo the head of the tall man dressed in white appeared to be orange, this is due to the color of the hybrid's skin, when tanned, not as brown as pure human skin. When this hybrid cluster encountered European explorers, they like the American Indians recognized a threat to their existence, though at first they greeted the explorers and were curious. They withdrew, and have kept themselves separate from strictly human society to avoid hostile reactions.
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