Sunday, 3 August 2014

The EU has declared war on Britain, and we only have four months to prepare

by Ishtar Babilu Dingir

I had a very enlightening evening last night. I learned all about the
Treaty of Nice (now called the Lisbon Treaty). In November, we will see
the Queen sign away, in this treaty, the very last of our rights as a
sovereign country and bring us into full EU federalism.

Ted Heath was blackmailed in the 1970s into bringing us into Europe
in the first place, through his paedophilia activities on his yacht. In
the same way, many of our MPs have been deliberately corrupted with this
sort of classic ‘honeytrap’, and then their activities revealed in a
kind of slowly rolling out disclosure, as we have seen in recent weeks,
in order to help destroy our faith in our Parliament and monarchy
governing us as a nation state, so that we will more readily accept the
collapse of sovereignty and become part of the EU.

Most people don’t realise that the collapse of sovereignty will bring
in the EU and the EU will bring in UN Agenda 21, under various
different aliases. (If you don’t know about, or don’t realise the
dangers of UN Agenda 21, here’s an article about it. )

In that context, it would seem to me that the emergency surveillance
bill, to help ‘combat terrorism’, which is being rushed through
Parliament this week is part of this wider strategy. I would suggest
that if the government is worried about terrorism, it should stop
funding, training and arming ISIS with ground-to-air-missiles. Just a

The Data
Retention and Investigative Powers Bill (DRIP) is not, as the government
claims, to only “clarify grey areas” of previous and now defunct EU
legislation. According to respected Twitter lawyer, Jack of Kent, who
has read it, it represents “a substantial extension of interception law”
which should not be rushed through as an “emergency”.

Of course, the ‘emergency’ itself is false and just an excuse to rush
it through, because if MPs actually had the time to read it properly,
they would vote against it. As Alan Travis in the Guardian says:
“in order to ensure the continued access of the police and security
services to the personal internet and phone-use tracking data held by
the telecoms companies, they have had to concede important privacy and
civil liberty safeguards.”

After November, it will be considered treasonous for us to speak out
as we do now, and we will be arrested and worst. The new legislation
will make it easier for them to find us. Foreign (EU) police and EU
arrest warrants are going to be deployed,  and independent-minded
individuals will be arrested for speaking out, and could end up in
secret courts anywhere in Europe.

The blackmailing of Britain

So forget an EU referendum after the next election. By the general
election in May next year, it will all be over, and blogs like this will
be a thing of the past.

There are six parts of the Treaty of Nice (the Lisbon Treaty) that
the Queen has already signed up to. The seventh and final one will be in
November, this year. Then we will be fully and permanently locked into
the EU.

It’s thought that the Queen is being blackmailed along with everyone
else because some of her family members have been tarred with Savile’s

This means that what we’ll see in November, when the Queen signs the
final piece of the Treaty of Nice, is just the last move in a game plan
that began in the 70s, when Heath was prime minister.

(Warning: The following is graphic content).

Savile would bring children to Heath’s yacht, which would be moored
somewhere off the Channel Island of Jersey. The children came from the
children’s home Haut de la Garenne. Heath would have his way with them
while filming it for a snuff movie. In other words, the child would be
slowly tortured and eventually killed. Then the body would be chopped
into small pieces which were tossed overboard. We don’t know how many
children met their fate in this way.

Savile was in league with the Brussels Gladio mafia, the Abwehr, who were blackmailing Heath, by this means.

Heath was also responsible for bringing in decimalisation of our
currency, and major reforms to our system of local government. Both of
these reforms were designed to help an eventual role out of the full EU
monster, as we’re seeing today.

So the whole country was sold out to the EU in this way in the
Seventies, and what’s happening in November this year will just be the
final nail in the coffin. In other words, they’ve been planning this for
decades – and we only have a few months to organise ourselves against

As Prince Charles wrote in a card to Savile: “No-one will ever know
what you did for this country, Jim.” Well …we do now. He right royally
fucked us. (See Jimmy Savile – Childcatcher by Royal Appointment).

Britain is at war

There’s a lot of material around on the internet about how we never
actually won the Second World War, about how high ranking Nazis were
flown into the US under Operation Paperclip and infiltrated into
government, and how another group of them were left back in Europe under
Operation Gladio, but you will need to do your own research on this.

However, it does seem as if all these chickens are now coming home to
roost. As a result, Britain is now at war again, to maintain its
sovereignty, although the prosecutors of this war have not openly
declared it. What they couldn’t achieve with V2 rockets, the EU, backed
by George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates, hope to achieve with an
information war.

While Genghis Khan would fire plague victims at the oncoming troops,
the EU is firing old and faded paedophiles to distract us, their
‘enemy’, from the real issue – the hundreds of thousands of children who
are trafficked across their porous and open borders, via diplomatic
channels, for a life of slavery, sexual abuse or to be tortured to death
in a snuff movie or Satanic ritual.

If we lose our sovereignty, it will be even easier for them to steal our children.

Britain is the second biggest child trafficker in the world, next to
Vietnam, and county councils here are paid hundreds of thousands in
bribes to get as many children as possible into children’s homes, from
which 30,000 go missing every year. Remember this next time they use the
term ‘historic child abuse’, or hold up the next Rolf Harris in a kind
of human sacrifice or human shield, to hide the real sex abuse and
unthinkable cruelty they have inflicted on untold numbers of children –
not just for their own pleasure, but also to bring down countries like


Lawful Rebellion, a group set up to invoke common law against the signing of the Treaty of Nice.

The Blackmailing of Britain,
about how Heath was recruited to be a “German” spy while still at
Oxford. (I’m putting German in inverted commas, because these evil
cabals which run the world are no more German than the CIA is American.
They just use various nation states for cover.) You have to scroll down –
it’s the third article on the page, underneath mine.

UK Parliament comes to end effective end on 1st November 2014:
On the 1st November 2014 the right of Parliament to legislate over us
in 43 areas, the important ones, will be removed and be made subject to
approval. They call it QMV, Qualified Majority Voting.

Each member State will lose it right of Veto over these areas, so
Cameron’s idea of negotiation to recover any areas goes out the window
at the same time.

A brief review of the Treaties confirms the Transitional arrangements
which allow, only on specific votes, for the Nice Treaty Provisions to
apply from 1st November 2014 until March 2017, hence I imagine PM David
Cameron’s determination to delay our referendum beyond that date, tying
Britain for ever within the non-democratic, totalitarian and now clearly
despotic EU.

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