Here is a grid that they showed to me. If you wish you can lay this over the earth where the 37thparallel is located so that the Geothite is on the 37th parallel.
Aventurine is a stone of prosperity. It re
inforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion and
empathy. Encourages perseverance. Aventurine relieves stammers and
severe neuroses. It stabilises one’s state of mind, stimulates
perception and enhances creativity. Aids in seeing alternatives and
possibilities. Calms anger and irritation. Promotes feelings of
well-being. Aventurine balances male-female energy. It encourages
regeneration of the heart. Protects against environmental pollution.
Aventurine benefits the thymus gland and nervous system. It balances
blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol.
Aventurine has an anti-inflammatory effect and eases skin eruptions,
allergies, migraines, and soothes the eyes. It heals lungs, sinuses,
heart, muscular and urogenital systems.
Blue Agat: Blue Lace Agate Gemstone meaning
Blue lace agate is one of the rarest and most popular of the agates.
This is a calming, uplifting stone. The blue color strengthens the
function of the throat chakra and encourages peace. It can be used
wherever there is a build up of painful or irritated energy.
Healing properties of blue lace agate
Wear or carry blue lace agate for peace and happiness. Place it in your
hand when you feel the need to de-stress. If you find yourself in
stressful situations at work or home, keep some blue lace agate on your
desk and simply gaze at it for relief.
In the home, surround blue lace agate stones with light blue candles to calm the atmosphere and reduce family quarrels.
Goethite is a
stone for this time, as its strong energy helps you make a connection
with the earth. This stone may benefit you if you have been effected by
the earth changes.
This is an excellent stone to help you if you have lost a loved one as it has a strong vibration that aids you to heal grief.
It helps you to open yourself up to love and compassion, aids emotional hea
ling and helps you to release past life feelings and energy that no longer benefit you.
It assists you to be easy on yourself as you do this. It is unusual, in
that it is strongly grounding, yet has metaphysical attributes that
facilitate contact with spirit via the higher chakras.
Goethite stimulates the mind to move into the stage of recognition, into
knowing the need to face, sort through and let go of any shadows of the
self that have been previously trapped away.
Ancient Ocean’s ‘Himalayan’ crystal salt is more than salt, it is the
energy of the primordial sea, the Earth, the Sun and stars. Once sought
by Emperors, Kings and Sultans, this salt is more than mere salt, it is a
trace mineral supplement, full of essential hard to find ionic minerals
in colloidal form and perfectly crystallized into Halite, the inherent
original structure of the salt molecule. If it’s Himalayan salt and it
isn’t Halite, it isn’t Himalayan salt.
In modern spiritual circles, salt is said to enhance good will, elevate
moods and diminish negativity. It can assist in dispelling feelings of
abandonment and incite initiative and independence. Salt can also help
the user deal with unforeseen events and allows one to draw on
experiences, sometimes from past lives, to deal with today’s problems.
Halite Salt stimulates the acupressure/acupuncture meridians and can be
used to preserve them as well. It can be used to treat disorders of the
colon and lower intestinal tract. Halite also augments strength during
physical activities. It should not be placed on the abdominal area
during pregnancy, but can be used in any other area. When an indigo blue
inclusion occurs within a halite crystal, it is especially useful for
Pisces. Indigo halite encourages psychic powers, mysticism, and
intuition. It is useful in treating disorders of the thalamus, thymus,
and thyroid. The pink to cranberry form of halite is especially good
when working with the heart chakra. Pink Halite’s energy activates
cleansing on the physical and emotional level. The energy is similar to
Rose Quartz but has a much stronger cleansing effect on our tissues. It
has a peaceful calming energy that uplifts the heart and helps to
eradicate emotional “noise.”
WHAT NUMBER 37 MEANS according to Joanne (
The number 37 is made up of a combination of the vibrations of the
number 3 and number 7. Number 3 resonates with the energies of joy,
inspiration and creativity, growth, expansion and the principles of
increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, talent and skills,
sensitivity and self-expression. Number 3 is the number of the Ascended
Masters, and indicates that they are currently involved in your life.
The Ascended Masters are helping you to find peace, clarity and love
within, and are helping you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself
and others. They are also assisting with manifesting your desires.
The number 7 carries the attributes of mysticism, persistence of
purpose and knowledge, ‘the Collective Consciousness’, spiritual
awareness, spiritual enlightenment and development, intuition and
inner-wisdom, psychic abilities and understanding of others.
Angel Number 37 is a message from your angels that you are currently
travelling along the right ‘life path’, and you are encouraged to
persist in this vein. The Ascended Masters are with you giving you
guidance and assistance when needed.
Angel Number 37 is a message of ‘congratulations’ from your angels and
the Ascended Masters. They are most pleased with the path you have
chosen to take and offer you their assistance and guidance. Your clear
connection with the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters is ensuring a
strong channel of communication and you are receiving Divine guidance
every step of the way. Call upon the angels whenever you feel the need
for help and support. You are encouraged to continue on your
current path.
The repeating Angel Number 37 is a message that you have the angels and
Masters working alongside you, helping you to manifest positive
abundance and auspicious opportunities into your life. You are being
rewarded for past efforts and work well done.
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