Monday, 30 September 2013

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 29 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Playfulness 30 September 2013

Message from Archangel Chamuel 30 September 2013 by: Julie Miller

ISON strange


SaLuSa - September 27, 2013

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Your Incompletions Are Controlling You

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Pleasure Is a Superstition

Technique For Graceful Ageing

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Saul 29 september 2013 Channeled by John Smallman

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Hilarion's Weekly Message - September 29 October 5, 2013

Archangel Azrael: Life Is Beautiful! - September 28, 2013

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Abraham Hicks ~ Helping the Needy

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Shiva's Divine Play -- Drying The Ocean

Pleasure to Upanishads -- Q & A with Nithyananda

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Archangel Zadkiel Moving Forward with Non Attachment September 29, 2013

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Abraham Hicks ~ Abraham, what's holding me back?

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Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 28 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

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Galactic Federation of Light Saul September-29-2013

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Nirahara -- Your body's alternate energy source

Shiva's Divine Play -- The Powerful Siddha

Shiva's Divine play -- protecting from rain

Saturday, 28 September 2013

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Love is Completion with life

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Galactic Federation of Light SaLuSa, Jesus September-27,25-2013

Galactic Federation of Light Saul September-27-2013

Galactic Federation of Light Jesus September-28-2013

Archangeloi of the Elohim September-28-2013

The manuscript of survival -- part 359 September 27, 2013

Il manoscritto di Sopravvivenza -- Parte 359 28 settembre 2013 by Aisha ...

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Give and take -- The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 27, 2013

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 27 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

UFO Over Los Angeles

Friday, 27 September 2013

The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 365, September 29, 2013

Audio Track.

Issue 365.

European Migration
The Zetas have been asked to address migration patterns after the Pole Shift, as the seas rise to 675 feet above their current level. As the populace becomes more and more aware of ZetaTalk accuracy, these migration routes are likely to become active well before the Pole Shift. What countries will be most affected, and what direction will the drowning populace take?

The UK will be affected not only by the sea level rise but also by being pulled down as the Atlantic Rift is pulled apart. Scotland and Wales have high land that will remain for the most part above the waves. Other parts of the UK will be devastated. Per the Zetas, who were asked recently about Gibraltar, the elite may attempt a quick hop to Africa via this route.

Gibraltar maintains regular flight connections to London and Manchester. Budget airline EasyJet also flies to Liverpool.
ZetaTalk Analysis 9/7/2013: It is notable that Britain has airline service from the UK to Gibraltar, under the auspices of tourism. This well established route will be used extensively when the realization of the flooding in the UK’s future grows. Brits, especially those with funds, will be looking to avoid passport issues and the crowded water ways by a direct flight to Gibraltar, then on to Africa if not by boat, then by air. Thus, they are literally on the African coast, or so they assume.

ZetaTalk Prediction 9/7/2013: The UK must deal with potential tsunami as the North Atlantic pulls apart. The UK will also be pulled down, more on the west side than the east, due to lack of support from drooping Atlantic plates. Then there is the global rise in sea level by 675 feet, worldwide, within two years after the Pole Shift. Since Scotland and Wales will have land mass above the waves, while most of Britain and Ireland are flooded, they should prepare to offer rescue to their countrymen.

Much of Europe is coastal lowlands, and will gradually flood. Their populace must either take to boats, houseboat living, or migrate to Norway and Sweden or into the Alps or highlands of Spain. Just what rules will be established to control such migrations is unknown at the current time, though the Zetas have indicated Russia does not want European immigrants trudging through Russia toward the highlands of East Russia and Kazakhstan. They will have their hands full with their own drowning citizens.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2001: Europe will be a series of islands in the Aftertime. Europe is a land of coastlines, already. Fortunately for the survivors, travel by boat will not be that difficult. The climate will be almost ideal, access to the sea at hand, and boat building and fishing a skill in many European countries.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2001: Of course Norway and Sweden are seen as desirable countries to immigrate to as they are high ground, social democracies that take care of their citizens, and in the case of Norway, wealthy. One should not expect their immigration policies to change.  There will of course be huge numbers of migrating people from western Russia, Demark, Finland, and the lowlands of Poland and Germany and other lowland countries. They have few choices.

ZetaTalk Prediction 6/1/2013: The Ukraine is on the edge where some of its land will be above the waves, but all to the east in Russia will be flooded. Migration will flow in two directions, first from the flooding lands in Russia to high ground in the Ukraine, and then as Europe is likewise afflicted with flooding, back toward Russia in the desperate search for a land route to high ground. Russia does not want Europeans bridging over to Kazakhstan, which will already be burdened with migrates from Russia.

Then there is the lure of Africa, which will be almost entirely above the waves in the Aftertime. Former colonies of European countries will be approached with friendly offers. S Africa is very much sought by the elite. And per the Zetas it is no accident that France was so eager to help Libya be free of Gaddafi.

ZetaTalk Prediction 6/1/2013: Second comes the use of bargaining chips, such as between France and the new government in Libya which France assisted to be free of Gaddafi. France knows much of its land will flood, and Libya is right across the Mediterranean.

Per the Zetas, Russia too has its eye on a partnership with African countries.
Russia Seeks Africa Partnerships – Putin
May 26, 2013
Russia is after friendly relations and productive cooperation with all countries in Africa. President Vladimir Putin said this in a message to the Addis Ababa summit marking 50 years since the foundation of what is now the African Union. He also praised the Union’s role in conflict management, peacekeeping and advancing social and economic development across Africa.
ZetaTalk Prediction 6/1/2013: By its firm partnership with Iran and Syria, Russia plans a firm handshake with Islamists throughout Africa.

Russia has immense territory that will be flooded, though Eastern Russia will survive and have an excellent climate in the Aftertime, and is at present sparsely populated. Per the Zetas, Russia should plan accordingly, and begin migration early.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2001: Russia suffers greatly due to the flooding that will occur after the pole shift. Most of the country lies beneath the 675 foot elevation where we estimate the waters will rise. The Ural Mountains clearly stand above this, as do the mountains of eastern Russia. The mountains of eastern Russia are sparsely populated, in Russian territory, and will have a delightful climate in the Aftertime. We advise an early migration to those regions, or a migration via boat if delayed.

Asian Migration

As with migration out of Europe and Russia, migration in Asia will be dominated by flooding issues.

Well ahead of the Pole Shift the sinking of the Sunda Plate has caused Australia to take firm measures to block illegal immigration from Indonesia to Australia. Australia will have to think of re-settling their own citizens, as the western 2/3 of Australia will be pulled under during the Pole Shift.

Australia Bans all Illegal Boat Refugees
July 19, 2013
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has banned all illegal boat refugees from ever settling in the country. All new unauthorised asylum-seekers will be sent to Papua New Guinea under a regional resettlement deal, declaring future boat refugees will have 'no chance' of staying in Australia as refugees. In exchange for PNG's agreement, Australia will fund further aid initiatives.
ZetaTalk Comment 7/9/2011: Australia is brutal to those among the poor who are desperately trying to climb onto Australian shores. The elite are welcome, but the poor can drown and starve.

China likewise has taken a firm stance against drowning refugees from the South clamoring into China. It is no secret that China has developed Ghost Cities in their interior, as yet unpopulated. If one takes careful note, these Ghost Cities are far away from India (which will become the new S Pole) and also along a curve of land destined to be above the sea level rise of 675 feet after the Pole Shift. China has taken note of ZetaTalk!

ZetaTalk Comment 7/23/2011: The ghost cities of China are situated where the climate and elevation will be most optimal in the Aftertime. China can be expected to direct its population to migrate within China to the desert regions in the interior. Certainly, any refugees from other countries will be harshly ejected, with guarding the borders a top priority. Nor will the elite from other countries be welcomed.

China is also firmly guarding her southern borders along SE Asia and above India in Tibet. Migrants may come to those borders, but will be blocked and turned around. China, after all, does have populous cities along its coastline, and those provinces bordering India which will suddenly freeze, to consider. They will relocate and take care of their own.
Why China is a ‘Bad Neighbour
November 1, 2011
From the territorial disputes with Vietnam and the Philippines in the South China Sea to tensions with Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand, relationships that were sound, if not always friendly, have now soured.
ZetaTalk Comment 11/5/2011: China does not want her neighbors to the south to migrate north.

ZetaTalk Comment 1/21/2012: China considers Nepal to belong to the Chinese government, and we have already stated that they have plans to block the populace trying to escape flooding countries.

India, and those countries sharing the northern part of the Indo-Australian Plate, are already sinking steadily, and have only more horrors to anticipate. The Zetas have advised them to take to boats and head to Africa, which is relatively under-populated. They will likely, in any case, be in boats as the flooding exacerbates.

ZetaTalk Comment 6/16/2012: Boat cultures, floating cities of desperate refugees with nowhere to go, will become common in SE Asia and India. India and other lands on the Indo-Australian Plate being pushed down will find their sinking lands steadily worsening.

ZetaTalk Prediction 11/5/2011: Africa today has a large Indian population in those countries bordering the Indian Ocean, and the coastlines are scarcely secured by these poor nations. Illegal immigration has a long history in the world, the techniques well known. Those standing in water, with no hope of a different future, will migrate to dryer land and a better future. Cargo ships will be diverted from their usual cargo to a more profitable cargo - desperate refugees.

Americas Migrations

In the Americas, the great flooding that will occur as a result of the 675 sea level rise will occur in the main within countries, where migration will not be blocked but will perhaps be directed. Canada floods from the North, which is relatively unpopulated. In the continental US, the Mississippi basin will flood, leaving only an island at the Ozark Mountains. Most of the populace west of the Mississippi would head toward the Rockies and Sierras, the mountains along the Continental Divide. This would be encouraged by the devastation from the coming New Madrid disaster, leaving lands along the Mississippi and in the Eastern US dealing with refugees and not putting out the welcome mat.

Along the East Coast of the US, coastal areas will find drowning citizens scampering up into the Appalachian Mountains. The Zetas have also predicted that the heavily populated cities along the East Coast will migrate past New England into Quebec, where they will be loud mouthed and demanding -  uninvited guests.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2001: The Appalachian mountains will be above the water line when all is said and done during this next pole shift, including the melting of the poles that will raise the oceans some 650-700 feet within a couple years after the shift. Where relatively isolated now, those living in these mountains will find themselves increasingly crowded with survivors who will be forced to move inland to escape the rising waters.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2001: The greatest concern that Quebec will have after the shift will be migrating survivor from the population centers of eastern half of the US. Crowded up into the Appalachian Mountains and into the limited land mass that the New England area provides, they will be as likely to push into Quebec as toward what were the western states of the US, seeking land that would have been high enough to remain dry land.

Those struggling to survive in the sinking and crumbling Caribbean islands and Central American lands will look to the high lands of S America, per the Zetas, as lands to the North will have their own flooding shorelines.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2001: Colombia will stand as the high ground that frantic survivors in Central America will scramble toward during the shift. As Panama is the point where water today flows between the Pacific and the Caribbean, this is bridge to safety that will wash out early during the hour of the shift. However, any survivors clinging to floating material will wash up on Columbia's shores, wanting rescue to be fed and housed.

Fish Kills

Increasingly frequent and violent earthquakes and volcanic activity are a sign of the stress the Earth plates are under from jerking during the daily wobble. Booms from snapping rock, odd vibrations, and on occasion a moaning or humming Earth are also signs. Planet X tugs the globe this way and that, so stretch zones are stretched, subduction zones are under pressure, and rotting material trapped between rock layers releases methane gas. Birds and fish are very sensitive to methane gas, thus the canary in the coal mine to warn the miners of methane leaks, and thus the increasing fish kills around the world as this Pole Shift ning blog attests.  Recent examples are in Greece, China, and Rio.  The desperate establishment, which must say something, usually has some excuse handy.

Tons of Dead Fish Found in Lake Ismarida
September 4, 2013
Ten tonnes of dead fish have been found in a lake in the north of the country due to an inexplicably absence of oxygen in the water.
China Chemical Spill Kills Thousands of Fish
September 4, 2013
Chinese authorities have recovered about 100 tonnes (220,000lb) of poisoned fish from a river in central Hubei province. The fish died after a chemical factory discharged ammonia into the Fuhe river. Environmental officials blamed a nearby local firm for the incident. This latest industrial incident comes after more than 16,000 dead pigs were recovered earlier this year from a river that runs through Shanghai.
More Tons of Dead Fish Turn Up Near 2016 Rio Olympics Site
August 23, 2013
Massive amounts of dead fish were found in a Rio de Janeiro lake next to the 2016 Olympic park, five months after thousands of dead fish were found at the site of 2016 Olympic rowing events. Biologists said the 10 tons of fish were probably killed due to raw sewage.
ZetaTalk Comment 9/7/2013: What do an enclosed lake in Greece, an enclosed lake near Rio, and a river in China have in common?  Though blamed on “an inexplicable absence of oxygen” in Greece, on raw sewage in Rio, and on ammonia in the water in China, these disparate cases have the same cause – methane released due to being in a stretch zone.  The Eurasian Plate is stretched from Europe to China. The S American Plate is bowing such that the area near Rio is stretched. And in China the Hubei province is rift with deep rivers, which is a sign of thin crust at that point, the crust drooping from lack of support. Rock strata that is stretched to release methane trapped between rock layers, or drooping crust that tugs on surrounding rock are the cause.

Legitimate Crop Circles

The 2013 crop circle season is coming to a close, but a couple obviously legitimate designs are notable by the way their grain is laid. These days, there are so many frauds, some even well done, but the legitimate circle makers have given clues, as the Zetas noted. Per the Zetas, West Kennett, laid on August 13, 2013 is depicting the Magnetic Trimesters once again. And the Etchilhampton Hill design, laid on August 19, 2013, is showing the retrograde effect that Planet X has on the other planets in the inner solar system and on the Sun itself. In early August, the Internet was abuzz with curiosity as to why the Sun had such a lopsided coronal hole. Per the Zetas, the hole was no larger in total area than in other years. But it was indeed lumped onto one side, in fact onto the side farthest from the Planet X presence. Now the circle makers have provided an explanation!

ZetaTalk Insights 9/7/2013: Both these designs are legitimate, which can be seen by the woven grain laid in directions and in a manner that human frauds cannot accomplish. Westkennett was laid on August 13, a day after the August trimester reached its peak on August 12. This is shown by the dial just past the touch point at the bottom of the design. It has no other meaning than to emphasize the magnetic trimesters, which is a ZetaTalk concept and found only in ZetaTalk lore. During this past trimester change, earthquakes notably increased to the extent that LISS was taken down for weeks.

Etchilhampton has a clear retrograde orbit flow pattern from the center - clockwise. This is the orbit direction of Planet X, aka Nibiru. But if viewed from the periphery, the counterclockwise direction of flow for the other planets in the solar system and the Sun itself is detected. What then are the three small planets clustered on the periphery? The Earth, Dark Twin, and Venus all normally sweep counterclockwise, propelled by the Sweeping Arms of the Sun. They are now all being pushed back by Planet X, and crowded together.

The Sun itself is shown as centered on a vortex to its side, out of view of the Earth. The grain swirl pattern of the Sun is centered on this vortex.  The lopsided coronal hole that appeared in 2013, lopsided compared to other years, is explained by the magnetic influence of Planet X pushing components in the inner Sun to the side and away from the magnetic presence of Planet X.  Though overall the size of the coronal hole is no larger than in other years, the manner in which it is clustered to one side is different

Completion The Complete Soltuion

Arcturian Conversations: A Call For Assistance - September 16, 2013

Yeshua: Enough Of Suffering - September 26, 2013

Arcturian Message: The First Landing - September 24, 2013

Ascended Master, Lady Nada: Establish Harmony Within Yourself - Septembe...

SaLuSa 27 september 2013 Galactic Federation of Light Channeller: MADAD

Saint Germain ~ Separation and Duality, energetic changes ~ 27 september...

SaLuSa, 27 settembre 2013 Channeller: MADAD Traduzione: Mario

СаЛуСa 24 09 2013 Передано через: МАДАД. Перевод: Марина

SaLuSa 24 de septiembre de 2013 Translator: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 26 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

Mazatzin Reveals Truths of the Aztec Calendar

Gila River Elder Asked by His Elders to Reveal Most Sacred Knowledge

Pow Wow Dancing at the 12-12-12 Star Knowledge Conference

Abraham Hicks ~ Activate the Vibration of more Money

Abraham Hicks ~ Using hypnosis to feel good

Reflect Radio Talk (Los Angeles) by Paramahamsa Nithyananda (31-Jul-2013)

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Ascended Master, Lady Nada's Weekly Message ~ September 26 -- October 03...

Anna Merkaba ~ Emotional Component of Clavicle Issues September 26, 2013

The energy coming to the planet now is transformational September 26, 20...

Saul, 18 Settembre 2013 canalizzato da John Smallman Traduzione: Teresa

Former Presidents Warn About the "Invisible Government" Running the Unit...

Past presidents of the United States and other high profile political leaders have repeatedly issued warnings over the last 214 years that the U.S. government is under the control of an “invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”

According to six of our former presidents, one vice-president, and a myriad of other high profile political leaders, an invisible government that is “incredibly evil in intent” has been in control of the U.S. government “ever since the days of Andrew Jackson” (since at least 1836). They “virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties… It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”

These warnings have been spoken even since our first president – George Washington. The last president to speak out was JFK, who was assassinated.

George Washington wrote that the Illuminati want to separate the People from their Government

“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. That Individuals of them may… actually desire a seperation [sic] of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.” – George Washington


“I sincerely believe, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.”-Thomas Jefferson 1816

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.- Theodore Roosevelt 1913

Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – Woodrow Wilson, 1913

The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings… Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe… no war ever posed a greater threat to our security.For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence- John F Kennedy 1961

“There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” – Daniel K. Inouye,1986

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 25 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

Jesús a Través de Juan septiembre 17, 2013 by John Smallman Traductor:...

Abraham Hicks ~ Why does Abraham have different voices?

Abraham Hicks ~ Is Abraham frustrated by our mundane questions?

Question all your answers! by Nithyananda

The Pleiadian Council of Light: Let Go of All Excuses - September 2013

The Pleiadians and the Arcturians: Your Evolution is Physical and Spirit...

Jesus: Autism Is Not A Handicap Or A Disability - September 25, 2013

Ascended Master, El Morya: Behold Your Internal Source of Power - Septe...

Ascended Master, Lady Quan Yin: Come Home to your Own Compassion - Septe...

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

PAO Webinar 41: Preview: Starseeds as Boosters for Humanity

Saúl en Español septiembre 15, 2013 by John Smallman Traductor: Rossan...

Jesús a Traves de Juan septiembre 8, 2013 by John Smallman Traductor: R...

Saúl en Español septiembre 18, 2013 Traductor: Rossana Carmona

Jesus 25 settembre 2013 canalizzato da John Smallman Traduzione: Silvia...

Breathe AIRE Webinar (2013 September 21)

Get the Right Solution

Military insiders: "Stock market crash in mid-October" -- Dr. Bill H. We...


This is an urgent update on what some of my sources have told me is being planned for the month of October:

* Planned stock market crash, Dow will drop "4000 points over seven business days"
* Martial Law will be instituted nationwide.
* Dollar will lose 40% of its value

My Intelligence Report is private and subscription-only, but I'm releasing this to the public at the urging and request of some of my family members and friends, because people have a right to know what's going on.

Dr. Bill H. Weld

Recorded in Charlotte, NC on September 23rd, 2013.


My August update:

ison! Egypt! bible! Sumerian! Human father, lord Enki !!

Ison! It appears in Egyptian paintings.

The paintings of the tail!, Which means the comet tail.
The Bible also predicts a comet.
Bible! It, human civilization, the Sumerian clay tablets record first!
Original text of the Bible
Theologians! Archaeologists! They do not deny.
Egypt! Where the father of the human race of Sumerian Records "lord Enki!"
His first son, "marduk" (Jesus Christ, Egypt, La)
He made the kingdom! "Egypt"
Old Testament!,
the of Egypt, Sumerian Records of the library,
Moses, it is a quote.
The Ten Commandments, it's Egypt "arc naton" King 18 commandments,
Only the name is changed.
"Arc naton": The parao "Tutankhamun" father. "
"Arc naton" King, 18 Commandments make a reason
Circumstances of the age!external forces Amen schools (self-proclaimed descendants of Judaic Satan) tries to stop the forces of expansion. It is the reason.
"Arc naton" After the death of the king,
His son, "totangkaten" the king is 10 years old.
His name, "Tutankhamun," the change, the history of Egypt,
Amen (self-proclaimed Jewish) want as the history of the evil plan.
King uses.
So, "totangkatan", the
"Tutankhamun" is.
And, Tutankhamun, the 18-year-old age when,
Amen schools (self-proclaimed Jewish people are descendants of Satan) is poisoned by.
Tutankhamun was the last of the Parao Son of God.
After that, the sons of Satan, parao is the ...
He then, Egypt Freemasonry, the Illuminati symbol that reason,
There is a reason why such a tragic ...
The symbol, that Egypt is the exact reason why ....
Because of this, the original lineage of Egypt,
The exact history, is changed.
And, lord Enki (God), their first son,
"marduk", to
Palace of the ecliptic 11 digits> "Aquarius"
When that time comes, will inherit all of the
That has promise.
Jesus! Inherit the kingdom of God to the vote
(Heaven: Planets form light starship) <can accommodate all mankind.
Jesus Christ, for his human family,
Gave up his life ...
In return, shall inherit the kingdom of heaven,
Also been guaranteed eternal life of mankind.
And for it to mankind,
Told me how to prepare it, and was shown preparation tool also.
But did not do the human race ....
Were stained with sin, rather than more,
Those tools, has been dismissed as religious.
Religion, he can maintain the best preparation tool carries, because that used is the way.
Religion, was a means only.
However, the human race could not understand it.
Meanwhile, the Freemasons, the illuminati (Satan and the fallen angels descended from the group (self-proclaimed Jewish people))
Satan <(planned destruction of the human race. Runs lord Enlil)
Fallen angels < (Did not return to Nibiru, Their offspring from the earth flourished, Nibiru people!)
Them, penetrate inside the church!
All information distortion, deformation, and even
They penetrate to the inside of the church!
Everything changes, distort.
People are unaware of these facts.
It is the biggest problem.
And the priest, has been in existence since the Sumerians.
And, lord Enki father of mankind!
He, the water god!,Guardians of priests fighting demons!
And, symbolizing Jesus Christ!, Fish, water, a ritual, the devil fighting force, pray!
Catholic symbol, a symbol of Jesus Christ!
Do I need to say anymore?
The Vatican, and all are aware of.
But humanity greatly deceived.
And Pope Benedict XVI!
know all of these facts.
He was young,
Sumerian Ruins Excavation Commission!
He knows.
Jesus Christ (marduk = Egypt, La), lord Enki (God),
The return of the Messiah, two people of the earth .......
Benedict XVI! His, 14.02.2013!
was posted on Facebook.
"Brothers and sisters! Soon so I'll tell you the good news"
He then, the Vatican is a retirement .
Catholic prayer, "Eucharist", "confession",
It is not for religious purposes.
This, they are a gift to humanity.
To keep it, religion is used a method called.
Otherwise, the gifts are easily altered and
May be easily neglected
And the descendants of Satan (illuminati, Freemasons)
They did not stay.
Penetrate into the inside of a church, distortion, deformation, which
They penetrated the inside of the church,
Committed to carrying all kinds of evil things,
Currently, one out of their false prophet!
Church of the self which is the highest place, the Pope's
Are in place.
This last is one of the signs of the times.
However, the true last Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, a holy gift to humanity They tool, with Latin prayers, the Eucharist, confession, Latin Mass,
Unmodified it attempts to maintain a pure state and still is working.
Therefore, the Vatican is to persecute him,
Persecution is still ......
Humanity should be ashamed.
Now, you must know the human race.
Seal of God in the Book of Revelation!
Seal of God!
It is the name of God.
God's name,
lord Enki!
It is the name of our father.
Do not ignore anymore.
The truth is not simply sweet.
Then, 2000 years ago, original Bible, "naghammadi"
It, "Thomas Gospel"
There, these are right.
"To know the beginning, the end can know."
The beginning of the human race, is Sumerian.
And Sumerian, the
God and human beings who co-exist,
The first civilization
Humanity, his understanding of the origin!, Identify and prepare future events!
Is important.
However, human beings do not even care.
This phenomenon, humanity, need to be ashamed.
To find their own sources!, And identify future!
It is the most important.
The human race, what clothes to wear, what you want to obtain a job,
Rather than worrying about what food eat at,
Worried about the state of his soul must
stops now.
Also reported the sky! Land report!
Look at your soul!
Black turned abandoned, deserted became your soul ....
The young child is crying .....
The child is crying.
Do you see?
Now you, take care of the child.
And that kid wear, your
Do you find pure children.
A living issue, the latter is the story.
Now, this is a more important issue.
The soul of humanity is dying of starvation.
Please know this.
The body will rot.
But the soul is immortal.
Body, the clothes.
And, the soul, it is worn.
Whenever a change of clothes to wear,
The soul goes ripe.
Physical death brings eternal death, Iran
Does not exist.
This, they lie to mankind is one of the largest.
The human race, there is never a dead enemy.
Soul, one does not disappear,
You can not never die.
last period, the referee, the
Eternal death is the appropriate people will be present.
But They, the
the one person They also do not want to die.
The reason is simple.
Both the child and the family is because.
Middle East! There, the
Flood, after the incident,
ziusudra (lord Enki, the son of the first man white),
The Sons of Cain (lord Enki human The first son "adapa"
first son "Cain")
And, lord Enlil, and people of the earth Nibiru human (Satan and the fallen angels in the Bible (without having to go back to Nibiru,
The children of those who thrive on the earth))
one place they flourished, and a new residence of the gods is the
Among them, Egypt, Syria,
ziusudra of the descendants, the descendants of Cain,
Is one place they flourished,
Borrowing the name of Israel to live,
(Self-proclaimed Jewish) Satan's offspring,
And Iraq,
Enlil, Nibiru, and is one of the offspring of a thriving,
Currently, Israel, the United States, western countries why they want to attack Syria,
There is a hidden reason for this.
In addition, Syria,
Jesus Christ is the Son of Man was born in the country,
That country's language, Aramaic, the
He was using own lifetime is one of the languages .
And recently, genetic engineering team at Harvard!
Their findings, human dna in God "Message"
It Aramaic letters written to 22!
Its contents, "Hi, my children?, I say God is the Lord.
The truth is you learned.
Now I shall move the over the world. Inform to the world! "
This is the content.
Reality and, importantly, to think of objectivity,
It is true that scientists recognize.
Israel (Judaic self-proclaimed)
They know it, and
Jesus Christ, the Crucifixion to which,
Is the real reason.
They hate Jesus Christ and,
Was brutally executed.
The human race, you will need to know the identity of the Jewish people.
Judaism, the calf worship (idolatry)
Enlil grandson of Sumerian Records, utu is the symbol of
That mankind is unaware.
It, the human race has not been created for the purpose of slavery.
The most wise discreet,
Enki is the lord of wisdom.
King of Nibiru "anu" and,
His first son ,"enki" project,"!
It's, you know the sorrow of the first son
"anu"His love was the plan.
The plan, "anu" consent of the king,
Possible and,
Implicitly aware of that fact,
Formal successor, Enlil, the succession to the throne of his
The risk is extremely hated humanity
And to make a slave,
Nibiru King "anu" blood and,
Nibiru Prince "enki" the dna,
Is not required.
You, through the above information,
Can be inferred.
Ripe soul of humanity
They reason that a comeback,
Now come true because of the Holy Family.
However, the human race has changed blackened soul.
Because of that, the soul is an urgent purification.
And, in the future global catastrophe happens, and
Satan and the fallen angels on earth (Illuminati, Freemasons), the persecution of the human race!,
The earth is covered in the current,
Evil spirits!
Save the human family, the Holy Family is to achieve.
Mankind, the earth constantly by all the evil forces,
Have been completely fooled.
Humanity has been deceived.
Now, our father, in order to free their children, wipe the tears,
Our Father!
Unleashing the children
Wipe the tears !
Came back.
Now I get up ,
Father's compassionate,
Full of love, Hold hands warm.
If you do, your soul,
Will be in the love of the Father.
They see you in ,
If a child is left with.
Pure soul like a little child!
Get ready.
Translation jagged points. Understanding please.
Sooner or later we will resend correctly.!
My site:
European Messenger site
from:South Korea 

Ison! Egypt! bible! Sumerian! Human father, lord Enki 360p)
by nibiru dumuchi 

It appears in Egyptian paintings.
Egyptian murals, and its tail,
Refers to the tail of a comet.
The Bible also comet! Predict.
The first Sumerian civilization of mankind!
Father of mankind,
lord Enki!
His first son,
"marduk" (Egypt, La,jesus christ)
He founded the kingdom. Egypt.
lord Enki (God) the Father,
Palace 11th place ecliptic "Aquarius"
When the times, their first son,
Must promised everything.
God! Him to Jesus Christ
Inherit the kingdom of heaven was
lord gods Enki father ! 40!
Jesus Christ 40 !
Prophets in the Bible, Acts of the 40 prophets!
Father Enki, the water god! , The god of order!
And of the priests chasing ghosts !
guardian deity!
The priest, has been in existence since the Sumerians.
And the symbol of all Catholics, Fish! Water!
And the Vatican is to know everything.
Sumerian wall murals, human father Enki!
On the one hand, "a large pineal"!
Are holding.
Vatican symbol! Exhibits! "Large pineal"
Staff of the Pope! "Large pineal"
Benedict XVI!
He, when young
Sumerian ruins Excavation Committee !
He knew!
Jesus Christ! (Marduk), lordenki (God)
The return of the Messiah, the fact that two people ......
He, Feb. 14, on Facebook
"Brothers and sisters! So I have a good news to you I'll tell him!"
He then, the Vatican has let him retire.
lord Enki descendants (human), lord Enlil, Nibiru fallen descent (self-proclaimed Jewish people Freemasonry, the Illuminati)
Middle East! (Battlefield of the gods, God and Satan's battleground)
lord Enki! must try to rescue humanity.
Enlil, lord! that to destroy the human race.
Revelation! Ongoing!
Both are "ing"
Bible! Chronology of the gods is the earth.
Note that "for the warning," the day of the event!
It is December 13.
Prepare for the soul.
Mankind in the day, to see the state of his soul will be
You will be shocked.
How to Prepare for, and what will happen soon!
Ask me a message.
Inform in detail.
My site:
from:South Korea

Il manoscritto di sopravvivenza -- Parte 357 21 settembre 2013 by Aisha ...

Jesus 20 Settembre 2013 canalizzato da John Smallman Traduzione: Silvia...

The manuscript of survival -- part 358 September 25, 2013 Channeler: Ai...


Jesus September 25, 2013 Channeled by John Smallman

High Council of Orion September-21-2013

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 24 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

Galactic Federation Update - September 24, 2013

Creation Energies: Testing Your New Communications Skills - September 17...

Creation Energies: Stop Wishing - Create Now - September 24, 2013

Abraham Hicks ~ I want to be happy inspite of everything

Abraham Hicks ~ Feel your way to abundance

Abraham Hicks ~ Debt elimination process

Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle September-24-2013

The Pleiadians and the Arcturians Your Evolution is Physical and Spiritu...

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Transition 24 September 2013

Hold the peak possibility for everyone by Nithyananda

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

SaLuSa 24 settembre 2013 Channeller: MADAD Traduzione: Mario

francaise Montague Keen 15 Septembre, 2013 Traduction: Danièle & Isabelle

Council of Light: September Equinox, 2013 - Rebirth - September 15, 2013

The Constant Companions: A Short Update On The Energies - September 23, ...

Council of One: You Hold the Geometries of What Is Sacred - September 2013

Saint Germain: Essential Guidance - September 19, 2013

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: The Sky is the Limit - September 23, 2013

Galactic Federation of Light Yeshua September-23-2013

4 Strings Take Me Away (House Brothers Mix)

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 23 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

Abraham Hicks ~ Why do men have nipples? Why do we have an appendix?

Abraham Hicks ~ Esther's last words to Kate

Abraham Hicks ~ The Hawk, the ground hog, the monster bus & Esther

Abraham Hicks ~ Why does Abraham refer to themselves as "We"

Arcangelo Michele e Yeshua 22 settembre 2013 da Ron Head Traduzione: Sp...

The energies -- The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 23, 2013

Message from Ascended Master, Lady Quan Yin September 23, 2013 by: Juli...

A short update on the energies September 23, 2013

Natalie Glasson -- Essential Guidance By Saint Germain -- 23 September 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Mastery 23 September 2013

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ The Sky is the Limit ~ September 23, ...

Sirian Archangel Hermes 9 21 13 21 September 2013 Channeler: Sirian Arc...

SaLuSa 24 september 2013 Galactic Federation of Light Channeller: MADAD

Pleiadian Council of Light September 23, 2013 by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Galactic Federation of Light Saint Germain September-23-2013

Monday, 23 September 2013

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 22 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

Archangel Gabriel's Daily Messages - September 15 21, 2013

Melchizedek: God Knows All Truths - September 22, 2013

Enriching raises your frequency

Nithyananda speaks on His bone fracture fracture

Office Of Poofness "We've Only Just Begun" 09/22/2013

Essence - Jim Oliver

猫 バシャール Cats, Bashar

Abraham Hicks ~ Why am I stuck on the subject of money?

Abraham Hicks ~ How Voodoo Works

Ascended Master, Serapis Bey: When You're Determined, Anything Is Possib...

Ascended Master, Sanat Kumara: Love Is the Answer - September 21, 2013

SaLuSa 20 09 2013 Canalisé par MADAD Traductrice : Martine

СаЛуСa 20 09 2013 Передано через: МАДАД. Перевод: Марина

Sunday, 22 September 2013



Here is a grid that they showed to me. If you wish you can lay this over the earth where the 37thparallel is located so that the Geothite is on the 37th parallel.



Aventurine is a stone of prosperity.  It re


inforces leadership qualities and decisiveness.  Promotes compassion and empathy.  Encourages perseverance.  Aventurine relieves stammers and severe neuroses.  It stabilises one’s state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity.  Aids in seeing alternatives and possibilities.  Calms anger and irritation.  Promotes feelings of well-being.  Aventurine balances male-female energy.  It encourages regeneration of the heart.  Protects against environmental pollution.

Aventurine benefits the thymus gland and nervous system.  It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol.  Aventurine has an anti-inflammatory effect and eases skin eruptions, allergies, migraines, and soothes the eyes.  It heals lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular and urogenital systems.

p_blue_agate_thin_1Blue Agat: Blue Lace Agate Gemstone meaning

Blue lace agate is one of the rarest and most popular of the agates.

This is a calming, uplifting stone. The blue color strengthens the function of the throat chakra and encourages peace. It can be used wherever there is a build up of painful or irritated energy.

Healing properties of blue lace agate

Wear or carry blue lace agate for peace and happiness. Place it in your hand when you feel the need to de-stress. If you find yourself in stressful situations at work or home, keep some blue lace agate on your desk and simply gaze at it for relief.

In the home, surround blue lace agate stones with light blue candles to calm the atmosphere and reduce family quarrels.

Goethite is a stone for this time, as its strong energy helps you make a connection with the earth. This stone may benefit you if you have been effected by the earth changes.


This is an excellent stone to help you if you have lost a loved one as it has a strong vibration that aids you to heal grief.

It helps you to open yourself up to love and compassion, aids emotional hea

ling and helps you to release past life feelings and energy that no longer benefit you.

It assists you to be easy on yourself as you do this. It is unusual, in that it is strongly grounding, yet has metaphysical attributes that facilitate contact with spirit via the higher chakras.

Goethite stimulates the mind to move into the stage of recognition, into knowing the need to face, sort through and let go of any shadows of the self that have been previously trapped away.

11910Himalayan_crystal_saltHimalayan Crystal

Ancient Ocean’s ‘Himalayan’ crystal salt is more than salt, it is the energy of the primordial sea, the Earth, the Sun and stars. Once sought by Emperors, Kings and Sultans, this salt is more than mere salt, it is a trace mineral supplement, full of essential hard to find ionic minerals in colloidal form and perfectly crystallized into Halite, the inherent original structure of the salt molecule. If it’s Himalayan salt and it isn’t Halite, it isn’t Himalayan salt.

In modern spiritual circles, salt is said to enhance good will, elevate moods and diminish negativity. It can assist in dispelling feelings of abandonment and incite initiative and independence. Salt can also help the user deal with unforeseen events and allows one to draw on experiences, sometimes from past lives, to deal with today’s problems. Halite Salt stimulates the acupressure/acupuncture meridians and can be used to preserve them as well. It can be used to treat disorders of the colon and lower intestinal tract. Halite also augments strength during physical activities. It should not be placed on the abdominal area during pregnancy, but can be used in any other area. When an indigo blue inclusion occurs within a halite crystal, it is especially useful for Pisces. Indigo halite encourages psychic powers, mysticism, and intuition. It is useful in treating disorders of the thalamus, thymus, and thyroid. The pink to cranberry form of halite is especially good when working with the heart chakra. Pink Halite’s energy activates cleansing on the physical and emotional level. The energy is similar to Rose Quartz but has a much stronger cleansing effect on our tissues. It has a peaceful calming energy that uplifts the heart and helps to eradicate emotional “noise.”

WHAT NUMBER 37 MEANS according to Joanne (

The number 37 is made up of a combination of the vibrations of the number 3 and number 7.  Number 3 resonates with the energies of joy, inspiration and creativity, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, talent and skills, sensitivity and self-expression. Number 3 is the number of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that they are currently involved in your life.  The Ascended Masters are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within, and are helping you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others.  They are also assisting with manifesting your desires.  The number 7 carries the attributes of mysticism, persistence of purpose and knowledge, ‘the Collective Consciousness’, spiritual awareness, spiritual enlightenment and development, intuition and inner-wisdom, psychic abilities and understanding of others.

Angel Number 37 is a message from your angels that you are currently travelling along the right ‘life path’, and you are encouraged to persist in this vein.  The Ascended Masters are with you giving you guidance and assistance when needed.

Angel Number 37 is a message of ‘congratulations’ from your angels and the Ascended Masters.  They are most pleased with the path you have chosen to take and offer you their assistance and guidance.  Your clear connection with the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters is ensuring a strong channel of communication and you are receiving Divine guidance every step of the way.  Call upon the angels whenever you feel the need for help and support.  You are encouraged to continue on your current path.

The repeating Angel Number 37 is a message that you have the angels and Masters working alongside you, helping you to manifest positive abundance and auspicious opportunities into your life. You are being rewarded for past efforts and work well done.

Limitless -- The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 22, 2013

Melchizedek's Weekly Message ~ September 22 -- 29, 2013

Archangel Michael, September 22, 2013

Imperfections, Frailties, and Failures A Place of Possibility Septembe...

Ariah Velasquez ~ The Pleiadians -- It Was Always You -- 21 September 2013

SaLuSa 20 de septiembre de 2013 Translator: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn (in Lov...

Life is never unfair!

Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion September-21-2013

Archangeloi of the Elohim September-22-2013


Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 21 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 20 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

Abraham Hicks ~ Hell Yes!

Abraham Hicks ~ Universe, bring me someone who is a match for who I am b...

Abraham Hicks ~ It's hard to be a single parent

Abraham Hicks ~ There is nothing we were meant to do for ever

Abraham Hicks ~ Wishful thinking

Archangel Uriel: Release Your Soul Promises Now - September 16, 2013

Archangel Michael: We Continue To Be But A Breath Away, A Thought Away, ...

The Constant Companions: The Manuscript Of Survival - Part 356 - Septemb...

Ascended Master, El Morya: You are the Destiny - September 17, 2013

Ascended Master, Lady Nada: Open Up To Your Own Unlimited Potential - Se...

Jesus: Your Ability To Understand And Learn Is Limitless - September 20,...

Master Lanto: You Are Full and Conscious Divine Beings - September 19, 2013

The Hathors of Earth: Dissipated Veils, Finding Compassion & Understandi...

The Constant Companions: The Manuscript Of Survival - Part 357 - Septemb...

Hilarion's Weekly Message - September 21 28, 2013

Jeshua: Levels of Connection with Your Soul - September 11, 2013

Jeshua: Two Types of Darkness - September 13, 2013

The Hathors of Earth's Solar Astral Planes September 21, 2013

Hilarion's Weekly Message, September 21 28,2013 21 September 2013

Message from Ascended Master, Sanat Kumara September 21, 2013

I am with you -- The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 21, 2013

The manuscript of survival -- part 357 September 21, 2013

SaLuSa by Laura Multidimensionalocean 19 Sept 2013

Responsibility makes you a hero!

Galactic Federation of Light Archangel Metatron September-9-2013

Friday, 20 September 2013

Benjamin Fulford - ... And Now I See

Jesus September 20, 2013 Channeled by John Smallman

Equinox energies over the weekend ~ September 20, 2013 by Anrita Melchi...

Galactic Federation of Light Jesus September-20-2013

Arcangelo Metatron 19 Settembre 2013 by Méline Lafont Traduzione: Spir...

Metatron as channeled by Méline Lafont on September 19, 2013

"Send That Negativity Packing!" A Mini Reading For September 20, 2013 B...

SaLuSa 20 september 2013 Galactic Federation of Light Channeller: MADAD

SaLuSa 20 Settembre 2013 Channeller: MADAD Traduzione: Mario

Ascended Master, Serapis Bey's Weekly Message ~ September 20 -- 27, 2013

Arcangelo Michele 18 settembre 2013 da Ron Head Traduzione: SpiritoLibe...

Lindsey Williams - Healing the Elite Way - A Must See For All

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 19 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

Abraham Hicks ~ How to get Extra-ordinary Results

Abraham Hicks ~ Eradicating the unwanted

Benjamin Fulford September 19 2013 - Karen Hudes "misspeaks and Ben Fulf...

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Lindsey Williams - 2013 May - New Signs A Must For All

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 18 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

The manuscript of survival -- part 356 September 19, 2013 Channeler: Ai...

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Your Guidance 18 September 2013

Ascended Master, Lady Nada's Weekly Message ~ September 19 -- 26, 2013

Archangeloi of the Elohim September-19-2013

AIRE is Romancing with Life!

Abraham Hicks ~ The victim & the victimizer are on the same grid disc

Apple iOS 7 iPhone 5S NSA Edition Commercial

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The Hathors of Earth's Astral Planes September-18-2013

The Constant Companions: The Manuscript Of Survival - Part 355 - Septemb...

Galactic Federation Update - Channeled by Sheldan Nidle - September 17, ...

Pleiades High Council: Sept 18 24 - Purification Process - September 16,...

The Hathors Dissipated Veils, Finding Compassion and Understanding your ...

IMAGINATION TO CLEAR EMOTIONS Peggy Black & Team 18 September 2013


September Equinox, 2013 Birth of the Christ Consciousness Grid 15 Sept...

Archangel Michael, September 18, 2013 channelled: Ron Head

Jesus: The Results Of The Collapse Of The Dark's Nefarious Agendas Are C...

Saul: Please Make Sure To Spend Time Meditating Each Day - Without Fail ...

Celestial White Beings: The Pain of Ascension - September 13, 2013

Abraham Hicks ~ Looking for evidence of manifestation

Galactic Federation of Light SEPTEMBER 17 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jac...

Mother Mary with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene September-16-2013

Anrita Melchizedek, Council of Orion September-17-15-2013

Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle September-17-2013

Jesus September 17, 2013 Channeled by John Smallman

Message from Adama of Telos and Inner Earth via Goldenlight September 16...

Saul 18 september 2013 Channeled by John Smallman

Abraham Hicks ~ Siblings and Twins

Mother Mary with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Divine Inspiration - Septemb...

Montague's Message - September 15, 2013

A Message from White Cloud & the Light Collective - September 13, 2013

The Arcturian Group - September 15, 2013

Enrich your Inner Space

Hinduism - The Answer to the Great 'WHY?'

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Abraham Hicks - Having fun on the way

Queen of Lemuria September-15th through 23rd-2013

Ascended Master, El Morya's Weekly Message ~ September 17 -- 24, 2013 by...

Abraham Hicks ~ V-mail and V-cloud communication

Completion destroys fear of Change

Comet ISON Debris Hitting Earth Now (NASA Preparing?)How Many Fireballs… How many comets? Come On People… Use Your Brains! Sick Of All The Lies?Extreme Drought! What’s The Truth? Wake Up America-

Meteor fall
© Unknown
Translated by
Radio Tataouine has revealed information about the fall of a meteorite on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2013 at around 20.15, in southern Tunisia at the town of Remada (Tataouine governorate). The locality was visited by Marzouki [editor: the interim President of Tunesia] a few days ago!
It happened shortly after 8 pm, when the deafening noise of three explosions rocked the entire region, which lies at the heart of a military buffer area created by the army.
Residents who feared the worst, given the magnitude of the explosions, were somewhat appeased by the intervention of the armed groups and the national guard who rushed to the scene of the impact and stated that it was actually a fall from a celestial body in this uninhabited area.
There is certainly a lot going on in this declared closed area!  source

Sick Of All The Lies? ISON, Volcanoes, Extreme Drought! What’s The Truth?

According to this newly released compilation video from Jason A and testimony within this video from the Reverend Michelle Hopkins on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, the Earth is already being pelted with debris associated with Comet ISON. With ISON still out beyond the planet Mars, is THIS what we have to look forward to in the coming months and is NASA busy preparing for ISON as is argued in this video?

Comet ISON Debris Hitting Earth Now (NASA Preparing)

How Many Fireballs… How many comets? Come On People… Use Your Brains!


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