Audio Track.
Issue 322.
Polar Ice Conundrum
Why would Arctic ice be melting, faster than any Global Warming model predicted, while Antarctic is gaining ice, an “expanding” ice field?Dark Twin Crowds Close![]()
- NASA Study on Antarctic ice Melt
September 21, 2007 Areas where melting occurred for a greater number of days are indicated in darker shades of red. Areas where persistent melting took place are shown in darker shades of green.
- Melting Polar Ice Will Raise Sea Levels Over 4.5 ft by 2100
December 1, 2009 Apparently, the bulk of the melting is accelerating in the western part of Antarctica, where hotter waters are eating away at the ice. The warmer water is getting under the edges of the West Antarctic ice sheet and accelerating the flow of ice into the ocean.
- Satellites Reveal Why Antarctic Sea Ice Grows as Arctic Melts
November 11, 2012 The mystery of the expansion of sea ice around Antarctica, at the same time as global warming is melting swaths of Arctic sea ice, has been solved using data from US military satellites. Two decades of measurements show that changing wind patterns around Antarctica have caused a small increase in sea ice, the result of cold winds off the continent blowing ice away from the coastline. The Arctic is losing sea ice five times faster than the Antarctic is gaining it, so, on average, the Earth is losing sea ice very quickly. In places where warm winds blowing from the tropics towards Antarctica had become stronger, sea ice was being lost rapidly. But in other areas, sea ice was being added as sea water left behind ice being blown away from the coast froze.
- Ending Its Summer Melt, Arctic Sea Ice Sets a New Low That Leads to Warnings
September 19, 2012 The apparent low point for 2012 was reached Sunday, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, which said that sea ice that day covered about 1.32 million square miles, or 24 percent, of the surface of the Arctic Ocean. The previous low, set in 2007, was 29 percent.
- Arctic Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise May Pose Imminent Threat To Island Nations
October 5, 2012 Current melting trends show sea ice is declining faster than the models predict. Per the Zetas, the answer lies in the Earth wobble, which is simultaneously creating a rapidly melting Arctic while causing Antarctic to refreeze as fast as it melts.
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/17/2012: The ice melt in the Arctic and refreeze in Antarctica is due to the Earth wobble, which is vertical over the Pacific. When the Sun is over N America, the N Pole is pulled down, so that the warm Pacific waters are pushed through the Bearing Straits into the Arctic. This has resulted in the past in kelp and algae being found, floating in the Arctic. When the Sun is over the Pacific, a reverse vertical wobble occurs, the N Pole being shoved away by the hose of magnetic particles from Planet X. Antarctica is then pushed up into the warm Pacific waters of the South Seas, which then run under the ice fields of Antarctica and cause melting and large chunks of ice to break off, set adrift.
That Antarctica is simultaneously thawing in this manner and then refreezing can only be explained by the wobble, as re-freezing occurs when the globe is tipped down so Antarctica has been pushed far into the cold and the dark, away from the warm waters of the South Pacific. Therein lies the threat, as the wobble explains it all, and can be ascertained by the public if they examine the placement of the Sun during the day. Rushing in to assert that Global Warming is alive and well is the ridiculous excuse for satellite failure – the thermosphere is contracting. Of course the common man cannot determine this for themselves, but is expected to register that the experts claim that Global Warming is causing satellite failure. The theatre of the absurd will not go away, and they have now sent in the clowns.
Notice the curious relationship between the date of the article above titled “Satellites Reveal Why Antarctic Sea Ice Grows as Arctic Melts” and the article below. Both published on the same date. Is there some reason for the rush to relate satellite failure to Global Warming on the same day that the poles seem to indicate that Global Warming is flawed? The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/17/2012: Why does the cover-up persist, when Obama is intent upon revealing the truth about the Earth changes, revealing that Planet X, aka Nibiru, is the cause? We stated that the announcement had only a 93% chance of succeeding, due to the intense reluctance of many whose hands were on the cover-up, and until and even after the announcement this crowd hopes to confuse the issue. All who participated in the cover-up – NASA on the presence of Planet X and the role of solar flares, the Global Warming crowd on the cause of weather extremes, the USGS on earthquake strength – all hope that the public continues to be confused about the cause of these events.
- Atmospheric CO2 Risks Increasing Space Junk: Study
November 11, 2012 Atmospheric CO2 risks increasing space junk: study,
A build-up of carbon dioxide in the upper levels of Earth’s atmosphere risks causing a faster accumulation of man-made space junk and resulting in more collisions. While it causes warming on Earth, CO2 conversely cools down the atmosphere and contracts its outermost layer, the thermosphere, where many satellites including the International Space Station (ISS) operate. A contracted thermosphere, in turn, reduces atmospheric “drag” on satellites. A cooler troposphere will extend the lifetime of space junk — staying farther out for longer instead of burning up in the lower layers of the atmosphere, closer to Earth. We would see some effects on services provided from space if an important satellite was destroyed by a collision.
Thus they emerge when any information pointing to the Earth wobble or the presence of a magnetic or gravity giant nearby is about to hit the news. The simultaneous reporting of Arctic melt with an increase in ice buildup in Antarctica was such a threat, suggesting that the Global Warming excuse does not suffice. If the air is getting warmer, worldwide, then why is Antarctica not melting? The cover-up crowd rushed into the fray, immediately, with speculation that points to Global Warming again. This battle will frankly never be put to rest, as the cover-up crowd will become more shrill while the evidence of Planet X becomes more apparent.
The Earth’s Dark Twin is back in evidence, this time crowding closer to the Earth. The Dark Twin is normally behind the Sun, directly opposite the Earth in their shared orbit, so was not known to the public though NASA was aware of it. When the Earth encountered Planet X in her path in late 2003, and halted in her orbit, the Dark Twin emerged from behind the Sun and was captured on film at that time, as well as seen naked eye. When it came close to the Earth in their shared orbit, it too halted, and was seldom seen as it is a black hunk of rock, and sunlight no longer reflected directly from it toward Earth. It was most often captured in recent years as a Monster Persona, not the true size but the appearance when light bends out from the Dark Twin and then returns back to Earth by gravity pull, making the object seem larger than it is in reality. The Zetas warned that the Dark Twin might attempt to fall behind the Earth, and move ahead of the Earth in their shared orbit.Plates on the Move![]()
ZetaTalk Warning 4/14/2012: Where the Dark Twin should be riding to the West, behind the Earth in their shared orbit, we had warned that the twin would tend to move behind the Earth as these planets are squeezed in the cup, and thence escape by moving back into space behind the Earth, passing the Earth in their shared orbit. At present, the twin is caught behind the Earth in their shared orbit.
Now the Dark Twin is showing up on a November 2, 2012 video, not as a pale large object, not as a Monster Persona, but in its true size!![]()
ZetaTalk Comment 11/17/2012: The Dark Twin has fallen behind the Earth, and is trying to pass the Earth in their shared orbit. The Dark Twin is not a magnetic planet, and where it is caught along with Venus and the Earth in the crab-like pincers of the eddy flow of particles coming round Planet X, it is not in a magnetic dance. If fact, being farther out into space, and shielded by the Earth, the Dark Twin has more of a chance of escaping the crab-like pincers, as the particle flows dispel and dilute out in space. How close to the Earth will the Dark Twin come, while trying to pass the Earth in their shared orbit? No closer than it is at present, nor will visibility of this black hunk of rock increase if it does in fact manage to push past the Earth.
Seemingly simultaneously, the Dark Twin started to show up regularly as a black dot on the magnetosphere images. Created from data from various satellites which orbit the Lagrange spot between the Earth and Sun, or orbit round the Earth at the sides, the magnetosphere simulation is done via computer programs who model the data. Computer programs of course only know what their programmers have told them, and the Dark Twin is not in their knowledge base! Thus, per the Zetas, each satellite gets a 2D view of the Dark Twin, and does its best to figure out where the Dark Twin lies in a 3D view.
- WIND Space Craft Wind was launched on November 1, 1994 and is the first of two NASA spacecraft in the Global Geospace Science initiative and part of the ISTP Project. It was deployed to study radio and plasma that occur in the solar wind and in the Earth's magnetosphere before the solar wind reaches the Earth. The spacecraft's original mission was to orbit the Sun at the L1 Lagrangian point, but this was delayed when the SOHO and ACE spacecraft were sent to the same location. WIND has been at L1 continuously since 2004.
- Space no Place for Cheap Satellites
December 15, 2004 Solar, Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer satellite (SAMPLEX), whose orbit criss-crosses the radiation belts.
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/17/2012: Is this the Dark Twin, making an appearance on the NASA magnetosphere BATSRUS images just to the right or left of the Earth on the images? It is indeed, but why is it moving about? The composition of the Earth is shown as a black circle, central to the modeled images. It should be no surprise that objects formed of rock, such as Venus, the Moon, or the Dark Twin would show up also as a black dot. Venus is far enough away to be excluded, and the Earth’s Moon is too small to be included, but the Dark Twin is closer to the Earth than Venus, and is as large as the Earth. Thus the particle flows from the Dark Twin are not ignored by the computer programs employed by the BATSRUS model.
What do the various positions of the Dark Twin on these images imply about the position of the Dark Twin during these dates, which show the Dark Twin switching about between the right and the left in the images, either in front of or behind the Earth. Satellites collecting data are not taking a picture of what is at a distance, they are recording particle flows in their vicinity, and can misjudge for elements they were never programmed to consider. The Dark Twin is directly behind the Earth at present, and closer to the Earth than ever before. But satellites behind the Earth and to one side will interpret a 2D particle flow view of these two hunks of rock as being side by side, or this or that one ahead of the other. This is a program failure, a modeling failure, on how to interpret a 2D image into a 3D model.
Does the presence of the Dark Twin, crowding the Earth into the arms of Planet X, have anything to do with the increase in earthquakes? The Zetas long ago predicted the ricochet effect that the crowding of planets in front of Planet X would produce, as this 2004 diagram shows. Has this time arrived?![]()
ZetaTalk Prediction 4/14/2004: Each such impact that forces the Earth into the arms of Planet X creates more tilting and leaning and magnetic grip. In that the Earth cannot back up away from Planet X, but may in fact rebound into it when encountering her Dark Twin at her backside while attempting to do so, it will increasingly engage in the magnetic play that is inevitable between the Earth and Planet X. Tilting and leaning or aligning with the bully magnet that Planet X represents will occur, with ricochet effects and twirling possible to an extent we decline to reveal at this time. If the Earth has been able to avoid Planet X as it creeps forward up to this point by backing up, what would cause the extreme pole shifts that her geology attests to? She is trapped, and the magnets engage, and the Earth, inevitably, is the loser.
The 7 of 10 is in process, though has been slowed down by the humming boxes along fault lines. The African roll continues to pull the Mediterranean floor to the East with more land cracks in Spain emerging on November 11, 2012Internet Slowdown![]()
Cracks appeared around the world – in Costa Rica and Viet Nam - for no reason other than plate movements which are firmly denied by the establishment.
- New Land Cracks Opened in Totana and Cotillo
November 11, 2012 The crack extends along the industrial park in the direction of the sport city Valverde Reina; It has a length of more than 300 meters and a depth of more than two metres in some places. Crack appeared two days ago and opens gradually in recent days, reaching a width of 40 to 50 cm in some places. Recall, that in the past month in area Puerto Lumbreras, has already appeared a land crack 1.5 kilometers in length.
- Costa Rica: Huge Cracks Began to Show
October 26, 2012 Authorities still do not know how to repair the sinking.
Earthquakes are occurring worldwide, not just on one plate border but outlining almost every plate! Are they all on the move, simultaneously? The S American Plate is rolling, the Caribbean Plate is being crushed, the N American Plate is bowing, certainly the Indo-Australian Plate and the Philippine Plate are in a crunch, and quakes dot across the Eurasian Plate to the spot where it meets the Arabian Plate. What’s left? Antarctica is having a breather, at least on November 15, 2012, the date this snapshot was taken, as is Africa.
- Viet Nam: Serious Land Subsidence in Lam Dong Province
November 16, 2012 The average width of 20 m, the arc length of about 200 m, a depth of 7-10m
What is commonly known as the Pacific Plate is, per the Zetas, actually four plates. On November 15 buoy 46413 was throbbing for no ostensible reason. But per the Zetas this buoy lies on the Northern Pacific Plate, which is rising, as is Hawaii, during the compression of the Pacific.![]()
ZetaTalk Description 6/2010: The Pacific Plate is assumed to be a single plate, but it is not. Hawaii, which rides higher after every major adjustment in the area, is rising, and this can only be the case if there is subduction of a plate somewhere, pushing the plate that Hawaii rides on up. The Society Island are on a chain that forms a line with the Hawaii Islands, and such a rise is not a coincidence. This is also a fault line, where a plate that is subducting under the Americas is rising commensurately along these island chains. There is a fault line running from Kamchatka to the Society Islands, and both will rise during the pole shift.
And of course volcanoes active during the week of November 7-13, 2012 show the stress along the plate borders where quakes have occurred – the infamous Ring of Fire around the Pacific.![]()
If the charged tail of Planet X can cause static on the radio, interrupt satellite traffic for cable TV, and increase the likelihood of brownouts and surges in electrical grids, can it slow down the Internet? Per the Zetas, it can indeed. In fact, such slowdowns are with us now, and will only get worse.![]()
- Today, Nov 6, 16 major US internet hubs are down. I work in a computer lab and a lot of people have been complaining all day about the internet being slow and unresponsive, as well as people complaining in a couple of forums that I saw. What’s the cause?
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/10/2012: The Internet functions at the level it does because there are many routes for a packet to travel, so that if one route fails, another is tried. Then the packets are pieced together on the receiving end. The Internet also repeats a send if a packet is damaged or not received. There is a conversation going on where the sending site anticipates a return receipt, and it if does not get it, retries. Clearly, as electromagnetic surge and brownout occurs during wafting of the charged tail of Planet X, Internet traffic from Earth to satellite and back again can experience damaged packets. Earthbound electronics can also falter or be glitched. If static occurs on phone lines or via satellite cable TV, Internet packets can be damaged. The Earth wobble also affects traffic, as satellites will not be where expected periodically, requiring a search to align with the satellite repeatedly during the day.
- Packet Loss Some network transport protocols such as TCP provide for reliable delivery of packets. In the event of packet loss, the receiver asks for retransmission or the sender automatically resends any segments that have not been acknowledged. Although TCP can recover from packet loss, retransmitting missing packets causes the throughput of the connection to decrease. This drop in throughput is due to the sliding window protocols used for acknowledgment of received packets. In certain variants of TCP, if a transmitted packet is lost, it will be re-sent along with every packet that had been sent after it. This retransmission causes the overall throughput of the connection to drop.
The overall effect of this interference is to slow down traffic, as lost or damaged packets need to be resent, repeatedly. If there are missing packets at the receiving end, sometimes the whole conversation needs to be reinstituted. This situation will only get worse, as satellite failure is also a factor. We have predicted increasing satellite failure from electromagnetic blasts, whereby a satellite is damaged to the extent it is taken out of service. This has already been a factor, though not discussed in the media due to the cover-up over the presence of Planet X. Will Internet traffic be restricted if slowdowns become onerous? Certainly streaming movies would be the first to go!