Saturday, 1 September 2012

The ZetaTalk Newsletter, Louisiana Sinkhole, September 2, 2012

Louisiana Sinkhole
What is the relationship between methane bubbles in the Byou Corne in Assumption parish, Louisianna on June 28, 2012 (as reported in Issue 301 of this newsletter) and the sinkhole that emerged on August 2, 2012? Same cause, per the Zetas. A salt dome cavern used to store petrol has shattered, causing both phenomena.

IMAGE: Sinkhole
Giant Sinkhole in Assumption Parish
August 5, 2012
For more than two months, officials from federal to local have been unable to pin down the source of a natural gas leak and tremors in Assumption Parish. But a 200 by 200 foot "slurry area" has appeared in Bayou Corne in northern Assumption Parish. The formation of the slurry area was accompanied by a diesel-like odor that some residents said burned their eyes and noses but dissipated by midmorning. A potential failure of a cavern operated by Texas Brine Company may have caused the slurry area, or sinkhole, which swallowed full-grown trees and denuded a formerly forested patch of cypress swamp. Final determination of a positive link between the failure of the cavern and either the natural gas bubbling or the slurry area has not been made.
This is caused, of course, by the bowing stress on the N American continent, as the Zetas have long warned would occur. But corporations and prior administrations have insisted that even the US petroleum reserves be stored in these salt domes along the Gulf. According to corporations in the business there’s nothing to it but to do it. Water washes the salt out, making room for petrol. What’s to worry?

IMAGE: Benefield Designs
Project Aims to Increase Oil, Gas Kept in Salt Domes
January 4, 2009
It’s among a string of salt domes along the Gulf Coast that store hydrocarbons for future use, including the Strategic Petroleum Reserve’s vast oil stockpiles.
Salt Dome Storage
Natural gas has been safely stored underground for more than 60 years. Salt dome caverns, spaces hollowed out of huge salt formations approximately a half-mile to a mile underground, are covered by thousands of feet of rock and other materials, protecting the facility from fire, willful damage and other hazards. The extreme geologic conditions at cavern depth make the salt walls rock hard and virtually impermeable – an excellent container for natural gas, oil and other hydrocarbons.  Natural gas and other energy sources, including oil in the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve, are stored in salt dome caverns along the Gulf Coast. Some 47 of these caverns currently store natural gas, including 26 in Texas, with more planned.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2/10/2006: The stress on the N American plate will resolve by ripping. Ripping the St. Lawrence Seaway open. Pulling the SE down into the crumbling Caribbean and into the widening Atlantic, as neither of these sinking fronts will be able to support the edge of the weighty N American plate. The primary drama preceding the pole shift will be the ripping action that a plate unable to move must endure. The notable area of catastrophe during this is the eastern half of the continental US. From Houston to Chicago to New England, the diagonal pull will tear the underpinning of cities and create a catastrophe for the US that will make the New Orleans disaster appear trivial.

Many voices are urging concern that the petrol stored in the cavern might explode, with a force equivalent to many nuclear bombs! Oops. If only they had listened to the Zetas! Now all those corporations are in a rush to empty the domes and store the petrol above ground, where it can also explode. Tisk.
Sinkhole: H-Bomb Explosion Equivalent in Bayou Corne Possible
August 12, 2012
A possible breach of a butane-filled well 1500 feet from Bayou Corne's sinkhole, the size of three football fields, has Assumption Parish sheriff and local residents ordered to evacuate worried about a catastrophic explosion in the range of one and a half B83 thermonuclear (hydrogen) bombs, the most powerful United States weapons in active service. The hole is believed to be close to a well containing 1.5 million barrels of liquid butane, a highly volatile liquid that turns into a highly flammable vapor upon release. If ignited, the butane well would release as much explosive energy as 100 Hiroshima bombs.
Officials: Sinkhole Butane Explosion Possible
August 16, 2012
If a shift of Napoleonville’s Dome cap, comprised of sediment and rock, occurred across 1,600 feet of caprock, it could damage the casing of the well bore that leads to the underground cavern, possibly releasing butane.
Louisiana Sinkhole Opens Further Swallowing Boat, Workers
August 16, 2012
The workers were actually in the boat, which was tied to a tree. Unfortunately, being tied to a tree doesn't help anything when the sinkhole swallows the tree.
The Zetas have long warned about the dangers of storing petrol fuel. Huge explosions and fires can result, and this is a fuel that will not be what mankind relies upon in the future. Their advice? If you would not put a match to a gasoline spill, or a natural gas leak, then unless you have a death wish why store petrol?

ZetaTalk Warning 11/30/2002: We have stated that fossil fuels will soon run out, so should not be relied upon by survivors for the long term. We have also stated that refineries and storage tanks of oil and natural gas and gasoline will be broken and set afire during the shift, creating a holocaust for all nearby. Likewise gasoline stations, fuel pumps, and even tightly sealed tanks may rupture and leak, also a continuing danger for any nearby. Natural gaslines in streets will run fire along the street, setting houses ablaze where they would otherwise not be in such danger. Natural gas in lines under cities will cause explosions, setting the cities on fire and burning many trapped citizens in a painful death. We would advise all to do what Nancy did, which is to turn off the natural gas lines in the house, turn off at the street, and avoid gas cans or anything that can explode. What do you gain by a few cans of gas? A few hours of heat or light? And what do you stand to risk in exchange? Your life? A painful death to others? Since you are going to have to adjust to life without these explosive fuels in any case, and soon, learn to get along without them!
Annunaki History
In Issue 280 of this newsletter, on February 12, 2012 we presented traces of the Annunaki in Patagonia, in their descendants. Descendants do not come time stamped, so how recently has it been that the Annunaki were on Earth? They are quarantined from mankind now, though certainly in the vicinity as their home planet, Nibiru, is outbound from the Sun at present, and the Annunaki have been mining for gold on Phobos, a Moon of Mars. The Annunaki built the Great Pyramids, which by mankind’s estimation is approximately 4,000 years old, just ahead of the last passage of Planet X some 3,600 years ago.
Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years.
ZetaTalk Explanation 7/15/1995: The Great Pyramids were built essentially as navigational devices. The Great Pyramids were not used solely for sighting an incoming object, as their primary purpose was to act as a guidance system for the launches the exiled Planet X residents would make to meet their home planet. This required precision, as their rockets were no more sophisticated than those used to boost man into space today, and once in space they simply coasted until drawn into the gravitational orbit of the water planet they owned their allegiance to.

Older evidence of the Annunaki presence continues to emerge, as did some ancient pyramids and landing platforms further up the Nile at Abu Sidhum.  Per the Zetas, ho hum, so what, just more evidence the Annunaki mined for gold and needed navigational sighting devices and landing platforms. And these ancient structures once again give no indication of how recently they were built, i.e. how recently the Annunaki were here on Earth.

IMAGE: Abu Sidhum Traces
IMAGE: Abu Sidhum Location
Two Previously Unknown Sets of Heavily Worn Down Pyramids Discovered in Egypt
August 13, 2012
Two previously unknown sets of heavily worn down pyramids discovered in Egypt by Google Earth. August 13, 2012. The first area sits alongside the Nile in Upper Egypt, 12 miles from the city of Abu Sidhum. If the plateau found there represents the remains of a genuine pyramid, it would be the largest ever discovered. Upon closer examination of the formation, this mound appears to have a very flat top and a curiously symmetrical triangular shape that has been heavily eroded with time. The second site, 90 miles north, contains a four-sided shape that's 140ft wide.
ZetaTalk Explanation 8/18/2012: It should not be a surprise that various ancient structures such as pyramids and platforms have been discovered in the Egyptian desert. We have explained that the Great Pyramid was a navigational device whereby the Earthbound Annunaki could sight their inbound home planet with accuracy. Of course, each Pole Shift changed the orientation of the Earth, so a new sighting device would have to be constructed for the next passage. Likewise platforms were constructed so the gold they had mined could be easily loaded onto shuttles. If human airports have runways to guide landing planes, the Annunaki  had objects to assist their shuttles during landing. None of this should be a mystery, given prior ZetaTalk on the matter.

Per the Zetas, remnants of the Annunaki hung around after they were quarantined from Earth, and thus the legend of David and Goliath in the Bible.

ZetaTalk Description 2/15/2002: There is confusion about the Quarantine, as this was not a one-day imposition such that on Tuesday, all must vacate Earth. The giant hominoids on Planet X in fact were unaware that a Quarantine was imposed! What they became aware of was increasing problems while living on Earth. They considered Earth to be a swamp, in any case, full of carnivores their world does not have, and disease. They lost Gold shipments in heavy storms at sea, lost slaves and soldiers to accidents, and became disenchanted with living on Earth. They were already on Mars, and this became increasingly attractive. After leaving, in the main, they found mankind increasing in numbers and tinkering with technology, tools, etc. However, there were some who liked living on Earth, enjoyed pushing their slaves about and raping captive women, and were loath to leave. Thus, tales like David and Goliath have their roots in truth.

But what about the legend of Samson, the immensely strong Israelite who appears in the Book of Judges in the Bible?  Recently a seal from this era was discovered, dated to approximately 1,200 BC, a younger date than the Great Pyramids which are dated closer to 2,000 BC. Per the Zetas, Samson was an Annunaki. Were the Annunaki on Earth at that time?

IMAGE: Samson
Ancient Seal May Add Substance to the Legend of Samson
Aug. 13, 2012
Tel Aviv University researchers recently uncovered a seal, measuring 15 millimetres (about a half-inch) in diameter, which depicts a human figure next to a lion at the archaeological site of Beth Shemesh, located between the Biblical cities of Zorah and Eshtaol, where Samson was born, flourished, and finally buried, according to the book of Judges. The scene engraved on the seal, the time period, and the location of the discovery all point to a probable reference to the story of Samson, the legendary heroic figure whose adventures famously included a victory in hand-to-paw combat with a lion. The seal was discovered with other finds on the floor of an excavated house, dated by the archaeologists to the 12th century BCE.
Sampson is the third-to-last of the Judges of the ancient Israelites mentioned in the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) (Book of Judges chapters 13 to 16). Samson was granted supernatural strength by God in order to combat his enemies and perform heroic feats such as wrestling a lion, slaying an entire army with only the jawbone of an ass, and destroying a pagan temple.
Yes, per the Zetas, remnants of the Annunaki were about in those days, and not above leaving a motherless newborn to die over a paternity dispute among the Annunaki. Thus, an abandoned babe was adopted by Israelites, and the legend of Samson was born.

ZetaTalk Explanation 8/18/2012: Was Samson Annunaki, or did he, like David in the David and Goliath saga, carry Annunaki genes? Where Samson is described as being of Hebrew stock, he was not.  Annunaki soldiers were stationed on Earth during the long 3,600 year period between the periodic passages of their home planet, and since they had a normal life span as do humans, reproduction had to occur. Annunaki women were thus stationed with the soldiers, to bear young. When one of them died in childbirth, the child was unwanted by the father as there had been a dispute over paternity, and the babe left to die. Adopted by a Hebrew couple, who lied about his origin, he had status in the community but was also highly resented because of his size and strength and fierce determination. Thus, he came under attack.

The Samson saga is a true story, although descriptions of his strength in some accounts are exaggerated. He could not move mountains, for instance. Fighting an army hand-to-hand and slaying thousands with the jawbone of an ass is describing what a fiercely angry Annunaki would accomplish in hand-to-hand combat. Only so many soldiers can crowd around, and the long arms of an Annunaki would reach further than their arms, and thus his slashing landed where their swipes missed. Could an Annunaki push pillars apart, thereby tumbling a structure? Yes, as the pillars are just loosely placed, not secured, and rely upon gravity to hold the structure in place. Did cutting his hair debilitate him, as the legends suggest? This depressed him, as hair was a status symbol, and thus depressed he had less of a will to fight.
Mawson Coverup
Recently, in Issue 306 of this newsletter, we documented clear evidence of the Second Sun rising and setting just ahead of Old Sol from the Mawson Station on Antarctica.

IMAGE: Mawson July 22

A day after this data was presented on the Pole Shift ning where it was blogged, Mawson took the camera offline, promising it would return. After about three weeks, it did return, but as expected the camera had been moved. The mount seen at the extreme right has been shifted left, so the glare of the Sun hit the camera earlier. The windows of the camera housing also seem to be allowing more glare, so that lens flares fill the screen. The Sun’s crossing did not formerly create such glares in this cam.

IMAGE: Mawson August 19
In Issue 306 we showed the light from the Second Sun appearing at 11:20 am. But with the new arrangement, by 11:20 am sunlight is creating so much glare that nothing can be discerned. In fact, by 10:20 am, an hour earlier, this is the situation.
Harvest Time
Long time Republican Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland was featured in the Washington Post recently for advocating that people in cities develop a self-sufficiency attitude, warning among other things that food could disappear from the shelves. What does he know that he’s not telling you? Whatever he’s advising, we’re here to tell you that stocking food is not enough! You  need to be prepared to grow and gather your own, and most importantly, you need to know how to save seed – hands on experience with this from container gardening if nothing else. Are you tossing out the seeds from your Acorn Squash for the Thanksgiving dinner, or the Pumpkin you carved for Halloween, or scraping tomato seeds off your cutting board to flush down the drain? Prep and save these seeds!
The Survivalist: Roscoe Bartlett Prepares for a Threatened Future
August 17, 2012
Deep in the West Virginia woods, in a small cabin powered by the sun and the wind, a bespectacled, white-haired man is giving a video tour of his basement, describing techniques for the long-term preservation of food in case of “an emergency.” The electrical grid could fail tomorrow, he frequently warns. Food would disappear from the shelves. Water would no longer flow from the pipes. Money might become worthless. People could turn on each other, and millions would die.
For those folks in the Northern Hemisphere (where the bulk of the world’s population lives), it’s harvest time, time to save seed! Those stressing self-sufficiency include having plenty of seed on hand, in addition to gardening tools and how-to books. But the best seed is fresh seed, as it steadily degrades over time. Get a good book on this, such as Seed to Seed, and practice.

IMAGE: Nancy’s Garden
A chapter in the Finegan Fine story portrays both the importance of seed saving and moving to the country eventually if you are doing container gardening in the city. Most cities are along coastlines or in river bottoms that will be flooded. Container gardens will have to move.
The rooftop is covered with greenery, some kind of rooftop garden, with wines hanging down over the edges of the roof. There is the sound of a metal door opening on the roof, the access door to the rooftop from a stairwell. A bent little man emerges from the stairwell door, letting the creaking door close slowly by itself. He heads over to a row of what looks like cabbage, bending over it to weed the row, not noticing the approaching houseboat. Finegan hops up to the houseboat rooftop for a better look. “Yo, the gardens! Good day to you. Finegan Fine here, trader. How you manage that, on the rooftop?” The gardener freezes at the sound of a voice so close, and so unexpected. He straightens up, as much as his bent back will allow, and looks in Finegan's direction. Then he puts his handful of weeds plucked from the row down, and shuffles over to the rooftop edge. “What kind'a contraption is that?” Finegan replies, “It's a houseboat. Floats. I got a water wheel in the back to push it along. Slow, but steady.”

Finegan is being given a tour of the rooftop gardens by the gardener. “We seen the water's a'rising and dug some good soil before it was covered. Those of us ain't never had no land in our name. Cain't run off with the house, but them landlords not gonna miss some soil from a flooded yard. We use rainwater here.” The gardener is motioning along the rows as they walk. “Tomatoes do well. Greens of many kinds. Potatoes if you keep 'em wet. Can't get those carrots to grow unless they's the stubby kind.” They come to the watering system where there are hoses with holes running down the length of the soil troughs, in the center of each trough. There is a water tank on the roof which had been used by the factory, raised above the roof so there is water pressure.  “This here's how we water. Wears me out hauling the rainwater up there every time, though. Collects in the drains over there, which'n we blocked.”

They return to the stairwell, as the gardener wants to show Finegan that the lower floors are inaccessible. Finegan follows the gardener down to the next landing where the water level is visible. “Risen to this level, and lately slowed.” Finegan points to the rust just under the water level. “Salt water. Salt water is corrosive. This plant was never built for salt water.” Finegan turns to face the gardener. He barely gets his words out before the building starts to collapse. “You had any settling problems?” There is a sound of metal screeching on metal. The stairwell shutters and both men lose their footing.  A frantic scene ensues, as the gardener and his family are evacuating. Finegan is on the roof of the factory with the gardener, trying to harvest his crop. The gardener is harvesting potatoes. Finegan is doing the same to carrots, starting to tear the greens off them. The gardener cries out, “No, no, leave some! I'll replant 'em for the seed.  Gotta have the seed.”

Finegan and the gardener are now harvesting green cabbage, cutting this off at the root and discarding the brown and tattered outer leaves. The gardener cries out again, “Leave that'en. I'll replant for seed. Just those half dozen will do.” The water starts lapping over one edge of the rooftop guard. The gardener rushes over to the far side of the factory rooftop, tearing off his shirt. He picks seed shoots from carrot and cabbage plants being used to grow seed and ties them into his shirt. Along the sides of the factory roof the vines holding summer squash can be seen bobbing up. The squash on the surface is bloated and yellow, oversized and almost rotting in appearance. The gardener cries out, “The squash!” He dives into the water and swims along the bobbing vines, plucking the overripe summer squash and tossing them to Finegan. Several of them shatter when caught. “Arrrrrr! These are rotten!” The gardener's wife rushes up to collect the mess in a basin. She says, “This is seed! You gotta rippen it full.”