Audio Track .
Issue 312
Trojan Asteroid Excuse
On August 29, 2012 Alberto announced that his Red Filter photos had a different appearance. Albeit he used a different camera, but if anything these new photos appeared to filter the Sun’s glare more heavily than before, allowing objects to be visible when formerly they might have been lost in the glare. But then this new appearance was echoed by others taking photos on that day, and the trend continued on September 2, 2012 and September 4, 2012. What had changed? Where formerly the vast tail of Planet X was wafting in a curl that wrapped around the Sun – from below the Sun thence to the left thence up above the Sun and thence to the right – it now appeared that the tail was being blown toward the Earth directly from the center of the Sun!Red Skies
NASA knew this day was coming, and had been planning for it with an asteroid excuse.
- The same day, 30 minutes sooner (1:55pm), quite typical configuration: one big above and the smaller one below. [and from another] The below photo was taken at approximately 10:20 am today September 3rd 2012. Note the bright moon swirl at the 11 o'clock position which is to be expected in the southern hemisphere if Alberto's photo shows the complex at 4 o'clock in the northern hemisphere. I also have video footage of the same time frame. The photo was taken using an Ericsson 2MP phone camera and a floppy insert as a filter for red light.
ZetaTalk Expose 9/8/2012: We predicted early on in 2003 that asteroid swarms would be used as an excuse for the moons and debris in the tail of Planet X. The public has been regularly prepared for such an excuse by increasing chatter about asteroid swarms or asteroids making a close pass to Earth. Meanwhile fireballs have increased, screaming across several states or provinces. At first fireballs were blamed on space junk but when smoking meteors were discovered on the ground, NASA fell silent. The larger worry for NASA has been the moons of Planet X, which are increasingly visible outlined against the Sun, and so many in the public have cameras capable of shielding the Sun’s glare so as to be able to see these moons clearly. Since the fact that the Earth is stalled in its orbit is denied by NASA, how to explain the static placement of these moons. Trojan asteroids, which drift along with the Earth as it orbits, were invented to explain the increasing appearance of the moons of Planet X between the Earth and the Sun.
- Trojan Asteroid Found Sharing Earth's Orbit—A First
July 28, 2011 A tiny space rock that's partially tethered to Earth by a gravitational leash is our planet's first known Trojan asteroid, astronomers say. Earth's newfound Trojan is about 1,000 feet (300 meters) wide and sits about 50 million miles (80 million kilometers) in front of Earth. It is in orbit around the sun in the same path that our orbital path is, and it is controlled partly by our gravity, but the sun's gravity controls it more.
With the tail of Planet X pointed toward Earth, more red dust is likely to arrive. Is this being noted? On September 6, 2012 the skies over San Francisco turned red, a phenomena that was noted and captured on film because dual rainbows also appeared overhead. Not a day later the Yangtze River in China also turned red, in multiple places, precluding the chance that this was just an industrial spill of some sort. The conclusion was that this was not dye, not a red tide, not a chemical spill, not from landslides from earthquakes that occurred much earlier, and not a result of heavy rains that had passed through almost a week earlier.Goats on Mars
- San Francisco Rainbow: Natural Miracle Lights Up Downtown Sky
September 6, 2012 San Francisco paused for a few minutes yesterday evening as the clouds opened up, revealing a neon pink sky and a massive, arching rainbow (even a double rainbow in some places).
- Yangtze River Turns Red and Turns Up a Mystery
September 7, 2012 For a river known as the "golden watercourse," red is a strange color to see. Yet that's the shade turning up in the Yangtze River and officials have no idea why. The red began appearing in the Yangtze, the longest and largest river in China and the third longest river in the world, yesterday near the city of Chongquing, where the Yangtze connects to the Jialin River. While the river's red coloring was most pronounced near Chongqing it was also reported at several other points. Officials are reportedly investigating the cause.
Red dust in the tail of Planet X has been wafting toward the Earth and showing up in small traces since Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003. When Planet X arrived, it had to put on the brakes as it approached the Sun, thus its vast tail wafted past the Sun, engulfing the Earth at that time in a fine red dust. Red skies and a red Moon made an appearance in 2003. Then Planet X began its slow creep past the Sun, and is now outbound toward the Earth, steadily blowing its tail in the direction of Earth as it continues to points its magnetic N Pole toward Earth. Part of the tail appears to have curled around the Earth on September 6-7, 2012!
- Landslides and the Red Yangtze River
September 12, 2012 Inevitably, there is a great deal of speculation as to the cause of this change in colour, ranging from a “red tide” algal bloom (unlikely as this is marine phenomenon), pollution such as a toxic chemical spill (also unlikely given the scale – the Yangtze is a huge river at this point, such that this would need to be a huge input of chemicals), the Yunnan earthquake (again unlikely given the location of the affected area), or sediment generated by soil erosion and landslides. By far the mostly likely cause of the change of colour is a large-scale input of iron-rich sediment to the river. It is notable that a large flood wave passed down the river last week, caused by heavy rainfall in Sichuan Province. This was reportedly the largest flood wave for two decades. One leading candidate might be the Wenchuan Earthquake area, where we know that very large quantities of sediment were released from the slopes. Could it be that this is the main part of that sediment plume passing downstream? If so, I am surprised that it has taken so long, but it could be that a portion of the sediment has been stored in the channel and only mobilised during this extreme rainfall event.
ZetaTalk Description 1/11/2003: A tail swirl, moving like a slow moving tornado, approaches Earth which has magnetic as well as gravity attraction. Thus, it is not simply a head-on hit, tail to Earth, as it is also a sideways hit from swirling matter coming from this or that side. Then there is the motion of a tail swirl being curled toward Earth, continuing the curl. Like a whip that curls around what it is thrown against, the tail can warp all around the Earth during such a lick. There are no parts of the globe that do not report red dust, frankly. It is perhaps more extreme on those sides of the globe that will be facing the approach, but elsewhere is not exempt.
Velikovky, in his book Worlds in Collision, reported what had occurred during prior Pole Shifts. Red dust arrives!
- In the middle of the second millennium before the present era, a celestial body came very close to the earth. The account of this catastrophe can be reconstructed from evidence supplied by a large number of documents. The comet touched the earth first with it’s gaseous tail. Servius wrote, “It was not of a flaming but of a bloody redness.” One of the first visible signs of this encounter was the reddening of the earth’s surface by a fine dust of rusty pigment. In sea, lake, and river this pigment gave a bloody coloring to the water. Because of these particles of ferruginous or other soluble pigment, the world turned red. The Manuscript Quiche of the Mayas tells that in the Western Hemisphere, in the days of a great cataclysm, when the earth quaked and the sun’s motion was interrupted, the water in the rivers turned to blood. Ipuwer, the Egyptian eyewitness to the catastrophe, wrote his lament on papyrus, “The river is blood”, and this corresponds with the Book of Exodus 7:20: “All the waters that were in the river were turned to blood”.
What is a goat skull doing on Mars? Photos provided by the Mar’s rover Curiosity show a curious shape, which looks remarkably like a goat or sheep skull. Per the Zetas, it is indeed a skull. Like the Face on Mars and the outlines of former cities on Mars, hunks of lumber, and evidence of water and former life on Mars, this will be ignored and denied by NASA.Isaac’s Lessons
ZetaTalk Answer 9/8/2012: What did the Annunaki eat, after being chased off the Earth during their quarantine from mankind? The quarantine was imposed during the time period between visits by their home planet, Nibiru. Thus, they had prepared to eat crops and the flesh of animals or fish, none of which was on Mars. Mars, as we have explained, did not develop life forms beyond moss and bugs, hardly what the strapping Annunaki preferred as a diet. Temporarily, until their home planet could return and give them proper food stocks to live on for their long sojourn of 3,600 years, they took provender from Earth – grain, dried fruit, and herds of sheep and goats that could live on the moss that covered the surface of Mars in those days.
The elite have been desperately trying to arrange for a temporary trip to Mars or the Moon to escape the cataclysmic Pole Shift that will soon grip the Earth. Mars is distant, and obviously had an atmosphere in the past and sufficient water, and the Moon does not have a molten magnetic core so will not have a sliding crust during the passage. How are they doing with their plans, now that plate movement on Earth had a distinct uptick? Where Mars rover Curiosity was if anything assisted to be a success by the Council of Worlds, any attempt by the elite to escape the Earth will be snafued. The Moon Lander disaster was a message to the elite.
ZetaTalk Warning 8/18/2012: Was a message given to NASA when Mars rover Curiosity made a perfect landing but the Moon lander Morpheus crashed and burned on its first free flight test? The message is loud and clear. Informing the public that life on Mars exists is something the Council of Worlds would encourage, especially in light of the constant denial and cover-up in the past by NASA. Helping the elite escape to the Moon to ride out the coming Pole Shift will not be allowed, as we have stated in ZetaTalk previously.
- Moon Lander Prototype Blows up in NASA Test
August 9, 2012 An unmanned moon lander under development crashed and blew up during an engine test at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. The craft had gone through several previous exercises in which it was hung from a crane. The prototype rose a short distance, rolled over and slammed into the ground. The craft caught fire immediately and exploded about 30 seconds later.
Two men, a father and son, were local heroes during Hurricane Isaac as they rescued 120 people and their pets in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, helping their neighbors who were trapped under their roofs by the sudden rise in flood waters.Fog Water
Isaac was barely a hurricane, but shows how rapidly water can rise, suddenly and unexpectedly. Storm surge is an example, or torrential rain storms overwhelming dams and levees. Tidal bore occurs when water on the move has nowhere to go, so climbs up. The Zetas have described water on the move during the Severe Wobble of the Last Weeks and during the Pole Shift itself, when sloshing of the oceans will occur.
- Hurricane Isaac 2012 Floods Regions Around New Orleans
August 30, 2012 But in Plaquemines Parish, a sparsely populated area south of the city that is outside the federal levee system, dozens of people were stranded in flooded coastal areas and had to be rescued. The storm pushed water over an 18-mile levee and put so much pressure on it that authorities planned to intentionally puncture the floodwall to relieve the strain. Officials rushed to evacuate more than 100 nursing home residents from Plaquemines Parish, an area with a reputation for residents hunkering down to weather storms and perhaps the hardest hit by Isaac. In this hardscrabble, mostly rural parish, even the sick and elderly are hardened storm veterans.
ZetaTalk Prediction 6/15/2001: During a pole shift, there is no single line of pressure, the ocean as a whole is on the move because it stays behind while the crust moves, and thus rolls up on land onto the coastline being pulled under it. This is a flood tide, with the lip of the water being its highest point, rising like a silent tide endlessly on the rise, the wave rolling inland without a crashing back and forth, just a steady progressive inundation. To those at the mercy of such a flood tide, their first thought is to climb above the tide. Soon they are standing on the highest point they can reach, and still the water, flowing inland steadily, rises.
This occurred in the past, as the Kolbrin, the Egyptian record of prior Pole Shifts relays. Tidal waves and flooding accompany Pole Shifts, inevitably, but some locales are more subject to this sloshing and flooding than others. Check the Safe Locations information for your locale and plan accordingly. Quoting the Kolbrin.
The Zetas have stated that due to a combination of the melting poles (which will both be placed under the Equatorial sun) and friction from the crustal shift warming the cold ocean bottoms, the sea level will rise an average of 650-750 feet. Polar and Greenland ice melt account for 200 of those feet. What this means for low-lying lands worldwide is a slow rising flood, often stranding people who do not understand what is happening to them. Siberia, northern Canada, the Mississippi valley, the Amazon basin – all will experience this flood.
- Abandon your abode and possessions, for the hour of doom is at hand; neither gold nor treasure can buy a reprieve. Then, with the dawning, men saw an awesome sight. There, riding on a great black rolling cloud came the Destroyer, newly released from the confines of the sky vaults, and she raged about the Heavens, for it was her day of judgment. The beast with her opened its mouth and belched froth fire and hot stones and a vile smoke. It covered the whole sky above and the meeting place of Earth and Heaven could no longer be seen. In the evening the places of the stars were changed, they rolled across the sky to new stations, then the floodwaters came. The Destroyer passed away into the fastness of Heaven and the great flood remained seven days, diminishing day by day as the waters drained away to their places.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/15/1995: The Earth, therefore, will experience more water in its oceans for some time after the cataclysms. The melting poles will thus raise the sea level, worldwide, by 650 to 700 feet within two years. Survivors living below this level will find themselves moving repeatedly as rivers begin to overflow their banks and marsh areas become lakes.
ZetaTalk Russia 2001: Russia suffers greatly due to the flooding that will occur after the pole shift. Most of the country lies beneath the 675 foot elevation where we estimate the waters will rise.
ZetaTalk Siberia 2001: The real threat for Russia will creep up upon the survivors. Siberia is low land, and the melting poles will swallow this land within months.
ZetaTalk Canada 2001: The worry Canadians should be concerned about is one that will sneak up on them, in the days leading into the pole shift and in the two years following. Much of Canada has a low altitude, and where land lies lower than 650 to 700 feet, this will be inundated within two years due to the melting ice caps of the old poles, now under the equatorial sun.
ZetaTalk Missouri 2001: The flood will be a moving rush of water, not in its designated place within river banks, but across miles of land so that the whole state of Missouri, with the exception of the Ozarks, may become a river at flood tide.
A chapter in The Passage called In Harms Way describes how a group of survivors, having raided a recycling plant for the plastic bottles, formed a community living on houseboats in the center of a broad and spreading river. If the tides are rising, rise with the tides!
- The group hears what sounds like music, various tones, the sound plastic bottles make when filled with air and forced in close proximity to each other in a net, or tied together. These tones are various, like some kind of drum set composed of small plastic drums, almost tinkling rather than booming. A series of houseboats are moored to the trees of a small island in the middle of the slow-moving river. These are strung out in a line, a couple rafts moored to the strong trees on the island, then other rafts moored to these, so the lot stretches out along the center of the river. Plastic bottles have been filled with air and either tied together or stuffed into a net.
- Some of the rafts have tents on them, some have one room structures made from scrap lumber and tarps. Laundry is hung out to dry here and there, on lines tied between boards nailed to the edges of the rafts and whatever serves as the sleeping quarters in the center of the raft. Most of the rafts have container gardens of some sort, plastic pots of various size and colors, growing tomatoes or lettuce or chard. Fishing lines are hung from the rafts, trailing off into the river as they draw downstream. The fishing lines reflect light, and so many of them are strung out that it looks almost like a spider web with the rafts caught in the center.
Houseboat living on the sea, or where the water has become briny, produces a dilemma - how to get fresh drinking water. If rain is adequate, rainwater can be captured. But even without rain, one can capture the water in fog!
- 'Cloud Catchers' Give Water to
August 28, 2012 - The villagers have set up twenty nets on the hills to trap fog. Made of tightly woven fabrics, the nets collect and condense the water from the fog and drop by drop, a plastic tube is used as a canal to carry the water to 20 tanks. These nets are known as "cloud catchers". The cloud catchers at Cerro Nueva Esperanza are six-by-four metres and have the capacity to condense around 90 litres per day.
The Zetas have long warned that mankind should be prepared to distill their water, taking water from steam, to eliminate pollutants such as lead or heavy metals, salt from brine, and pathogens. Fog is a passive distillation process. On a houseboat? Use your sail or hoist a sheet at night to harvest the fog.
ZetaTalk Advice 9/2/2005: We have emphasized from the start of ZetaTalk the need to distill drinking water to clean not only germs but pollutants such as heavy metals, as the pole shift will create a cesspool of industrial wastes where these are stored in tanks or produced, and exploding volcanoes will put lead into surface water as the volcanic ash drifts and lands far and wide. Most often, our admonitions result in a lot of discussion about water filtration systems, as though these will be handy and replacement parts available. Distilling water is time consuming, a multi-step operation, and thus tiresome to even think about. But what has happened in New Orleans? Suddenly, drinking water is not available.