The Golden Age will take you far, and if you have ever wondered what Heaven would be like it is the nearest you will get to it. The sheer harmony in all life will be so apparent, and it will be a joy to be alive and experience it. Since all your needs will be supplied, you will enjoy a level of happiness and satisfaction seldom felt at present. Duality by its very nature was always going to be a severe test of your ability to hold on to the truth, and yet in spite of the pressures you have emerged and moved into the Light. Keep your place in it secure and intact and do not allow doubt to creep in, but focus on all that is of the higher vibrations.
Even by your reckoning there is so little time left before this cycle comes to an end, and as others continue to awaken give of your help and knowledge. However, please allow them to make up their own minds, as the truth can sometimes be overwhelming. Time has to be given to allow old beliefs to be examined in the light of new revelations. That applies of course to anyone, as in fact you will never stop seeking and learning. Evolving is slow progress but your Guides will gently lead you on to a greater understanding when you are ready. That is why it is accepted that not everyone will be ready to ascend, and that will be by their choice. You are not looked upon as being any the less successful than any other soul, and you will eventually reach the same level as any other one.
Many souls have identified with the earthly vibrations and become separated from their real self. That was expected and is seen as an essential part of your experiences, and represented the real challenge that you elected to face. By acquiring a strong defense you have survived against the dark Ones, and their attempts to pull you down to their level. They have in fact sunk so low that they have all but cut themselves off from the Light. Yet the Love of God for his creations only sees the Light however diminished it has become. Hope for their growth back into the Light is such, that every help will be given to them to fully return to it.
As we have intimated previously, we ask that as a Being of Light you feel compassion for those who have gone astray. There will be others who do not understand that the greatest service you can give to another soul, is to send them your love. See the Light however dim it may be as the Godspark is immutable and will always remain in some form or another. Show that you have evolved beyond judgment, and allow the course of natural justice of the higher laws to look after those who are yet to answer for their crimes against Humanity. You have enough to occupy your minds with as your wonderful future unfolds.
Search around if you wish to find evidence of the banking situation moving on, as several are now being taken to task over their criminal dealings. What you the people have done is to highlight their shortcomings, by relentlessly harassing the authorities to take action against them. It is getting publicity and the net result is that even more of you are awakening, and it is causing much concern amongst the big corporations. They know that people power is capable of achieving results. So whilst these changes are not readily noted, you are obtaining partial success now. In many countries the demonstrations grow more intense and governments use force to put them down. However that will not lessen the amount of demonstrations that take place, and you have shown that you are very resilient when it comes to claiming your rights. We cannot openly support you, but where your actions are peaceful we will spur you on.
Just now a number of actions that are destined to start the changes are proceeding well, and it is likely that all of a sudden some of them will announce themselves to the media. On the dark side the warmongers still try to start another World War, but do not be alarmed as they will not be allowed to do so. We can use whatever powers we have to prevent it, and some of our advanced technology is quite astonishing and absolutely perfect for these purposes. Indeed, we have often used it to keep a relatively peaceful situation on Earth, when certain elements would have launched all out war against another country.
You are safe with us and we shall continue to fully monitor your Earth. When we need to we can zoom in on any person wherever they are, so there is no hiding place for the dark Ones. When it is time to bring them in we shall waste no time in placing them where they can no longer obstruct the process of Ascension. For the time being we look to you to do whatever is necessary to obtain the authority to take them out of circulation. We know you have experienced problems when you have previously tried to do so, but the situation is changing and your time has come to take action. You will have our protection and can go forward with confidence.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see how near you are to completion of this cycle. I also see that you have done an excellent job in grounding the Light, and it shines from Earth more powerfully than it has done for millennia of time. It is expanding exponentially and will see you safely through your Ascension. We do not forget those who are not ready or choose not to go, and they also shall receive our protection until they leave Mother Earth. We love you all, and see your Light beaming out even if in some it has not fully developed. To us you are all One and we make no exceptions whatsoever.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.