Monday, 20 August 2012
Montague Keen - August 19, 2012. The Montague Keen Foundation
Your oppressors are failing to find a solution to the problems facing them. Slowly they are coming to the conclusion that they do not have a choice. What we envisage is that one day you will wake up to find that they have fled off-planet. That is when all the dark technology can be dismantled. It will be replaced with technology that will excite and amaze you. Be understanding; it is not easy for them to just walk away from all that they almost had in the palm of their hands.
We will deal with them as swiftly as we can. We will also have to deal with those who refuse to leave the third dimensional state. It has a stranglehold on them and they are frightened to leave it. They fear changes of any sort. They have not learned to trust the evidence that has been placed before them. They cling to material possessions, refusing to see that when you reunite with your friends from other planets you will have everything you could possibly wish for. Though they are limited in their thinking, they will be looked after.
A massive healing will occur and all bodily illness will disappear. So do not worry about your state of health as it will be taken care of. Many of you have worked hard to bring about this Transition. Soon you will see the fruits of your labour.
You had some interesting discussions this week. Once again proving that we bring people to you. You never have to go looking for anyone. When all knowledge is shared, all doors will be opened and everything will be revealed. You are all working towards the same end, just taking different routes to the ultimate destination. The whole system of government will be changed completely, so no one family or group of people will see themselves as entitled to rule over others.
David Boyle's vision of the future, as you discussed in the interview you did with him, is a good one, and deserves consideration. He has given much thought to the subject of rulership. It is necessary to be prepared to take whatever steps are necessary when the Cabal are removed. Do not dwell on past wrongs as they hold you in 3-D thinking. It is time to step into the sunlight of your tomorrows. The future is what should be important to you now. It is time to leave the past behind. The longer you hold on to the third dimensional, the longer you keep the Cabal in place.
As I have said many times, "Ireland is the key that will unlock everything." My dear wife will go to Ireland in September [details are on the homepage] to reconnect Egypt with Ireland once more. The Aryan people, descended from the ancient Irish, have only to look at their DNA to PROVE the true version of history, which is not that which was written and taught by the Cabal. The history that you learned was contrived to prevent you knowing the truth of who you are.
There is confusion among many people, as to why it was forecast by many that the Cabal would bomb the London Olympics: stated on the Rockefeller web site, etc. We managed to prevent their plans taking shape. They never give up ! They will continue to try as they need your FEAR of bloodshed as well as the actual spilling of blood. It is blatantly displayed on all army uniforms that the soldiers are BLOOD SACRIFICES: IS IT NOT TIME THAT THEY WOKE UP TO THIS FACT ! The spilling of blood is essential for the Cabal to exist. Until these young men wake up to this fact, the killing will continue. Is this what you want ?
I ask that everyone who can assist to move things forward, please do so. Do not leave it to the few who have to work so hard to bring about the changes that are necessary for Transition. Sometimes all it takes is to talk to others, or help with computers. Computers were the bane of my life on Earth !
Everyone who assists, in any way, will be duly rewarded. We need your input. For those of you who have a role to play in the Transition, it is time to come together, and to work to ensure that it goes smoothly for everyone. Some of you are getting information from other planets as well as from the world of Spirit, so you are well informed as to what needs to be done and when. Certain things need to be in place, so assistance is needed. You were always taught to go with your gut feeling, but this has led you astray. I say to you, "Go with your heart". Let love be your reason for doing things. When love is your guiding light, then you know you are on the right track. The next few months are going to be the most interesting and exciting that you have lived through. Your struggle is almost over. All you have been through to bring this about will have been worthwhile. There has been a monumental effort in every country to bring about this change which you so desperately need. We are grateful to all of you. Each of you has played a part in this. You will visit other planets and you will see for yourselves how they live their lives. You will be free. Free, at last, to experience life as it should be.
All of us, together, are creating the right conditions for the Transition. The necessary changes are going smoothly to ensure the future is peaceful and just, and that love alone will guide the way forward. Love is what enables us to work together, even though we are on different levels of consciousness. We are still together in the true sense.
It has been a long and bumpy road for you, my dear, but we are almost there. So look to the future with confidence.
Your adoring, Monty.
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