Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Latest Message from Cosmic Awareness. (2of2)

Recorded in Kolowna British Columbia on Monday 30 July 2012. Cosmic Awareness talks about the 4 August disclosure.  Will is the Interpreter and Joan is Energiser. (scroll down to end of transcript for audio link)
Here is the transcript of the message, kindly transcribed by roamer from CAC Forum:
Questioner (Joan): The Law of Love is that Law which places the welfare, the concern and the feelings for others within self. The Law of Love is that close affinity with all forces we associate with as good. The Law of Love is that force which denies the existence of evil in the world, that resists not. Love is the path of least resistance.

Today is July 30, 2012, Cosmic Awareness session, Will Berlinghof Interpreter.

Is there an opening message or would you care to comment on the message received from the Pleiadian channel?

Cosmic Awareness: That this Awareness will proceed with the Pleiadian message. Please present this information.

Questioner: Thank you. It is now established and was decided as of Earth date Wednesday, July 25, 2012 by the Pleiadian High Council in alliance with four other Galactic Councils under Galactic Codex guidelines that we, the Pleiadian Family of Light, will now intervene fully into Gaia's ascension. Furthermore it has been decided that we will make full contact with Earth beings in 8 days from this transmission, on August 4, 2012 at the World Olympic Games in London, England for the entire world to see. This will be for our introduction as well as our first efforts to work directly with you in the correction and ascension of Gaia and to assist with your own ascension.

That is the first paragraph.

Cosmic Awareness: That this Awareness does indicate that it is indeed the intent and design for that which is First Contact to occur. However, this Awareness does state that it is not seen clearly by this Awareness that this will occur on August 4. There are too many mitigating factors and circumstances at this time to guarantee this event. Furthermore, this Awareness would also stipulate that when a date is given, that this in itself is highly questionable. For, it is not seen yet that the Galactic Council, the Galactic Federation Council, wishes to announce itself so strongly to the world, building up yet again a high degree of anticipation only to have this dashed if this did not occur. It has been so in the past where certain entities such as Blossom Goodchild announced that there would be a First Contact and this did not occur. There were many who became very disillusioned and upset because the announced arrival, the announced First Contact, did not occur.

That this Awareness does point out, that there is indeed a battle raging between the Orion Reptilians and their forces and those of the Galactic Federation and their allies, and that one does not announce such a major event so openly because the matter may well be blocked, it may well be altered, it may well be that those who are the opponents to this occurring may take actions that prevent this to occur. What this does of course is disappoint the many who have had the anticipation of this event occurring, that it would indeed be a great disappointment, one that could again disillusion, one that could again create great antagonism towards those who have made such announcements.

One does not normally announce one's plans in advance to the enemy, if you will, unless one is naive and unable to appreciate that the opponent may well act on their own behalf against this occurring. That often when such dates are outright stated, there is manipulation and those who state this to be so are not the ones who are truly intending this action, for it is seen that the Galactic Federation does not intend to announce itself. It will simply occur, not giving their opponents the opportunity to sabotage these efforts. That there are many announcements, many dates that have been given in the past, that have all gone for naught. That this Awareness simply asks those who have heard this prediction to not energize it, but also not close the door to it. That there are indeed plans for something to occur and that one simply needs to stay open and available for these actions to take place and not to build up great energy of anticipation towards them happening.

That is why this Awareness says that although there are indeed plans and intent, that this is not necessarily the moment it will occur; but to always hold the possibility, to always know and support that which is the goal of the Galactic Federation to finally intervene and to step into this matter. One thing that this Awareness will say, is that the Galactic Federation has come to a point now where they have awaited the awakening of the masses, and it is not seen that it is occurring as anticipated and hoped for, thus forcing the hand somewhat of those who are the Galactic Federation forces, and that they may well indeed finally present themselves. But again, it will not necessarily be according to a grand announcement such as this.

Questioner: Excellent. Is there additional, please?

Cosmic Awareness: That the energies are indeed accelerating, there is much activity of the Galactic Federation in preparation for their first contact, for their disclosure of their own existence, and that there is that which will of course due to this disclosure, due to the first contact, be brought up for inspection, especially the roles of those who are the Power Elite at this time. That this is of course that which will occur when those who are the allies of humanity, the true allies, make themselves known.

But at this time, simply threatening the Power Elite with disclosure of their presence if they do not agree to the demands of the Galactic Federation, does not seem to this Awareness as a particularly clever action, and as the Galactic Federation forces are much more clever than this, this Awareness asks all who hear such announcements, read such announcements over the Internet, to always question whether or not this is a truthful statement. Many are anticipating this, many have been awaiting this for a long while indeed, and to hear such pronouncements indeed excites the many who have been awaiting this for such a long time.

But discernment must still be used. One's intelligence must not be abandoned, one must look to these matters and truly let go any energy around them, allowing them to manifest as they will. If it does occur that this disclosure occurs on August 4, then one will have not lost anything by holding it as a possibility. But if one puts much energy into it in the form of anticipation and excitement only to have this yet again not be the case, the degree of disappointment is so extreme that it becomes in and of itself a negative energy that those, who are in power, can use for their benefit. It must be remembered, the Orion Reptilian factions often feed on negative energies, and announcing such events only to have them sabotaged, have them fail, creates such negative response, negative energy that these beings then use to their advantage.

Simply be neutral on this matter, know, as this Awareness has said many times in the past, it is indeed the intent to have that which is First Contact. It is now the recognition of the Galactic Federation that the numbers they wished to achieve before they show themselves may not occur, forcing some peremptory action is indeed now so. But still hold neutral, do not abandon hope, but also do not wave the banner just yet.

Questioner: Patience ...

Cosmic Awareness: Patience, indeed. That this Awareness would add, there are indeed energies of ascension that are speeding up, there are works afoot by the Galactic Federation to assist the ascension process, to firm up the gridwork of the planet, the grid lines, the templates, that this is work being done at the moment by the Galactic Federation to ensure that the disasters that this Awareness has spoken of and many indeed have predicted, may not be as extreme as some think they will be, some have predicted they will be.

Remember also that this Awareness has always spoken of various timelines one can create for oneself, and that this too is important to remember, as one is creating the future that they wish to experience. That giving their power away yet again by simply believing a prediction they have read in the blog sites on the Internet does indeed mean that one has not quite learned the lesson of being a creator being.

One must always hold that one will find that truth within oneself and create that truth, manifest that truth in their lives, and that one does so, one adopts a more neutral stand on such pronouncements and allows them to unfold as they will, holding that they willexperience this at the right time, not at a time where such a grand announcement is made, creating such speculation and such energy. Is this clear?

Questioner: Yes, it is very meaningful, and the members will be pleased. Should this go on the web site ahead of time or ...?

Cosmic Awareness: This indeed should be released as soon as possible. That this Awareness is not trying to squash the hopes of those who are hearing these words, reading this message, but It is simply saying take everything with a grain of salt. Know that there are always manipulations and often when there are pronouncements of dates, that these must by themselves be suspect. For no force would announce the exact timing of the action they wish to take for fear that this will prepare the opposite side to launch a repulsion of this event or to sabotage it somehow.

That is why this Awareness does warn against those pronouncements where a date is given, where many anticipate it as being so, energize it and then are disappointed if it is not so. If one can be neutral, be aware, be open to the possibility it could occur, but it also may not occur, then one is not as crushed or devastated when it does not, if this is what transpires. If it does, then the plan moves forward. It is seen by this Awareness that while it is indeed very much in the plan to create an event during the Olympics that will awaken many, many more, it may not happen on that date. That is all that this Awareness has to say on this matter at this time. 

Questioner: Thank you, There is a side question in a way related, in the sense that when the Queen announced the opening of the Games, her tone was very monotone, there was no excitement or any feeling towards what she was saying. Was that truly the Queen?"

Cosmic Awareness: It was not the Queen. It is so that there have been actions on the part of the Galactic Federation towards the Elite, towards the Cabal of Power, the Queen of course included, and it was anticipated that on the opening night an action would occur that would perhaps have created a situation of exposure to the Queen. That it was a clone that was used at that time, a clone that did not have the power behind it. Indeed, if one recognized the voice, there was a lack of life force or intonation behind this entity's voice. This was a protective action against anything happening to one of the leaders of the Reptilian/Orion faction.

Also there has been scandal of the many empty seats that are being noted at the Olympic events. This too is because many of those who are part of the Power Elite are fearful that they would be exposed when they are in public scrutiny, and as a result many have not been turning up to the events they had purchased tickets for or had tickets blocked and put aside for; and that this is one of the reasons why there are so many empty seats at this time at the Olympic venues.

That it is seen that the Galactic Federation has great honor and respect to the endeavors of those athletes who have trained very greatly and intensely over the many years to be part of these events, these Olympic Games, and it did wish them to have their moment in the sun. It is seen more likely that the events of disclosure will happen in the closing ceremony, not on the 4th August as predicted.

Questioner: Thank you for that information. It certainly explains a lot of things because many people did discuss the empty seats. The reason why is acknowledged. Thank you.

Cosmic Awareness: What is to be noted, is these are blocks of seats, very noticeable indeed. In the past those elites that had tickets to events, who simply did not wish to go would not show up perhaps, but never in the masses that are occurring now, for there is a buzz amongst those who are the Reptilian shape shifters that the Galactic Federation does indeed now have the means by which their ability to shape shift can be disrupted and those that are Reptilian beings can indeed have the disguise removed midstream, so to speak. Thus it would be that those who are in form as human suddenly revert to their true Reptilian form, to be exposed before the masses and before the television cameras and other recording devices.

This would of course blow the lid off of things and it is for this reason that the majority of those who are Reptilian-Orion shape shifters are not appearing at the venue. This is an event that occurred just before the Olympics started, it is why the woman who presented herself as the Queen was a clone, not a Reptilian. Had they, the Galactic Federation, used their device this woman would not have reverted to her Reptilian shape for she was not the true personage or entity that is known as the Queen, nor was Prince Philip there or others, and that this is why it is that she seemed off on the evening and at that event. That it was a clone, not a clone of her Reptilian form but a human clone of the earthly body. It has not the life force energy behind it, which is why her voice was so monotone and lifeless.

Questioner: This brings to mind President Obama was also not there but rather his wife. Was he also concerned with this possibility?

Cosmic Awareness: That there are other events afoot that this Awareness cannot discuss at this moment.

Questioner: Thank you, I appreciate that.

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