Saturday, 7 July 2012

Galactic Family Of Light Saint Germain July 6 2012

Dear Ones,

Presently there’s a lot going on on your world but only a small fragment of it has been showed yet. Amongst the Lightworkers there is a feeling of it not being enough, there are high expectations running rampant that are not yet visible, resulting in feelings of disappointment and sometimes anger. Those feelings are a part of human nature and many Lightworkers are at the end of their rope so to speak. Their patience is running thin and understandably so even as seen from our point of view. Nevertheless, despite those feelings it is paramount to hold on and to trust not only yourselves but also the universe of Light.

Without this trust nothing can work out as Divinely planned and what’s more, this lack of trust could result in delays and disturbances, complicating the whole process. As has been said many times this process evolves around Divine Timing, it can’t manifest too soon or too late. Ascension is on its way and it’s something that won’t pass you by. It will happen, maybe not in the exact way that you thought or imagined it would be, but it will happen nonetheless.

There’s a lot about to happen and a time is fast approaching when it can only burst forth on the screen of life for your physical eyes to behold. Isn’t this what you have longed for : to see it tangibly and visibly? For you it’s kind of a certainty that you presumably need indicating  that we are on the right track. Well, my dear ones, I can assure you that this is the case. There is so much to behold what still lies beyond your comprehension, but upon closer look you already can clearly detect the minute details. Doesn’t that lift your spirits? That the whole process has already begun and is heading to its grandest finale? There is no turning back, only delays are still possible.

From an energetic point of view, the whole process has already been finalized in the Higher Dimensions guaranteeing you the same end result on this Earthly plane. Focus on the many changes in your inner self which will reflect on your outer world. Don’t wait to be rescued or wait for the outer changes for the whole process starts from within yourself and will manifest outwardly in your world. That’s why it has been said over and over again : ‘You are the ones you have been waiting for’. Without the inner changes, you can only maintain the status quo and the old paradigm. You receive lots of assistance from countless other Dimensions and other Galaxies in this inner transformation and to guide your Mother Earth to Her rightful place but it is up to you to instigate the changes on planet Earth and in yourself.

Don’t judge or accuse someone for your present situation, start from your inner self and do it! Begin by embodying your brilliant Higher Self and start from Love, not from a state of expectancy. We are doing our utmost in removing the most heavy interferences of the dark and I am glad to say that after much turmoil on their part they are as good as finished. No easy task to perform with lots of delays as a result but now we are on a straight path to victory at a speed that is almost mind-blowing. Much info will come to the fore that you cannot yet comprehend fully as it will be too much to take in. It doesn’t matter, let it all go; the end result will take your breath away. Give yourself time to work on your evolution and on your manifestations. Don’t forget that you are Masters of creation, so create the changes and notice them. We are in stand-by to assist you with this. We are with you and my I Am That I Am greets you, we will see each other real soon with lots of Love. *

I AM Saint Germain.

*(NOTE from Méline: If you find yourselves at the phase of needing guidance for Inner search or all that is explained in this or other messages I can sugest to use the Tools of Anrita Melchizedek or Inelia Benz.. which you can find on their websites.. Of course there are a lot of other tools which you are free in to use, chose the ones you are feeling drawnt to)

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