Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Private TAUK with Adrial channelled by Laura Tyco -- 26 June 2012

Adrial: Good evening Laura. Our mission of Saturday night was a frank success. You responded quite well to us. Noxy connects with people through her mind and nervous system with humans. However she was unable to establish a proper connection with you the way she usually does, because you kept waking up during her connection attempts. Also you level of awareness, even while you are asleep was different form what she is used to. You have the ability of being awake, and alert even while you are dreaming. Which surprised her to be honest.
I know for a long time you could not understand this about yourself. How comes that while you were dreaming, you knew and saw what the people or animals in your house were doing? And when you opened your eyes, several times, what you saw in front of you was the continuation of what you were dreaming: same people, doing the same thing as in your dream, and the images from your dream match to perfection “reality” of what was going on in your room.
So I decide to come and make the connection myself, I hope you don’t mind. I know you were looking forward to working with Noxy, and her with you. I will help her adapt to you sleep/ conscious state.
Laura: Thank you Adrial and Noxy. It was all an amazing experience to meet you all, I have received so much from your contact alone! Thank you also for message through Leslee, it was much appreciated. A few question, you may like to reply to here. Have I been with people working with you in underwater UFOs for the past 3 night and have I been with you also on a sort of Inca world, populated by reptilian like people? Also there are a lot of questions regards finding the name of the ship and finding it crew from readers. Could you tell us more on that please?
Adrial: Of course! Frist, as you have required, you are working with us during Dreamtime for the past few nights. Every time you wish to join us, please require so during your pre sleep meditation, and someone will come to you. Of course, do take your crystal to bed in your hand with you.
The Inca civilisation you have been with me was on another planet. We are doing negotiations with the reptilian as you know, and you have required to be part of this. What you recall of it is true. They are hard to work with, and the King of their empire was interested to prove you that the Milky Way should not be ruled by humans, and particularly Earth should remain under their control. Because, as he said to you, he thinks they are as much entitled to Earth and to the rest of the galaxy as humans are. We are under the human umbrella, because our genetic make up is very similar to yours, although we have evolved in size, consciousness and dimensions.
Regarding the USO you were given the grand tour by 2 of our team members: RadocK and MartTel. You had so many questions, they had a hard time doing all the explaining.
About the ships, you should talk to Leslee about it. She will give you plenty of background on it, and articles to read to catch up! I know.. you are not a fan of reading! Shall we say that some of you need to find out who they are by themselves. We know how difficult this amnesia is for all of you. The best way in remembering who you are and what are you on Earth for is by doing all this work for yourself and meditation, and of course by connecting with your Higher Self and with us through meditation and opening up to us. We are here to help you all. Once you make moves into the correct direction, we will give you more and more clues as to how to proceed to the next step.
Ultimately, you should regain so much of your memories, that you will actually recognise us and take your place among us. I believe SaLuSa spoke to you in your private telepathic connections of yesterday. And yes, we do also work in conjunction with him, and he knows very well what we are doing as we are working together on this project. Makes sense, no? Given the fact that you all met because of his messages, right?
Laura: I understand now! I was confused regarding the reason why he was telling me so much yesterday about rejoining our Galactic Teams!! Wow!! Thank you!! Looking forward to our connection tonight.
Adrial, channelled by Laura Tyco

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