Friday, 4 May 2012
Power of FREE WILL and how Justice functions *channeled by IsIs*
Power of FREE WILL and how Justice functions *channeled by IsIs*
Dear beloved Souls
What is Justice? Is it about condemning strangers who YOU do not like how they live?
No. The Judgement happens through YOUR VICTIM. If your victim can forgive, all is balance again and good. If the pain is too much, or the wound gets hit again, they might not want to be connected to you at all anymore, which simply blocks you from entering Heaven, where Victims ALWAYS go after a long suffering, having pure Hearts. Do you see the Fair Logic behind these Universal Laws? It allows exactly, what YOU chose by free Will to happen to you.
Also, Children, who get hurt, go to Heaven directly. There is even a special Dimension, a special Place, created especially for Children, who have been victimized during an earthly Journey, so they can play and heal their Soul from the Experience.
You cannot manifest an unwanted Manifestation for another, and then decide if YOU get punished or not, or judge the Ways God does things, you cannot UN-MAKE your own Nature in which God made you. Let us say, you created a Manifestation which was not created by the other Soul’s Free Will FOR THEM, and force them to accept it- it is not possible within God’s Creation in this way. They also have here a responding Free Will. God created all, including you and the other Souls.
When People go around your World and ABUSE Judgement to harass other innocent Souls who done nothing directly to them or know them in private as friends, family or lovers, you will have to get confronted with the Action you took against them. That can be, for example, a Man who is attracted to another Man, you have no Right to judge what intimate Connection they “feel like”.
There are male and female Souls. They chose for themselves, before Birth, how they want to live their Lesson and what they want to learn and go through. That original plan, has nothing to do with free Will Decisions OTHERS take during this Souls Journey, its about this Soul only. Sometimes, two Soul-Mates can incarnate in the same physical Gender Body. That is part of their individual Life Lesson and Learning on spiritual Levels, and simply, WHAT IS AND EXISTS IN NATURE, WAS ALL MADE BY GOD. God knows, why he created Creation the way it is.
Sometimes, God’s Ways seem very mysterious to many of you, even more so within a limited physical Perspective. But finally, there is a good Reason why you cannot grasp God nor SEE God directly. It is impossible, not only in a physical Life Form, but afterwards as well. You can feel and hear God, but you CAN NEVER SEE GOD DIRECTLY. How come? Because God is EVERYTHING, and that includes you being like a Particle of God, a tiny little Spark.
It all makes Sense, when you look at it in a deeper Way. It’s about Trust, absolute Trust. In some ways, the physical Body has become a “trap”- sometimes spiritual Truths are only seen/recognized, when you close your physical Eyes. That means, you have to rely on the deep Feeling within your Core Soul’s Heart, that God leads you and knows, what is Best. You have to trust, God will always do the greatest things for you and EXCEED ALL YOUR OWN WISHES AND EXPECTATIONS, while walking through the Dark, not sure on what you are stepping at times. This is what the physical Journey is also about, partially.
This Experience, while building this type of Trust, strengthens your Intuition. Your Intuition is nothing physical, although it is linked to physical Functions. The Body can signal you things “intuitively”, because the Soul feels this Intuition, and the Body reacts being bonded with the Soul during Life. You feel tension, you feel like not walking through this or that Alley, and then find out, you were protected by inner Guidance.
Intuition is a very important Ability OF YOUR SOUL. It’s a Skill which stays with you eternally, and the better you train it now, the easier and more Fun it will be after, because with a strong, well-functioning Intuition, you can communicate better in the other Dimensions and Life Forms.
In the spiritual Realms, you don’t have a Tongue made out of Flesh to speak. When you encounter another Being/Soul, you connect energetically and speak through intuitive Telepathy. You connect very deep and easily with all Beings around you, and exactly for THAT REASON, the physical Lesson must be learned first or you cannot enter these Worlds. It is really and fully up to YOU, if you WISH/WANT to enter these Worlds or not. Why would God force you? Why would some of you think or even say to others or publish openly statements, that God would FORCEFULLY ASCEND ALL TOGETHER WITHOUT ASKING ABOUT WHAT EACH SOUL WANTS? God cares, always and without Exception, to uphold your Free Will and always LISTENS TO YOUR FREE WILL.
God has other Physicality Rules in these Worlds, some contradict the earthly physical Laws completely, it seems your Society would think. Of course, the universal and spiritual Rules in God’s Creation, are always the same. But in these other Worlds, you have a different Body, a real physical Body, which is NOT FLESH, and therefore, it’s a different next Life Form including many Worlds, not just one Globe you all live on, and it therefore functions under different physical Rules.
Respect for another’s Energy Field and Well Being, is a PRIORITY to master to the point you would never even THINK of hurting another, or disrespecting another. This is an important Key, to gain Access to the heavenly Worlds.
There are also lower vibrating Worlds, from which at times due to different Reasons, a Being or Spirit flees and sneaks into your Dimension. Many Souls, who have performed Black Magic within your Dimension, are to carry Responsibility for their Actions. This kind of Chaos is simply not going to happen ever nor allowed in Heaven, and therefore, you really cannot be mad at Heaven securing itself. This Security System was put in place long before any of you have been incarnated in the current Life Form you know. God knew, that when he gives Free Will to each Soul, many sad events might be manifested on the Path of Learning and Training, but many “Mistakes” really, are forgiven. One cannot be perfect, one is made to strive for Perfection and keep up the Growth eternally. That is what it means, to HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. It never ends, it always continues, grows, expands, changes.
God is generous, in ways many of you forget in daily stress. God gave you more than you can IMAGINE, you aren’t even using your physical Abilities nor Brain to the fullest! The Forgetting became so bad, you became a MYSTERY TO YOURSELF.
Be courageous and adventurous like a Child. Re-Member YOURSELF and motivate yourself, looking for the PRIZE OF LOVE always. Keep going and better yourself each Day, shape yourself and bring the BEST out of YOU.
This is finally all it is about. You and your World. You and your personal Relationship to God. You and your own INDIVIDUAL LIFE PATH AND SOUL’S PATH.
It is about nothing else but YOU, for YOU.
Sending out Healing Wishes and Joyful Light to the Planet, may all of you decide to shine and focus on YOU.
This Text can be shared and distributed with Credit to IsIs reincarnated as Susan Elsa
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