Allow yourself to melt like butter into the sound. Place all of your awareness on it. Hear it, really hear it. Pay attention and the tones shall form ideas, the ideas becoming words; words which convey messages of love and upliftment, activations and upgrades, or possibly details of the next phase of your assignment on Earth. These sounds are your own personal transmissions from home. As you comfortably revel in the stillness of the morning, allow these codes of ascension to take root within the energetic framework of your body. Permit them time to grow and take shape. These tones are your tones, specifically yours, cut from the very mold of your own higher soul self. This hour of the day is the time of your greatest awareness, when you are newly returned from home, and the connection is still fresh. Occasionally you may awaken to a quiet, loving voice speaking to you , only later to find that the words they spoke were true and of great importance, or that they foretold an event yet to come. For those who are highly visual, it is not uncommon to wake up to the smiling face of a beloved angel or guide. Before long, you shall all be functioning in this state of heightened awareness, this being the norm. Hearing us is soon to be as elementary as picking up a phone and calling a friend. Although, come that time the heavy apparatus shall no longer be necessary. Your telepathic skills shall be fully restored!
Be alert, always, because our messages may arrive at any time and on occasion these times are not always the most convenient. Try as we might, it is often difficult for us to connect with and function according to your linear schedule. Remember to keep a notebook and pen, or a small voice recorder handy whoever you go, so that you are able to preserve the messages and refer back to them at a later date.
My friends, the Dark’s hold on the Earth is in it’s final death throes. When the old paradigm falls, and I assure you most emphatically that it shall, your knowledge and razor-sharp expertise shall be needed. Not only will you be called upon to lead your team members, but you must be ready to soothe and educate the disillusioned masses as well. Therefore, when we speak to you, please listen as best you can. Never forget that you are God’s Ambassadors of Love.
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