Sunday, 1 April 2012

TAUK SaLuSa to Me, 1 April 2012. Connect with Spirit Daily. Galactic Fe...

Many of you are still living in denial, so to speak. The truth is that, while you are on planet Earth, your condition is duality. What does duality means for you, dear ones? This word has a separate meaning for each and every one of you. You must learn to see that and accept that you all have a different role to play; you all have different lessons to learn. What is true for one person may not necessarily be true for another person. What is wrong for one person may be a useful needed learning experience for another. You all have your own path to follow, and make your own choices.

Unconditional love is also letting go of your own ego. Allow others to grow at their own rhythm and follow their own path without imposing your own experience on them. Your dual nature makes it such that one part of you is interested in the astral, while another is designed to interact with the lower vibrations. One part is constantly living in the higher realms, while the other remains anchored in daily life. You must begin to be aware of this and accept it for what it is. Ultimately both parts will have to be present at the same time, by allowing your Higher Self to see what you consider your lower aspects, allow your Higher Self to be present in your daily life, while you take every single step, every single breath, while you make every single movement and mental association, while you are day dreaming, while you feel down, or happy.
Many of you are constantly reacting from their emotions, while others are constantly in their head. We do not commend either of these options, for you now it is important to learn to become balanced, and let go of all preconceived ideas. What is most needed now is you working on being in the here and now, as well as on being and remembering who you are. We have been helping some of you in the process of uncovering dormant memories from your past and parallel lives. We have done so with many of you, specially for those who will be needed in order to guide others among you directly from your planet. It is usually a slow and rather sensitive procedure, which will bring back much healing pain into your lives for the coming months. We call it the awakening; this work goes on while you are asleep with us.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and encourage you to reconnect with your Higher Self and Spirit on a daily basis. Let your inner light shine inside of your being and equally around you, always. Be at peace.
Thank you, SaLuSa
Laura Tyco

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