Friday, 27 April 2012

SaLuSa to Me - A Certain Amount of Resistance Needs to Be Experienced --...

SaLuSa: I come forward today to remind you of your multidimensional nature, dear souls. Many of you feel cut off from one another, and from the eternally love giving common Creator. It is so easy to feel lonely and misunderstood at this time, when high resolution of karma takes place. Many of you have taken an amount of karma solving much higher than normally for what is your last duality Earth incarnation for many of you. Some of you have taken on up to ten lives time karma solving for this incarnation alone. So what would take ten lives to solve under normal circumstances is dealt with here and now, at this very moment. It is all playing in fast forward mode, no time to let things settle for too long, and the next karma issue is there already.

Another way of looking at this is as follows, if you have issues with 10 people, you will get the opportunity to deal with them in this life, and perhaps simultaneously. Perhaps you are solving karma while speaking on the phone, while being on an internet forum, by dealing with family and relationship issues at the same time. It can happen very rapidly, perhaps while you are speaking to the person at a till in a shop. Body language, a certain recognition, a smile, certain words being said, and acceptance or forgiveness can take place unknowingly right here and now. For many of you, this happens without your conscious knowledge. For others, a much deeper knowledge is known by all parties, and what were irreparable mistakes, may now be healed at a soul level.
Please do never forget that all of you are immensely loved and supported in your life mission here, and truly you all do get support. Your lives throughout all dimensions are based on growth and evolution, and most of all on love. You will always have the unconditional love and support of those that you love, of those that love you, even as you sit now, think of them and their higher self will come near you and talk to your higher self, who in turn will get information into your head and all of a sudden clarity and understanding will emerge for you.
We understand the current situation brings much pain to many of you, we understand that a certain amount of resistance needs to be experienced by all of you. You will all learn and grow a great deal from all the pain and suffering you are going through in these dark times. Taste your feelings well, experience your body, for it is there that all emotions reside, along with the possibility of self DNA activation. Sit still regularly and bring your light to your sense, to your breath, you will soon begin to feel your own emotional life, your own being in existence.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I send you all my love and compassion at this time of confusion and deep suffering for many souls.  
Thank you

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