Thursday, 31 December 2015
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Monday, 28 December 2015
Sunday, 27 December 2015
Saturday, 26 December 2015
Friday, 25 December 2015
Thursday, 24 December 2015
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Monday, 21 December 2015
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Barack Obama, America's Self Proclaimed King! MVI 9704
Before the English Civil War, British kings had a simple process for raising money for their various endeavors: they called a session of parliament and requested nationwide taxes and excise.
Parliament generally funded the kings, but if they refused, the king could dissolve the parliament. Eventually, that system ended after a series of mistakes by King Charles led to the rise of Oliver Cromwell’s New Model Army.President Obama faces no such obstacles.
Our elected King gets precisely what he wants from his compliant parliament. Elected Republicans refuse time and time again to use either of the constitutional powers delegated to them to stop an overreaching executive: impeachment or the power of the purse. Impeachment would likely fail simply due to lack of votes in the Senate. But refusal to pass conservative spending priorities out of fear that Obama will veto them and that the government will then “shut down” has paralyzed the Republican opposition to Obama.
So they just give Obama what he wants.
This has been true since conservatives returned Republicans to control of the House of Representatives in 2010. It’s been true even since Republicans gained control of the Senate in 2014. Obama’s string of victories has not reversed in any marked way.
Obamacare. Republicans campaigned in 2010 on stopping Obamacare if they were returned to power. In taking his Speakership gavel,
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)
vowed to “do everything we can” to repeal Obamacare, adding, “I believe
the health care bill will kill jobs in America, ruin the best health
care system in the world, and bankrupt our country.” That, of course,
never happened. In every continuing resolution, Republicans have
continued to fully fund Obamacare. When Senator
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
urged the Republican House not to fund Obamacare in 2013, and Senate
Democrats refused to budge from funding it fully, Republicans quickly
caved, blaming Cruz rather than Senate Majority Leader
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
and President Obama. That awful, awful shutdown that was supposed to
crush Republican hopes in 2014 ended with a massive tidal wave for
Republicans. But that doesn’t stop
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
from funding Obamacare anyway in his new appropriations bill.
Executive Amnesty. In June 2012, President Obama
issued his executive amnesty for illegal immigrants entering the country
before the age of 16 and before June 2007. Just after the election of
2014, Obama expanded that program to include their parents. These two
programs together shielded some nine million illegal immigrants
from deportation under current American law. Despite the fact that
Obama himself had said he had no authority to carry forth his executive
amnesty, Republicans caved to him again. They ran on the promise of
overruling his unconstitutional power grab. Then they proceeded to fully
fund his executive amnesty before the end of 2014. Now they’ve
continued to fund it under Paul Ryan’s omnibus appropriations package.
Defunding The Military. President Obama came into office pledging to end two wars – and end them he did, with losses. He also sought to significantly slash the military. This would be one area where Republicans were guaranteed to fight, right? Wrong. In 2011, Speaker of the House John Boehner signed off on the Budget Control Act of 2011, which automatically cut the budget – supposedly, since actual federal spending rose year-over-year anyway. The automatic budget cuts were never supposed to take place; Obama had insisted that any budget cuts to non-defense areas be matched by budget cuts to defense. Republicans, like idiots, signed off on this nonsense, believing Obama’s lie that Democrats would surely come to the table to avoid such strictures. It didn’t happen. Defense got slashed. Obama will keep it slashed.
Planned Parenthood. In the aftermath of the Planned Parenthood videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, showing Planned Parenthood employees bartering over the body parts of aborted babies, Republicans vowed to defund Planned Parenthood. That didn’t happen. Instead of providing Obama a budget minus that cash, Republicans went ahead and included the cash.
Climate Change. Republicans fumed over President Obama’s Paris deal, which promises that the developed world will give $100 billion per year to the developing world to compensate them for the supposed ill effects of anthropogenic climate change. Republicans said it was a treaty, and that they had no intention of giving Obama the cash to make it happen. Not so much. Under Paul Ryan’s budget, a slush fund for Obama’s climate deal remained in the bill.
The Iran Deal. Not only did Republicans pledge to oppose Obama’s Iran nuclear deal, they pledged to stop it. Instead, they gave Obama the full power to implement it with the insane Corker bill that reversed the treaty process, forcing Republicans to come up with a supermajority in the Senate in order to kill Obama’s deal. Senate Majority Leader
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
said, “this is a piece of legislation worthy of our support. It offers
the best chance we have to provide the American people and the Congress
they elect with power to weigh in on a vital issue.” Well, no, actually –
the Constitution did that. But why do you need the Constitution when
you’ve got a monarch?
King Charles’ reign eventually broke on the shoals of resistance.
There will be none from Republicans. No wonder Obama thanked his favored
Republican noble, Ryan, for funding his priorities. “Merry Christmas,”
Obama reportedly told Ryan. “Back at ya,” said Ryan. And, presumably,
God save the King.
Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News, Editor-in-Chief of, and The New York Times bestselling author, most recently, of the book, The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Friday, 18 December 2015
The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 481, December 20, 2015
Issue 481.
Climate Change Games
The Climate Change conference to take place the first two weeks of December were billed as a last chance to save the world, with even the words of Pope Francis twisted to imply that man-made carbon emissions were the problem. This is not in fact what Pope Francis said at all! Read carefully. He was addressing Earth changes such as melting glaciers. He did not cite the cause.Hillary’s Grin
ZetaTalk Insight 12/5/2015: The Pope’s comments on the Climate Conference give a clue to the real agenda in Paris, as more than 150 Heads of State meet to discuss the future. The Pope did not say “man-made” Global Warming. He stressed that the problem is getting worse, that glaciers are melting in Greenland, and the seas are rising. He did not cite the cause, which of course is the pending passage of Nibiru, the increasingly violent daily Earth wobble, the 7 of 10 plate movements, and the increase in CO2 from exploding volcanoes.
- World Headed Toward 'Suicide' if no Climate Agreement: Pope
November 30, 2015 The U.N. climate conference in Paris is most likely humanity's last chance to thwart global environmental disaster, Pope Francis said, warning the world was "at the limits of suicide". The pope was asked if the U.N. climate summit in Paris would mark a turnaround in the fight against global warming. "I am not sure, but I can say to you 'now or never'," he said. "Every year the problems are getting worse. We are at the limits. If I may use a strong word I would say that we are at the limits of suicide." He spoke of retreating glaciers in Greenland and low-lying countries at risk from rising sea levels. "I am sure that the (Paris delegates) have goodwill to do something. I hope it turns out this way and I am praying that it will," he said.
In that the Earth changes are caused by the approaching Nibiru, now increasingly visible in the skies, what is the point? Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes have increased dramatically, and have nothing to do with the temperature of the air. The daily Earth wobble, detectible by anyone observing where the Sun is rising and setting certainly has nothing to do with carbon emissions.
What was actually accomplished by having 195 countries sign an agreement to reduce greenhouse gasses in 50-100 years? Global Warming assertions have been under debate from the start, and the advocates of the theory caught in fraud, as detailed in Issue 367 of this newsletter. Going into the Climate Change conference there was plenty of skepticism.
- Why the Paris Climate Deal is Meaningless
November 29, 2015 Conventional wisdom holds that negotiators are hashing out a fair allocation of the deep emissions cuts all countries would need to make to limit warming. That image bears little resemblance to reality. The developing world, projected to account for four-fifths of all carbon-dioxide emissions this century, will earn applause for what amounts to a promise to stay on their pre-existing trajectory of emissions-intensive growth. A group of developing countries led by China and India has rejected “any obligatory review mechanism for increasing individual efforts of developing countries.” The final submissions are not enforceable, and carry no consequences beyond “shame” for noncompliance — a fact bizarrely taken for granted by all involved. Climate finance is the term for wealth transferred from developed to developing nations based on a vague and shifting set of rationales including repayment of the “ecological debt” created by past emissions, “reparations” for natural disasters, and funding of renewable energy initiatives. Developing countries are expecting more than $100 billion in annual funds from this agreement or they will walk away.
Per the Zetas, since Heads of State are aware that a passage of Nibiru is pending, they are only straddling the fence during this Climate Change conference, posturing to blame man-made emissions if the announcement does not occur, and bargaining with other countries for migration permission or bribes if it does occur. Thus Obama’s happy announcement at the end of the conference looks suspicious. How do his reassurances gibe with his role of being at the helm when informing the public about Nibiru? These are mixed messages.
- Climate Skeptics on ‘Historic’ UN Treaty
December 12, 2015 We had one UK scientist, Philip Stott, who has said there are quite literally hundreds of factors governing global climate. For the UN to pick one politically-selected factor - CO2 - and then try to tweak it at the margins and then come up with some temperature goal 50 -100 years in the future, is akin to scientific nonsense. You could call it modern day witchcraft.
ZetaTalk Insight 12/5/2015: These Heads of State know that Nibiru is causing these problems. They also know there is a pending contested announcement admitting this to the public. In their minds, the issues to be resolved are what to say to their public in the event the announcement proceeds, and what to say to their public if the announcement continues to be repressed. Thus, proclamations straddle the fence, and allow for movement in any direction. These Heads of State are also acutely aware of the ZetaTalk prediction accuracy, and the grim prognosis for many countries of the world. India, in particular, is trying to broker immigration for its educated citizens in exchange for cooperation in the big lie that rising seas are due somehow to man-made emissions. China, with over a billion citizens to relocate, is guarding its border with India and Asia, using its funds to bribe other countries, in Africa and S America, to open their borders instead.
- Nations Approve Landmark Climate Accord in Paris
December 13, 2015 With the sudden bang of a gavel Saturday night, representatives of 195 nations reached a landmark accord that will, for the first time, commit nearly every country to lowering planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions to help stave off the most drastic effects of climate change.
Hillary has been accused of having an entitlement attitude. She is the Heir Apparent, and nothing can stop her ascension to the throne of the Oval Office.Reviving Planet X
Despite an ongoing FBI investigation into Hillary’s email practices, she has exuded an air of confidence and a big entitlement grin, consistently. Hillary Clinton and Obama had a very private lunch at the White House on Monday, December 7, 2015. No photos were taken and the agenda was not revealed to the press. But the photos of Hillary on Wednesday-Thursday December 2-3 showed her entitlement grin or appropriate anger at the December 2 San Bernardino shooting. If she was to receive bad news during her luncheon with Obama, she was not yet anticipating it.
But photos of Hillary from Friday December 4 through to Tuesday December 8 showed anger or angst. Hillary has broken countless federal laws by her private server setup and treatment of classified material, but has obviously assumed she could get away with it. Per the Zetas, this matter is in Obama’s hands.
- President Obama and Hillary Clinton Meet for Lunch at White House
December 7, 2015 The former rivals-turned-amicable colleagues met privately for a 90-minute "informal lunch" at the White House. The lunch was not on Obama's or Hillary Clinton's public schedules, and the White House did not disclose what exactly the two discussed.
ZetaTalk Insight 12/12/2015: Hillary has been going on the assumption that Obama would not dare allow an indictment to proceed, as there are no other Democratic candidates polling well enough against the Republicans at present. She feared Biden entering the race. But the idea that he withdrew as the announcement was about to delay the 2016 elections never entered her mind, as she likewise does not think Obama will pull off the announcement. By entering the race early, with a huge war chest from her Wall Street and Clinton Foundation sources, she is assuming she is indeed too big to indict, and is clear to sail to the White House. The outcome depends on Obama, who indeed plans to defer the 2016 election at some point due to the announcement admitting that Nibiru exists. Biden is expected to announce when and if the election cycle resumes, but it is unlikely to resume. Obama was indeed giving her bad news during the December 7 luncheon, as the FBI has sufficient cause to indict on several fronts, and the DOJ will proceed. Obama will not stop this, nor issue a quick pardon, so Hillary, under this cloud not only cannot posture as she has but in point of fact will be precluded by law from holding the office of President.
What federal statutes has Hillary broken? This list is extensive and despite her practice of placing underlings beneath her to take the fall, is personally liable for most of them, even if none of her loyal underlings confess. As Secretary of State, she signed a paper acknowledging her responsibilities. The buck stopped with her, and the private email setup in her home certainly involves her by her actions or failure to take action. Many of the emails now labeled classified were “born classified” meaning by their nature they were such. The list of statues broken goes on and on.
- Eight Laws Hillary Clinton Could Be Indicted For Breaking
September 21, 2015 18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of classified information. A federal prosecutor would naturally focus first on the most serious allegations: willfully transmitting or willfully retaining Top Secret and Compartmented (TS/SCI) material using a private server system.
U.S. Code § 1924 – Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material. The prohibited conduct is the unauthorized removal of classified information from government control or its retention in an unauthorized location.
18 U.S. Code § 2071(b) — Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally. The accused transferred and held the only copies of official government records (whether classified or not), the very existence of which was concealed from government records custodians.
18 U.S. Code § 641 – Public money, property or records. The prohibited conduct is the conversion of official records (whether classified or not) to the accused’s exclusive use and the mens rea is simply the intent to do so.
18 U.S. Code § 1505 – Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
An accused destroyed, withheld, or concealed the existence of official records being sought under subpoena by a committee of Congress.
8 U.S. Code § 1519 — Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in federal investigations
An accused knowingly concealed the existence of official records being sought by the Department of State Inspector General .
18 U.S. Code § 1031 — Fraud against the United States
18 U.S. Code § 1343 – Fraud by wire, radio or television
18 U.S. Code § 1346 — Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”
18 U.S. Code § 371 – Conspiracy to defraud the United States. The wire fraud conviction can be sought if it can be proven that accused used electronic means of communication in undertaking such scheme or artifice to defraud.
18 U.S. Code § 371 – Conspiracy to commit a federal offense. If any accused and any third party can be proven to have colluded in any violation of federal, criminal law, then all involved can be charged with criminal conspiracy as well.Then there is the issue of how all that material arrived intact on her homebrew server, when it was blocked from leaving the secure State Department servers. Did Hillary’s IT guy Pagliano, who worked directly for Hillary both as an independent contractor and at State, create a software workaround to toss emails over the wall? Pagliano took the 5th, and refused testimony before Congress. The FBI subsequently seized four State Department servers.
- FBI Expands Probe of Clinton Emails, Launches Independent Classification Review
November 12, 2015 Agents are looking at U.S. Code 18, Section 1001, which pertains to "materially false" statements given either in writing, orally or through a third party. Violations also include pressuring a third party to conspire in a cover-up. Each felony violation is subject to five years in prison. This phase represents an expansion of the FBI probe, which is also exploring potential violations of an Espionage Act provision relating to "gross negligence" in the handling of national defense information.
I watched her face after the luncheon with Obama for any evidence. Is she happy? Is she distraught? Her facial expression changed by Wednesday December 9. She looks like she is crying, pleading while campaigning in Iowa, or somber and no longer flashing that entitlement grin on a late night show December 11. Per the Zetas, she will not drop out of the race, as requested by Obama, but will try to intimidate him.
- Former Clinton IT Staffer Bryan Pagliano Pleads the Fifth
September 11, 2015 Bryan Pagliano, a former Hillary Clinton staffer who installed and maintained the family's private email server, invoked the Fifth Amendment during his appearance before the House Select Committee investigating Benghazi.
ZetaTalk Insight 12/12/2015: As Hillary proceeded to maintain her campaign after this news from Obama, is appears she does not intend to exit as a candidate gracefully. She will be pushed, kicking and screaming, from the stage. She will at first basically dare Obama to proceed, trying to create such momentum, so many endorsements, so much cash and endless campaign ads on TV, that he will change his mind and lose his resolve. Obama asked Hillary to consider the Democratic Party, the impact on its reputation, but Hillary is hardly of that mind set. How this drama ends is in the hands of the Democratic Party, as the parties in the arena have taken their positions and picked up their weapons. Game on!
Hillary has certainly tried to assert control over the process, declaring via proxies in the press that those two Top Secret emails had been reduced to a harmless status, and having friends in the State Department take various email out of the inspection process. Obama did not look happy about the fight ahead on Sunday, December 6, 2015.
- Hillary Acolytes 'Trying to Shut Down FBI Probe'
November 9, 2015 The Clinton “spin machine” appears to be behind a report claiming Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has overruled the finding of Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough that two Hillary Clinton emails sent on her private server contained highly classified information. One of the emails was about North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence “has made no such determination and the review is ongoing.’
- Sources: Clinton Email Markings Changed to Hide Classified Info
September 01, 2015 At least four classified Hillary Clinton emails had their markings changed to a category that shields the content from Congress and the public in what State Department whistleblowers believed to be an effort to hide the true extent of classified information on the former secretary of state’s server. The four emails originally were marked classified after a review by career officials at the State Department. But after a second review by the department's legal office, the designation was switched to "B5" -- also known as "deliberative process," which refers to internal deliberations by the Executive Branch. Such discussions are exempt from public release. The B5 coding has the effect, according to a congressional source, of dropping the email content "down a deep black hole."
Planet X has had a long history. From the days in early 1980 when the dark star that was a gravity draw out in the direction of Orion was called Nemesis, to the days in 1983 when Nibiru was sighting by the NASA/JPL infrared balloon out in that direction, to the days in 2006 when astronomers Walter Cruttenden and Michael Brown declared that long-period comets and Sedna were pulling in that direction, due to the gravity pull of some mysterious object – Planet X has been in the news. Many objects, such as Sedna, have been called Planet X, a much overused term. Meanwhile, NASA has declared all speculation wrong. As recently as 2011 saying there is no Nibiru, no Planet X. Go back to shopping, sheeple! But now, suddenly, the discussion has been revived.
- Scientists Claimed they found Elusive ‘Planet X.’
December 11, 2015 It’s a big, dark presence at the farthest reaches of our solar system, a mysterious force powerful enough to skew the paths of planets in orbit and yet so subtle that it slips undetected past even the most powerful telescopes on Earth. It’s known as Planet X. And a group of astronomers said they’d found not just one such presence, but two of them.
- Did Astronomers Find a 'Super-Earth' in Our Solar System?
December 111, 2015 Using data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope in Chile, astronomers found a faint object in the Alpha Centauri star system that's closest to Earth. After analyzing the data, the astronomers ruled out that it may be another star. Instead they posit that the object is orbiting our own sun in the outer realm of our solar system – meaning it could be the much sought-after "Planet X."
- Is there a SUPER EARTH on the Edge of our Solar System?
December 11, 2015 Astronomers believe they have discovered two of the most distant objects ever found in our solar system. Using the Alma telescope, researchers from Sweden and Mexico noticed mysterious objects crossing their field of view as part of separate studies. It's difficult to tell exactly how far away these objects are, but their speed and brightness suggest that they are unlikely to be stars. One of the objects, they say, could be a 'Super Earth' located six times farther away than Pluto. The studies have already drawn scepticism from other astronomers who say they are likely to be something known as super-cool brown dwarfs. Brown dwarfs are cosmic bodies that never burn fusion at their core. Scientists sometimes refer to them as 'failed stars.' While the latest studies do not rule out this possibility, they add that both objects may be a good candidate for 'Planet X'.
ZetaTalk Overview 12/19/2015: What are these objects found by the ALMA array in Chile? We have stated that the Sun’s dark unlit twin, its binary, is some 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances away, and that these two binaries are in a static dance with each other, no motion toward or away from each other. One of the objects is described as being 6 times the Earth-Pluto distance away, much closer at hand. The ALMA objects were discovered in the direction of the constellation Centauri. Nibiru comes in from its second foci, the dark unlit binary of the Sun, from the direction of Orion, but these two constellations are in the same general vicinity.
It is speculated there is only one object, a moving object, but there are two. If they were found 6 Sun-Pluto distances away, Sedna, which orbits the Earth, was found to move 3 Sun-Pluto distances away during its orbit. Are these new objects in orbit around Earth? They are not, but rather in a static dither. We mentioned Nibiru spent most of its life midway between its foci, in a dither, only drifting close enough to Earth to make a pass every 3,600 years or so. We mentioned that Nibiru began its sling orbit coming out of the Big Bang, and thus must forever remain in this sling orbit, but other objects in the vicinity were not trapped in this manner. Planets orbit their suns because they are close enough to be affected by the rotation of matter within their suns, the sweeping arms we have described. If the distance is sufficient, and if the planetary mass has more than one gravity draw calling to it, it will dither. These two new discoveries are proof of a second gravity draw in the direction of the constellation Orion. Meanwhile, the subject of Planet X, aka Nibiru, is again in the news!
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Monday, 14 December 2015
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Friday, 11 December 2015
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Monday, 7 December 2015
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Spraying Tons Of Toxic Coal Fly Ash Into Atmosphere Via Chemtrails
Coal Fly Ash Used In Chemtrail Aerosols: Geophysicist Produces Conclusive Evidence
“Evidence of Toxic Coal-Fly-Ash and Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health” — J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.
Peer-Reviewed, Court-Admissible, Scientific Research Paper Published Exposing Geoengineering
SOTN Investigative Research TeamState of the Nation
Scientific evidence now exists which indicates the presence of “toxic coal combustion fly ash” in the Earth’s atmosphere. The following abstract excerpt comes from a recently published peer-reviewed article in the August 11th issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health under the title quoted above and linked here.
_____________________________________________________What makes these scientific revelations so explosive is the source — J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D. Not only has the highly experienced and well-regarded scientist utilized rigorous scientific methods to arrive at his firm conclusions, the research paper has been published in a prestigious, peer-reviewed open access journal.
“The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years. The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health.”[1]
The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health has in fact permitted the publication of many highly consequential research papers over the years. However, this particular scientific study on chemical geoengineering is as serious as it gets. Which begs the question: Just who is J. Marvin Herndon?
J. Marvin Herndon (born 1944) is an American interdisciplinary scientist, who earned his BA degree in physics in 1970 from the University of California, San Diego and his Ph.D. degree in nuclear chemistry in 1974 from Texas A&M University. For three years, J. Marvin Herndon was a post-doctoral assistant to Hans Suess and Harold C. Urey in geochemistry and cosmochemistry at the University of California, San Diego. He is the President of Transdyne Corporation in San Diego, California. He has been profiled in Current Biography, and dubbed a “maverick geophysicist” by The Washington Post.[1][2] He is most noted for deducing the composition of the inner core of Earth as being nickel silicide, not partially crystallized nickel-iron metal.[3] More recently, he has suggested “georeactor” planetocentric nuclear fission reactors as energy sources for the gas giantouter planets.[4] as the energy source and production mechanism for the geomagnetic field [5] and stellar ignition by nuclear fission.[6][2]With credentials like these, it will be very difficult for the U.S Federal Government to deny the fact that toxic Coal-Fly-Ash is being systematically used in the now ubiquitous geoengineering program that generates chemtrails on a regular basis around the world. Dr. Herndon’s exceptionally thorough and authoritative paper goes on to state the following about these toxic and/or poisonous components found in the chemtrail aerosols.
_____________________________________________________The preceding excerpt reveals that whoever lives, works or plays under chemtrailed skies is exposed to a whole range of chemical contaminants and toxic pollutants. Therefore, the longer those individuals (read: every resident of the USA) are exposed to such chemtrail aerosols, which eventually fall down to Earth, the more likely they are to be directly involved in this developing public health disaster.
“The consequences on public health are profound, including exposure to a variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction.”[1]
For those who are unaware of the chemtrail phenomenon, please view the following comprehensive photo-doc. Should any questions or concerns arise about chemtrails or chem-clouds, geoengineering programs or chemtrail operations, please watch the videos posted here and here.
CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED)
Health Concerns and Medical Consequences
What is particularly alarming are some of the “Keywords” which are listed in Marvin Herndon’s journal article as follows:
• Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Parkinson’s disease
• Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD);
• Neurological disorders
Screenshot from Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12(8), 9375-9390; doi:10.3390/ijerph120809375
Just what is coal fly ash and what does it contain?
According to the research paper coal fly ash is one of four major byproducts of the industrial coal-burning process. Here’s the breakdown:Industrial coal burning produces four types of coal combustion residuals (CCRs): fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, and flue gas desulfurization product (FGDP), i.e., gypsum. Bottom ash is heavy and settles out; coal fly ash, on the other hand, is comprised of micron and sub-micron particles that would go up the smokestack unless captured and stored. Because of its well-known adverse environmental health effects, Western nations now mandate that coal combustion fly ash is to be captured and stored.[1]
The research paper introduction goes on to explain the “potential environmental health risks” that are associated with the many trace elements which are concentrated in the coal fly ash repository. Some of the more toxic and/or potentially poisonous elements are “arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, thallium, thorium, vanadium and uranium“.[1]
Why the EPA would permit the indiscriminate, systematic and wide-area spraying of coal-fly-ash based aerosols containing arsenic, lead, mercury, thallium, thorium and uranium is anyone’s guess. Such a practice is in direct violation of so many EPA rules and regulations that it certainly defies explanation.
Two Test Methods Were Used That Produced Almost Identical Results
The results of two different test methods, both of which compared the composition of the aerosolized particulates with the known elements from coal fly ash, were not just compelling, they were overwhelming similar. That virtually identical results were arrived at provides an excellent legal basis for class action suits to proceed successfully. Both individuals and families, communities and businesses, which have been injured by ongoing geoengineering operations, now have sufficient scientific evidence to sue the government for both compensatory and punitive damages.
The test results as reported in the abstract are as follows:
The results show: (1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2) the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical.[1]Given the information which has been presented thus far, who in their right mind would not want to immediately get to the very bottom of how this extremely hazardous waste product — Coal Fly Ash — is being SPRAYED IN OUR SKIES ON A DAILY BASIS!
Geoengineering Programs Must Be Terminated; Chemtrails Must Be Stopped
Now many will better understand why so many health advocates and environmental activists within the anti-geoengineering movement believe that the geoengineers are truly mad, or clinically insane, or certified crazymakers, or all three. Who but mentally incapacitated geoengineers would ever implement such an exceedingly dangerous and destructive atmospheric engineering program? Across the planet, no less!
This toxic/poisonous chemtrail pollution is now constantly permeating the air that we breathe — all of us. The coal fly ash falls on the water bodies and water courses of the world. Coal fly ash now rains on the crops and the orchards and the grain fields below. The coal fly ash descends on the forests and fields, the cities and suburbs. The toxic chemtrail brew ends up on our homes, our lawns, our vehicles and our previously organic gardens.
In light of this ever-worsening predicament, one question emerges. How do we stop this slow-motion genocide?
Michael J. Murphy, Producer/Director of Why in the World are they Spraying? is initiating a class action lawsuit which addresses the damaging effects from the ongoing, worldwide geoengineering programs. He has been informed that a scientific, peer-reviewed research paper on geoengineering process and procedure, aerosols and their chemical composition will have sufficient legal weight in a class action lawsuit. This irrefutable evidence will be presented in Michael’s upcoming documentary An Unconventional Shade of Gray.
A class action lawsuit will surely bring to light many of the facts and figures that Mr. Herndon has meticulously ferreted out and confirmed. Through the legal process of discovery the government agencies, military installations, and corporate contractors, which directly participate in this crime against humanity, will be forced to disclose their many closely-held secrets. The following link provides more information about what a class action lawsuit initiative might look like.
The bottom line here is that “NATIONAL SECURITY” will no longer prove to be an acceptable justification for poisoning the skies of the world. That is exactly what the U.S. government and military will invoke — ‘national security’. They are used to getting their way — every day — over many decades by committing their many crimes against humanity in the interest of ‘national security’. The following article presents firsthand testimony about how well this strategy has served their covert geoengineering programs over decades.Times have now changed … profoundly. Many are now waking up to the serious medical consequences that Dr. Herndon has identified. When the health of all human, animal and plant life have been placed at great risk, something radical must be done about it. Clearly, the implications of the Herndon study are so vast and grave that the American people must respond appropriately.
For starters, perhaps they ought to consider how to peacefully militate — POST HASTE — against all geoengineering programs which spray chemtrails. Doing so “post haste” is highly recommended because of the current international push to legalize geoengineering as a means of combatting global climate change. Should sky chemtrailing become unlawfully legalized by international treaties or legislation, the challenge of undoing those measures will be formidable. As the following article indicates, the upcoming December 2015 climate conference in Paris is an important milestone in their drive to legitimize geoengineering worldwide.
Whistleblower Activist Exposes Covert Agenda Behind Geoengineered Global Climate Change
When scientists like Marvin Herndon risk their careers, their reputations and even their lives in order to reveal the details about highly classified geoengineering programs, it’s time to rally around them and support their efforts.
Marvin’s paper is 1 out of only 2
peer-reviewed scientific research papers ever written about the
connection between geoengineering and environmental contamination. He
wrote them both. Because they are
peer-reviewed, they can be used in a court of law with great effect.
They can therefore be used in a class action lawsuit.
Marvin is collaborating with other
scientists in an effort to get more tests and peer- reviewed papers out
into the public domain. In those future studies they will endeavor to
prove the direct correlations between chemtrail contaminations and other
diseases/ailments/conditions. Aluminum-related illnesses are of
particular interest to these courageous investigators. So are other
known toxins and their health complications which are now frequently
showing up in human populations everywhere.
For more info and future updates, please go to: of the Nation
August 13, 2015
Author’s Note
This chemical geoengineering exposé is so explosive that it will surely come under all sorts of attack. Ad hominem attacks in the form of baseless claims are usually the first type of criticism to be leveled. In the interest of further solidifying Dr. Herndon’s credentials to expertly investigate chemtrail composition, the following excerpt is offered for the reader’s consideration.
“In 2005 Herndon postulated what he calls whole-earth decompression dynamics, which he describes as a unified theory combining elements of plate tectonics and Earth expansion. He suggests that Earth formed from a Jupiter-sized gas giant by catastrophic loss of its gaseous atmosphere with subsequent decompression and expansion of the rocky remnant planet resulting in decompression cracks at continental margins which are filled in by basalts from mid-ocean ridges.”[2]Editor’s Note
SOTN previously published an essay under the title How The Hard Science PhDs Have Wrecked The World. The subtitle of this scientific and academic commentary is: The Geoengineer PhDs are especially dangerous and deadly in their doings.
This particular piece deeply penetrates the existing institutional arrangements and pervasive ‘political correctness’ which have created an environment for so many scientists to do things which are relentlessly destroying the biosphere. So many among us have misplaced their trust in exceedingly misguided scientists and their destructive junk science. The aforementioned commentary lays bare how the whole corrupt academic and scientific research system really works. Hence, the unbeliever(s) ignores this crucial info at their peril.
Dr. Herndon has obviously escaped that same system. Not only does he run his own company, he appears to enjoy a high degree of investigative research license. In other words he can investigate serious matters which the system scientists are forbidden from doing. For this reason Marvin Herndon deserves every form of material and spiritual support. Whether it is his stated cause or not, the research mission he has embarked upon is nothing less than saving humankind from certain self-destruction.
After all, what is more essential to life — vital to human existence — than the very air that we breathe … 24/7 … everywhere and anywhere we go?
[1] Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health by J. Marvin Herndon
[2] Wikipedia — J. Marvin Herndon
Class Action Lawsuit Against GEOENGINEERING & CHEMTRAILS In The Works
Saturday, 5 December 2015
The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 479, December 6, 2015
Issue 479.
Announcement Clues
After dithering for weeks on just what caused the Russian A321 plane to explode over the Sinai Peninsula, Putin declared it was a bomb. Why the sudden certainty? An excuse was needed to allow Putin to enter into the battle with ISIS, as ISIS was causing chaos in Europe, and threatening to further delay the announcement admitting the truth about Nibiru.Turkey the Villain
- Putin vows Payback after Confirmation of Egypt Plane Bomb
November 17, 2015 President Vladimir Putin vowed to hunt down those responsible for blowing up a Russian airliner over Egypt and intensified air strikes against militants in Syria, after the Kremlin concluded a bomb had destroyed the plane last month, killing 224 people.
ZetaTalk Insight 11/21/2015: Putin is using the downing of the Russian airliner A321 as an excuse to step up the pace in the battle against ISIS. It is clear during the G20 that Putin and Obama had heads together in a private chat. Both Putin and Obama are prepared to participate in the announce admitting the pending passage of Nibiru, and want ISIS put to rest before then. Given the state of the planet, with the wobble and Earth changes such as earthquakes and EMP affecting both man and his machinery increasing regularly, at what point are matters at rest enough for the announcement to have a safe place? There will be no such quiet time, no point when migrant distress or sociological restlessness has gone to sleep. No point when the crops are in and panic in the public will not increase the food shortages. Rioting will be on the increase. Demands from all quarters, the “have-nots” making demands on the “haves”, the threat of having a corrupt or short sighted nominee about to become President in the US. All will only increase. In short, the announcement team should just do it, without further delay.
- G20 vows Joint Security Steps after Paris Attacks; no new Strategy on Syria
November 16, 2015 World leaders vowed tighter border controls, more intelligence sharing and a crackdown on terrorist financing after the Paris attacks, but there was little sign at a summit on Monday of a dramatic shift in strategy against Islamic State in Syria. G20 leaders agreed to step up border controls and aviation security, in a joint statement that marked a rare departure from their usual focus on the global economy.
Note the clue in the Zeta response, that Putin and Obama are “prepared to participate in the announcement”. Not lead? Not start the process? What can this mean? We had some clues earlier when there were Social Media Outages with the Zeta explanation that social media would have a role during the announcement. Could Anonymous have a role? Anonymous was suddenly on the stage with a hack of 20,000 ISIS twitter accounts. They have phenomenal success. Per the Zetas, they are working with the Council of Worlds on the war against the cover-up.
ZetaTalk Insight 11/28/2015: Is Anonymous acting under the auspices of the Council of Worlds? They are indeed, hand in hand so to speak, team members, and given protection by the Council too. To qualify, the top leaders and those in control of the actions that Anonymous takes must be highly Service-to-Other, battle hardened and trustworthy. Individuals who do not qualify are simply not accepted into the organization, regardless of claims that might be made by braggarts. There are also contactees, highly Service-to-Other individuals, who assist during campaigns but do not know consciously that they are part of anonymous. The network, thus, is utterly off the books. Will they have a role during the coming announcement? Without a doubt.
- ‘You’re a Virus, We’re the Cure’: Anonymous Takes Down 20,000 ISIS Twitter Accounts
November 20, 2015 The international hacking group Anonymous claims to have taken down 20,000 Islamic State-linked Twitter accounts as it wages “total war” against the terrorist organization. Their #OpParis operation is in revenge for the deadly attacks on November 13. While Russia, French and US bombers are targeting Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL) positions from the sky, Anonymous are carrying out their very own devastating campaign against the terrorist organization. They are using computer code rather than high-powered weapons and say the hacktivist group has built tools that “might be better than any world government's tools to combat ISIS online.”
ZetaTalk Statement 12/13/2014: Since the Council of Worlds went to war with the cover-up, the Sonny hack occurred, with the FBI still not able to discern who the perpetrators are. The group making claims, the Guardians of Peace, is working at the hands of the Council of Worlds, and is being assisted by angels, thus.
And what of the Pope’s recent comments on the Apocalypse? Unlike his statements a year earlier, these seemed very specific, even mentioning "cosmic cataclysms". Per the Zetas, the Pope feels the announcement is so very close that he may not get another chance to command the stage.
- Pope Francis Tells Christians “Prepare for the Apocalypse”
November 17, 2015 Commenting on Sunday’s Scripture readings, the Pope said that Jesus’ preaching about the end of the world contains “apocalyptic elements, like war, famine, and cosmic catastrophes. In those days,” Francis repeated, “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.”
- After Paris, Pope Francis Tells Christians to Be Ready for the End of the World
November 15, 2015 Two days after the horrendous jihadist attacks in Paris, Pope Francis preached about the “end times,” encouraging his hearers to be vigilant and ready at any moment to meet God face to face.
ZetaTalk Insight 11/28/2015: There is a distinct change in the speech on the Apocalypse that Pope Francis gave in November, 2014 and the most recent speech in November, 2015. In 2014 he referred to the Apocalypse in vague terms, a time when mankind’s world full of sin and travails will pass away but the world will “transform” into a better place. This is of course the Transformation we have referred to within ZetaTalk, which is ongoing now as the Service-to-Self are steadily removed from the Earth and only those firmly in the Service-to-Other are allowed to remain and reincarnate on Earth.
- Pope Francis Says Apocalypse Inevitable but Assures a Better Earth for Humanity
November 29, 2014 Pope Francis, the leader of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics around the world, talked about the Apocalypse in his Thanksgiving Day address at St. Peter's Square. The Christian leader said that the end of the world was inevitable because there was so much sin, adding that questions about the Apocalypse were ancient. The thought of the world "passing away" had travelled down through ages and though the Church knew no answers to when it shall happen, he confirmed that an end was unavoidable. The Pope also added that the apocalypse will not be the end; it will rather be a "transformation" to a new, more beautiful universe.
In 2015 he referenced “cosmic catastrophe”, the Sun being darkened, the Moon likewise darkened. This is of course the time when the vast debris filled tail of Nibiru stands between the Earth and the Sun, during the Last Weeks. The reference to stars falling from the sky is the hour of the crustal shift, where all in the skies above will be in motion, and also debris in the tail of Nibiru plunging through the atmosphere, alit, as bolides. As we have regularly emphasized, the date is not to be known by man, and the Pope emphasized that too in 2015. Live in the moment and prepare to meet your maker, is the message.
Why has the Pope switched to being specific in his advice to the masses? What changed during the year between 2014 and 2015? The announcement will not be delayed another year. He knows this. He also knows that when the announcement happens, the noise from many elements may drown out his words, his chance to influence the masses. There will be opportunists clamoring to lead and control those in panic, migrants moving in all directions seeking to reach what they presume to be safe ground or a promised land. Most of this activity will be under false leadership, looking to grab the stage for self-aggrandizement or personal profit. Thus, Pope Francis speaks now, before the announcement but close enough to that moment that his words will be remembered.
Turkey is a NATO member but is hardly acting in concert with NATO. They are supporting ISIS in many ways – smuggling them arms, brokering stolen oil, and attacking the Kurds who are effectively battling ISIS. With friends like this, who needs enemies? The most damning claim is that Erdogan’s son is in charge of brokering stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil, passing the profits back to ISIS.Nibiru Visibility
- ‘Commercial Scale’ Oil Smuggling into Turkey Becomes Priority Target of Anti-ISIS Strikes
November 27, 2015 Islamic State’s daring and impudent oil smuggling into Turkey should become a high-priority target in order to cripple the terrorist group, President Putin said, backed by French President Francois Hollande. Both agree that the source of terrorist financing must be hit first and foremost. “Vehicles, carrying oil, lined up in a chain going beyond the horizon,” said Putin, reminding the press that the scale of the issue was discussed at the G20 summit in Antalya earlier this month, where the Russian leader demonstrated reconnaissance footage taken by Russian pilots. The views resemble a “living oil pipe” stretched from ISIS and rebel controlled areas of Syria into Turkey. “Day and night they are going to Turkey. Trucks always go there loaded, and back from there – empty.” Russian airplanes have destroyed over 1,000 ISIS tankers with crude oil in the last five days. Sukhoi Su-34 bombers also hit a terrorist-controlled oil refinery some 50 kilometers south of Raqqa, the unrecognized capital of the Islamic State terrorists.
- The Most Important Question about ISIS that Nobody is Asking
November 19, 2015 By selling the oil on the black market at a discounted price of $40 per barrel (compared to about $93 per barrel in the free market), ISIS takes in $3.2 million a day.
- In the Fight Against ISIS, Russia Ain't Taking No Prisoners
November 18, 2015 Turkish Socialist party member Gursel Tekin has established that Daesh’s smuggled oil is exported to Turkey by BMZ, a shipping company controlled by none other than Bilal Erdogan, son of “Sultan” Erdogan.
And there is the matter of Turkey smuggling weapons to ISIS. Per the Zetas, the increased threat that ISIS presents to the world has forced this issue into the open. Turkey’s actions will no longer be allowed.
- Meet the Man who Funds ISIS: Bilal Erdogan, the Son of Turkey’s President
November 26, 2015 Turkey is either not fighting ISIL at all or very little, and does not interfere with different types of smuggling that takes place on its border, be it oil, phosphate, cotton or people. One name keeps popping up as the primary culprit of regional demand for the Islamic State’s “terrorist oil” – that of Turkish president Recep Erdogan’s son: Bilal Erdogan.
- Turkish Newspaper Editor in Court for 'Espionage' after Revealing Weapon Convoy to Syrian Militants
November 26, 2015 A Turkish prosecutor asked a court to imprison the editor-in-chief of Cumhuriyet newspaper pending trial for espionage and treason. In May, the outlet published photos of weapons it said were then transferred to Syria by Turkey’s intelligence agency.
ZetaTalk Comment 11/28/2015: This border clash was almost inevitable given the differing alliances in the region. The US and NATO are bound by old treaties, old allies, as is Russia. The US had until recently been trying to assist an overthrow of the Syria dictator, Assad, because Netanyahu resented him for his support of Palestinians. But the Syrian rebels joined with ISIS and the US stopped arming them. Russia, France, and the US have lately been a coalition against ISIS. Enter Turkey. The Kurds, a Turkish minority, have been the most effective boots on the ground fighting force against ISIS. Erdogan stole the last election and resents the rising Kurdish minority in Turkey. The Erdogan family has been profiting from acting as a broker for ISIS oil trucked into Turkey from Syria and Iraq. The US had been looking the other way as they have a base in Turkey, a NATO member, and did not want yet another fight among allies. Russia has entered the fray against ISIS, aggressively attacking them on all fronts. Turkey expected their oil profits to continue.
- Flashback: Turkey’s Prime Minister Caught Arming ISIS
November 24, 2015 Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu ordered a media blackout after the military’s Gendarmerie General Command discovered around 50 rockets, 35 crates of ammunition, including mortar rounds, and Douchka anti-aircraft ammunition hidden inside Syria-bound trucks operated by Turkey’s intelligence agency.
Conflicting alliances abound! Russia is allied with Syria and Iran. The US is allied with Saudi Arabia, Israel, NATO, and the Kurds. And Turkey is allied with ISIS and, supposedly, with NATO and the US, providing an airbase for the US during their attacks against ISIS. And in all of this, the Sunni and Shia Muslim sect differences, no small matter.
Obama has been hamstrung by the US treaties and alliances with Israel and NATO/Turkey. For instance, the US funding of anti-Syria rebels can be traced back to Syria’s support for the Palestinians. That’s his crime - Netanyahu does not like him.
Then the US backed rebels in Syria joined with ISIS, which has been threatening Europe and the US, and sending droves of refugees pouring into Europe. For instance, Turkey considers the Kurds to themselves be terrorists, as the Kurds want their own nation state and within Turkey, do not tend to vote with Erdogan.
- Israeli Position on Syrian Conflict
- Hostility between Syria and Israel goes back to the countries’ creation in the late 1940, driven by Syria’s support for the Palestinian resistance against the new Jewish state.
- Double Dealing Tyrant who's Sabotaging the West's Battle to Crush ISIS
November 27, 2015 The truth is that Turkey’s planes have aimed their missiles almost exclusively at the one army which poses a real threat to ISIS, and has won countless battlefield victories against them — the Kurdish PKK forces inside Syria. The trouble is that Erdogan, who has spent years ruthlessly concentrating power into his own hands, considers the Kurds an even greater threat to his nation than ISIS. A fifth of Turkey’s 75 million people are Kurds who, along with fellow Kurds in Syria, Iran and Iraq, want to form their own country, with a population of some 40 million. Erdogan sees this plan for a Kurdish nation as a mortal threat to Turkey and will take any opportunity to attack those behind it.
Enter the Turkey shootdown of a Russian fighter jet. Turkey claimed the jet trespassed on its territory, crossing a 2 mile border during a 17 second period. Turkey provided their claim showing the offending flight path.
- Is Turkey on the Path to Restoring the Ottoman Empire?
July 31, 2015 President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s push to consolidate his power by transforming the country into a presidential republic was derailed last month when the pro-Kurdish HDP won 13% of the vote.
Turkey claimed they did not know it was a Russian plane, but the jet was clearly marked. Turkey claimed they gave repeated warnings on the radio but the Russian’s stated no warnings were given. And to add to the illogic of the Turkey claim, for the jet to have taken 17 seconds to cross a 2 mile stretch, it would have had to be going a stall speed. The Russian flight path was at odds to the one that had been presented by Turkey. The jet crashed in Syria, not in Turkey.
- 17 Seconds that Changed the World
November 24, 2015 It was the first time a NATO member had engaged a Russian or Soviet warplane in more than 60 years. Look at Turkey's statement to UN: 1.15 miles / 17 seconds x 60 x 60 = 243 miles/hour = 391 km/hour. According to those numbers, the Su-24 would have had to be flying at stall speed. The Su-24's max speed is 1,320 km/hour.
Now what? Per the Zetas, Russia will retaliate beyond the light economic slaps quickly imposed. Turkey needs Russian oil and gas, and became a partner with Russia recently to build a new gas pipeline through Turkey to southern Europe, bypassing the troublesome Ukraine. This construction is likely to stop, and the price of Russian oil and gas may increase. Meanwhile, buying oil on the cheap from ISIS will stop!
- Downed in 17 Seconds? Where Turkey’s story of Su-24 Violating Airspace just doesn’t Add Up
November 25, 2015 Turkey claimed it had warned the bomber 10 times in five minutes before the F-16s fired air-to-air missiles. The Russian military said that the Turkish F-16 jet that shot down the Russian warplane had entered Syrian airspace in order to attack in an act that violated Syria’s sovereignty.
ZetaTalk Comment 11/28/2015: This has now become a disaster for Turkey. NATO and the US will, as expected, stand with Turkey at least publicly, proclaiming a border violation. Privately Turkey is being scolded. Turkey is wrong on all counts, and this is obvious to the world. But what is worse for Turkey is the turn of events in their relationship with Russia. Russia had recently begun construction of a gas pipeline to Europe through Turkey, because of the conflict in the Ukraine. This will now halt. With Russia increasingly a presence in Syria, destroying ISIS, oil from Syria and Iraq will now be limited. The illegal oil via ISIS will stop. Turkey has suddenly become an oil and gas pauper!
Nibiru has been visible almost daily on an Italian webcam, at sundown, as documented on this Pole Shift ning blog. This dramatic confirmation even regularly showed the double helix shape of Nibiru and its two dominant Moon Swirls. This was last covered in this newsletter in Issue 440 on March 8, 2015. Now this same Nibiru complex is showing up on yet another European webcam, in France,
the Layeux-sur-Mer cam, when it is not cloud covered.
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