Thursday, 30 April 2015
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Connecting with your ‘Higher Self’ and developing Unity Consciousness
This involves:
Repairing your hologram and disengaging from the mirage of the
imprisoning false one.
Harmonising its energy frequency, its sacred geometry and divine
architecture (DNA).
Connecting with or becoming one with super consciousness and with the
multidimensional Light Body or Ascended Human Energy-form.
Establishing yours and recognise the sovereignty of all Beings in the
harmony of personal freedom in one with God Source.
Educating humans and other sentients and inviting them to connect with
personal sovereignty and Universal Law.
After relaxing and clearing your mind of all other thoughts, move your awareness
into your heart and from therein ask yourself “ Do I have:
Enslaving belief systems
Mind Control Scripts
Drama Programmes
Inappropriate contracts
Binding Obligations
Attack receptors
that entrap or harm me in any way me?
Listen for your answers from within the peace and quiet of the sacred space in
your heart mind.
From within my heart/mind I now request my Higher Self to identify any or all of
the above for complete and permanent removal from all areas and levels of my
consciousness and my being.From within my heart mind I invite My Higher Self to:
Repair and renew
the following and to fully re-establish my sovereignty:
From within my heart mind I invite my Higher Self to:
1. Terminate all belief systems that stand between me my inner truth and my
2. Terminate all Mind Control Programmes, processes and their triggers from
every level of my being.
3. Terminate all distorting post-hypnotic suggestions, scripts, commands and
their triggers from every level of my being.
4. Terminate Sleep distortion, deprivation, disturbance commands and
distorting programmes so I may sleep restfully and function optimally.
5. Terminate all Script Identifiers, Locators, Triggers and Content from every
level of my being.
6. Terminate All Script Time Codes and Script Duration Codes.
7. To align and harmonise the flow of energy to and from my chakras and have
them spin as designed for optimum energetic flow and healing function.
8. Terminate all Karma and karmic contracts or obligations that I have accepted
or in any taken responsibility for, or agreed to, at any time or for any reason.
9. Correct the energy flow to and through my spine; strengthen my coccyx,
the energy flow from there through my Spinal Cord and realign my atlas
or first cervical vertebra to free the energy leading to my Brain.
10. Cleanse and renew all systems and strengthen or renew my connections to
the perfection of my Higher Self and to my contract in this and all lifetimes.
11. To create and maintain full connection and communication with my higher
12. To proclaim and enable me to maintain my sovereignty in all my thoughts,
words and actions.
Affirm the following three times from within your heart mind:
I am Sovereign. I am free; I am one with Source/God. To lock in ‘Repair Sequences’ state the following from within your
1. I now keep my mind, my consciousness and my life clear and clean of the
contaminating influences of all internal and external drama at every level of
my being.
2. I repudiate and let go of all related miasmas, beliefs, memories, imprints and
their influences on my mind, my central nervous system and my brain at
every level of my being and so be it.
(Repetition of this will free you from miasmas, beliefs, memory imprints,
programmes, their residual influences and disconnect their source from your
nervous system.)
3. I now reset the original perfection of my creation at all levels of my being.
End of Session
Personal Protection
To protect yourself from further outside intrusion, miasmic infestation, crystallised
beliefs, energy assault, mind assault, physical assault, thought forms, thought
transmission and vampire energies.
You can protect yourself by building a Light Field Fortification around your
personal field. As well as protecting you can also:
Build a strong spiritual foundation of support.
Work with the higher Harmonics to re-encrypt and protect your residence
and your extended space.
Seal and remove harmful portals.
Clear karmic and primordial imprints of shock, rage, abandonment,
unworthiness, betrayal and the primal fears of humanity.
Heal psychic, mind and mental blocks in your own order of priority.
Creating the protection fortification
Before proceeding relax and clear your mind of all external thoughts. Then from
within your heart mind:
Ask your God Self for clarity of what is your life’s primary contract or the
purpose of your present incarnation. Wait patiently in listening mode for the
Take the opportunity to practice listening patiently and learn the language or
communication of your God Self.
Develop your inner listening ear through practicing making your connection
to your God Self.
Take note of and then take appropriate action on the recommendation or
guidance from your God Self.
Recognize and understand that your God Self supersedes all reliance on
external connections or perceptions of reality.
Live in congruent harmony with your God Self and its purposes for your
glory and as an example to others.
Group Unity Declaration
Move your energy, your thoughts and your consciousness into your
heart mind, connect with your God Self and maintain it there during the
following declaration:
As defenders and protectors of truth, sovereignty and lovers of freedom we invite
you to join us now.
We invite you to connect with your own inner all-knowing heart mind and
God Self devoid of the deceit of all belief systems.
We invite you to join us in the glory of your Sovereignty and personal freedom to
express your own truth,
protect your free will choice,
your personal sovereignty,
and in so doing strengthen our ‘Community of Sovereigns’, embrace our
Sovereign mission for freedom of expression and the repudiation of the
enslavement of all hierarchies. In so doing we embrace our mutual highest
purposes and our connection with our God Self, The Source God, The Living
Light Consciousness.
We invite you to embrace our community handshake for our mutual enhancement
and to enrich and strengthen our spiritual union and with our Genesis the
Source God, Universal Zero Point Energy. (All present shake hands.)
We now invite you to connect with, embrace and become one with the infinite
magnificence of That Which You We Are, completely and totally.
We invite you to embrace your individuality, your mission, your purpose and our
Mutual Purpose as One Power. (All present embrace each other.)
We invite you to join us in our Mutual and Collective Power as we now
deconstruct all inorganic patterns and reconstruct them in harmony with the Living
Organic Light.
In the expression of our individuality and in our coming together we express
our Sovereign Power in unity for we are ‘The Sovereign Living Cosmic. Christ.
Connecting with your ‘Higher Self’ and developing Unity Consciousness
This involves:
Repairing your hologram and disengaging from the mirage of the
imprisoning false one.
Harmonising its energy frequency, its sacred geometry and divine
architecture (DNA).
Connecting with or becoming one with super consciousness and with the
multidimensional Light Body or Ascended Human Energy-form.
Establishing yours and recognise the sovereignty of all Beings in the
harmony of personal freedom in one with God Source.
Educating humans and other sentients and inviting them to connect with
personal sovereignty and Universal Law.
After relaxing and clearing your mind of all other thoughts, move your awareness
into your heart and from therein ask yourself “ Do I have:
Enslaving belief systems
Mind Control Scripts
Drama Programmes
Inappropriate contracts
Binding Obligations
Attack receptors
that entrap or harm me in any way me?
Listen for your answers from within the peace and quiet of the sacred space in
your heart mind.
From within my heart/mind I now request my Higher Self to identify any or all of
the above for complete and permanent removal from all areas and levels of my
consciousness and my being.From within my heart mind I invite My Higher Self to:
Repair and renew
the following and to fully re-establish my sovereignty:
From within my heart mind I invite my Higher Self to:
1. Terminate all belief systems that stand between me my inner truth and my
2. Terminate all Mind Control Programmes, processes and their triggers from
every level of my being.
3. Terminate all distorting post-hypnotic suggestions, scripts, commands and
their triggers from every level of my being.
4. Terminate Sleep distortion, deprivation, disturbance commands and
distorting programmes so I may sleep restfully and function optimally.
5. Terminate all Script Identifiers, Locators, Triggers and Content from every
level of my being.
6. Terminate All Script Time Codes and Script Duration Codes.
7. To align and harmonise the flow of energy to and from my chakras and have
them spin as designed for optimum energetic flow and healing function.
8. Terminate all Karma and karmic contracts or obligations that I have accepted
or in any taken responsibility for, or agreed to, at any time or for any reason.
9. Correct the energy flow to and through my spine; strengthen my coccyx,
the energy flow from there through my Spinal Cord and realign my atlas
or first cervical vertebra to free the energy leading to my Brain.
10. Cleanse and renew all systems and strengthen or renew my connections to
the perfection of my Higher Self and to my contract in this and all lifetimes.
11. To create and maintain full connection and communication with my higher
12. To proclaim and enable me to maintain my sovereignty in all my thoughts,
words and actions.
Affirm the following three times from within your heart mind:
I am Sovereign. I am free; I am one with Source/God. To lock in ‘Repair Sequences’ state the following from within your
1. I now keep my mind, my consciousness and my life clear and clean of the
contaminating influences of all internal and external drama at every level of
my being.
2. I repudiate and let go of all related miasmas, beliefs, memories, imprints and
their influences on my mind, my central nervous system and my brain at
every level of my being and so be it.
(Repetition of this will free you from miasmas, beliefs, memory imprints,
programmes, their residual influences and disconnect their source from your
nervous system.)
3. I now reset the original perfection of my creation at all levels of my being.
End of Session
Personal Protection
To protect yourself from further outside intrusion, miasmic infestation, crystallised
beliefs, energy assault, mind assault, physical assault, thought forms, thought
transmission and vampire energies.
You can protect yourself by building a Light Field Fortification around your
personal field. As well as protecting you can also:
Build a strong spiritual foundation of support.
Work with the higher Harmonics to re-encrypt and protect your residence
and your extended space.
Seal and remove harmful portals.
Clear karmic and primordial imprints of shock, rage, abandonment,
unworthiness, betrayal and the primal fears of humanity.
Heal psychic, mind and mental blocks in your own order of priority.
Creating the protection fortification
Before proceeding relax and clear your mind of all external thoughts. Then from
within your heart mind:
Ask your God Self for clarity of what is your life’s primary contract or the
purpose of your present incarnation. Wait patiently in listening mode for the
Take the opportunity to practice listening patiently and learn the language or
communication of your God Self.
Develop your inner listening ear through practicing making your connection
to your God Self.
Take note of and then take appropriate action on the recommendation or
guidance from your God Self.
Recognize and understand that your God Self supersedes all reliance on
external connections or perceptions of reality.
Live in congruent harmony with your God Self and its purposes for your
glory and as an example to others.
Group Unity Declaration
Move your energy, your thoughts and your consciousness into your
heart mind, connect with your God Self and maintain it there during the
following declaration:
As defenders and protectors of truth, sovereignty and lovers of freedom we invite
you to join us now.
We invite you to connect with your own inner all-knowing heart mind and
God Self devoid of the deceit of all belief systems.
We invite you to join us in the glory of your Sovereignty and personal freedom to
express your own truth,
protect your free will choice,
your personal sovereignty,
and in so doing strengthen our ‘Community of Sovereigns’, embrace our
Sovereign mission for freedom of expression and the repudiation of the
enslavement of all hierarchies. In so doing we embrace our mutual highest
purposes and our connection with our God Self, The Source God, The Living
Light Consciousness.
We invite you to embrace our community handshake for our mutual enhancement
and to enrich and strengthen our spiritual union and with our Genesis the
Source God, Universal Zero Point Energy. (All present shake hands.)
We now invite you to connect with, embrace and become one with the infinite
magnificence of That Which You We Are, completely and totally.
We invite you to embrace your individuality, your mission, your purpose and our
Mutual Purpose as One Power. (All present embrace each other.)
We invite you to join us in our Mutual and Collective Power as we now
deconstruct all inorganic patterns and reconstruct them in harmony with the Living
Organic Light.
In the expression of our individuality and in our coming together we express
our Sovereign Power in unity for we are ‘The Sovereign Living Cosmic. Christ.
renounced our baptismal vows Take back your power
Tara Take back your power
Tom Ryan
On Sunday September 30th 2012 at 3PM around the “Lia Fail” at Tara where
one thousand five hundred years earlier St Patrick brought Christianity to
Ireland a most significant event took place. A group of people of their own free
will renounced their baptismal vows and proclaimed their personal sovereignty.
This to my knowledge nothing like it was ever done anywhere before. As we
walked jubilantly away all could hear from Tara’s mound the gentle tattoo of
drums although there were no others present.
To appreciate the significance of this historic proclamation of personal
sovereignty it is necessary to understand what baptism really is and how it
affects those who were baptised.
What is Baptism? Its true history
Baptism is performed by immersion or sprinkling water on the person to be
baptized. Judaism practiced ritual purification by immersion in water which is
the true origin of baptism. Water purification rituals were performed in the
ancient Middle East and are written about in the Old Testament. Similar
customs were known in many ancient non-Christian cultures.
In Athens in 632 BC, Epimenides of Crete purified the entire city with
Mithras’s followers celebrated the sacrament of taurobolium - baptism in
the blood of a bull resulting in “Salvation”.
New members into the Mysteries of Isis / Osiris initiated new members
with a purifying sprinkling of water from the Nile for Salvation.
The people of Gerasa celebrated the Maioumas rites in which women
were purified in a sacred pool of water outside the town.
The early Church Father Justin Martyr (in the 100’s AD) was worried
why the Christian rite was preceded for generations by the Pagan
ceremony. Justin concluded that it was a diabolical imitation before the
Baptism a sacrament?
Christian churches claim it is a sacrament instituted by Christ. The baptism of
Jesus is said to be a foundation pillar of the Christian Church.
It’s a water purification rite said to invoke grace and free a person from
“original sin”. Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Anglicans and some
other Protestants claim it confers an indelible character on the baptised person.
Catholics even claim it is necessary for “salvation”.
Most churches perform baptized soon after birth. It is considered to be a formal
admission to the church. Sponsors (called godfather and godmother) make
declarations on the child’s behalf. The rite is also called christening and the
person is given a baptismal (Christian) name.
Some churches do not baptise until the person is relatively mature. The Society
of Friends or Quakers and some Protestants reject all outward baptismal rites.
Confirmation is a later rite confirming the baptismal vows when a person is old
enough to speak for him or herself. It did not originally exist as a separate rite
but probably coincided with baptism. In Roman Catholicism confirmation is
usually performed by a bishop. The rite is also performed in Orthodox,
Anglican Lutheran and some other Christian churches.
Baptism entraps you
When working with people in deep trance to remove Miasmas (Thought forms,
interferences, programmes and possessions) it became apparent that “Parts” or
“Programmes” integral to the person in question often protect or hide the
offending Miasmas. This makes no sense and is a violation of free will.
On further probing it was revealed that the integral parts or programmes at the
subconscious level felt obliged to protect the Miasmas. They said that baptism
and the renewal of baptismal vows obliged them to do so regardless of the
negative consequences.
Baptism is not the purification rite it is proclaimed to be. It is a powerful
controlling mechanism that compromises the free will choice of the baptised
person. It is the glue of the matrix.
Sovereignty and freedom through renunciation
When I had people renounce those vows it then became very easy to clear all
miasmic contamination. Free will choice is the birth right of all human beings
and it is what gives us our sovereignty. When that is taken
away through baptism or by any other means it is easy to enslave people. Indeed they are
That is why we renounced our baptismal vows at Tara where the so called
saint enslaved the Irish people under threat from Patricks Roman Mercenary
Army more than 1500 hundred years ago. If you doubt this carefully read “The
confessions of St Patrick” with an open enquiring mind. We are now taking
back our freedom and sovereignty.
Renouncing the slavery
The following is how we renounced our baptismal and confirmation vows and
all later affirmations of them. Remember they were not made by us but on our
behalf and without our permission before we had a voice or a choice of our
own. We later renewed them at confirmation under heavy indoctrination before
we were adult enough to fully realize the implications of what was going on. In
reality they were not and are not your free will choice vows. Consequently you
have no moral or any other obligation to maintain them but they remain intact
and continue to enslave you with your implied agreement unless you renounce
Proclamation of personal sovereignty
As we stood in a circle holding hands in solidarity around the “Lia Fail” on the
sacred ground of Tara I stated the following and all present repeated it after me.
“I now and from this time forth formally and of my own free will
renounce my baptismal vows.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I renounce their renewal at confirmation and I renounce my admission
and confirmation into the Christian Church.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I renounce all subsequent renewals of such vows.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I renounce allegiance to any and all churches, denominations, cult’s
priests, teachers, minister’s gurus or so called masters ascended or
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I proclaim my independence and sovereignty as a human being and from
this time forth I declare and proclaim my right to decide my own spiritual
path or journey.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
Of my own free will I proclaim that this is my birth right as a sovereign
human being. I proclaim my sovereignty.
I renounce all outside rituals and belief systems.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I renounce allegiance to all temporal powers.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I now connect with “The Infinite Power Within” according to the only
true law, Universal Law.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
Of my own free will and as an assertion of it I proclaim my sovereignty
now and SO BE IT.”
Proclaiming your sovereignty
If you wish to proclaim your sovereignty you will need to do it in front of two
or more witnesses. That is because you need to assert it with the same number
of or more witnesses than you had at baptism to give it the same weight and
effect or more. This is something that should only be done after due
consideration from and with your own free will.
Unlike Christian baptism it cannot be done:
on your behalf,
through the imposition of beliefs,
under threat or
any form of inducement or coercion.
Your free will choice and Your Sovereignty (Supreme Power) are your birth
right. Nobody, no religion, institution or temporal power have the right to
enslave you, subvert or deny your sovereignty. It is your sacred right to assert
and proclaim your sovereignty.
Tom Ryan
On Sunday September 30th 2012 at 3PM around the “Lia Fail” at Tara where
one thousand five hundred years earlier St Patrick brought Christianity to
Ireland a most significant event took place. A group of people of their own free
will renounced their baptismal vows and proclaimed their personal sovereignty.
This to my knowledge nothing like it was ever done anywhere before. As we
walked jubilantly away all could hear from Tara’s mound the gentle tattoo of
drums although there were no others present.
To appreciate the significance of this historic proclamation of personal
sovereignty it is necessary to understand what baptism really is and how it
affects those who were baptised.
What is Baptism? Its true history
Baptism is performed by immersion or sprinkling water on the person to be
baptized. Judaism practiced ritual purification by immersion in water which is
the true origin of baptism. Water purification rituals were performed in the
ancient Middle East and are written about in the Old Testament. Similar
customs were known in many ancient non-Christian cultures.
In Athens in 632 BC, Epimenides of Crete purified the entire city with
Mithras’s followers celebrated the sacrament of taurobolium - baptism in
the blood of a bull resulting in “Salvation”.
New members into the Mysteries of Isis / Osiris initiated new members
with a purifying sprinkling of water from the Nile for Salvation.
The people of Gerasa celebrated the Maioumas rites in which women
were purified in a sacred pool of water outside the town.
The early Church Father Justin Martyr (in the 100’s AD) was worried
why the Christian rite was preceded for generations by the Pagan
ceremony. Justin concluded that it was a diabolical imitation before the
Baptism a sacrament?
Christian churches claim it is a sacrament instituted by Christ. The baptism of
Jesus is said to be a foundation pillar of the Christian Church.
It’s a water purification rite said to invoke grace and free a person from
“original sin”. Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Anglicans and some
other Protestants claim it confers an indelible character on the baptised person.
Catholics even claim it is necessary for “salvation”.
Most churches perform baptized soon after birth. It is considered to be a formal
admission to the church. Sponsors (called godfather and godmother) make
declarations on the child’s behalf. The rite is also called christening and the
person is given a baptismal (Christian) name.
Some churches do not baptise until the person is relatively mature. The Society
of Friends or Quakers and some Protestants reject all outward baptismal rites.
Confirmation is a later rite confirming the baptismal vows when a person is old
enough to speak for him or herself. It did not originally exist as a separate rite
but probably coincided with baptism. In Roman Catholicism confirmation is
usually performed by a bishop. The rite is also performed in Orthodox,
Anglican Lutheran and some other Christian churches.
Baptism entraps you
When working with people in deep trance to remove Miasmas (Thought forms,
interferences, programmes and possessions) it became apparent that “Parts” or
“Programmes” integral to the person in question often protect or hide the
offending Miasmas. This makes no sense and is a violation of free will.
On further probing it was revealed that the integral parts or programmes at the
subconscious level felt obliged to protect the Miasmas. They said that baptism
and the renewal of baptismal vows obliged them to do so regardless of the
negative consequences.
Baptism is not the purification rite it is proclaimed to be. It is a powerful
controlling mechanism that compromises the free will choice of the baptised
person. It is the glue of the matrix.
Sovereignty and freedom through renunciation
When I had people renounce those vows it then became very easy to clear all
miasmic contamination. Free will choice is the birth right of all human beings
and it is what gives us our sovereignty. When that is taken
away through baptism or by any other means it is easy to enslave people. Indeed they are
That is why we renounced our baptismal vows at Tara where the so called
saint enslaved the Irish people under threat from Patricks Roman Mercenary
Army more than 1500 hundred years ago. If you doubt this carefully read “The
confessions of St Patrick” with an open enquiring mind. We are now taking
back our freedom and sovereignty.
Renouncing the slavery
The following is how we renounced our baptismal and confirmation vows and
all later affirmations of them. Remember they were not made by us but on our
behalf and without our permission before we had a voice or a choice of our
own. We later renewed them at confirmation under heavy indoctrination before
we were adult enough to fully realize the implications of what was going on. In
reality they were not and are not your free will choice vows. Consequently you
have no moral or any other obligation to maintain them but they remain intact
and continue to enslave you with your implied agreement unless you renounce
Proclamation of personal sovereignty
As we stood in a circle holding hands in solidarity around the “Lia Fail” on the
sacred ground of Tara I stated the following and all present repeated it after me.
“I now and from this time forth formally and of my own free will
renounce my baptismal vows.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I renounce their renewal at confirmation and I renounce my admission
and confirmation into the Christian Church.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I renounce all subsequent renewals of such vows.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I renounce allegiance to any and all churches, denominations, cult’s
priests, teachers, minister’s gurus or so called masters ascended or
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I proclaim my independence and sovereignty as a human being and from
this time forth I declare and proclaim my right to decide my own spiritual
path or journey.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
Of my own free will I proclaim that this is my birth right as a sovereign
human being. I proclaim my sovereignty.
I renounce all outside rituals and belief systems.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I renounce allegiance to all temporal powers.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
I now connect with “The Infinite Power Within” according to the only
true law, Universal Law.
I proclaim my sovereignty.
Of my own free will and as an assertion of it I proclaim my sovereignty
now and SO BE IT.”
Proclaiming your sovereignty
If you wish to proclaim your sovereignty you will need to do it in front of two
or more witnesses. That is because you need to assert it with the same number
of or more witnesses than you had at baptism to give it the same weight and
effect or more. This is something that should only be done after due
consideration from and with your own free will.
Unlike Christian baptism it cannot be done:
on your behalf,
through the imposition of beliefs,
under threat or
any form of inducement or coercion.
Your free will choice and Your Sovereignty (Supreme Power) are your birth
right. Nobody, no religion, institution or temporal power have the right to
enslave you, subvert or deny your sovereignty. It is your sacred right to assert
and proclaim your sovereignty.
Monday, 27 April 2015
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Saturday, 25 April 2015
Friday, 24 April 2015
The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 447, April 26, 2015
Issue 447.
X-Files Returns
The X-Files, the longest running sci-fi series in US television history, has announced it will return, briefly, to US television. All the familiar faces will return. But what is the agenda? Per the Zetas, the original series accurately reflected the struggle for secrecy within the US government.Nibiru Daily
- The X-Files
- The X-Files is an American science fiction horror drama television series created by Chris Carter. The program originally aired from September 10, 1993 to May 19, 2002 on Fox, spanning nine seasons and 202 episodes. The series revolves around FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) investigating X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena. Mulder believes in the existence of aliens and the paranormal while Scully, a skeptic. By the end it was the longest-running science fiction series in U.S. television history.
- The X-Files to Return to TV after 13-Year Absence
- The US broadcaster Fox has confirmed that a six-episode series will begin production in the summer. The broadcast date has yet to be revealed.
ZetaTalk Comment 12/15/1995: The X-Files premise is that agencies such as the FBI and CIA encounter and investigate the paranormal, the extraterrestrial, and keep files on such encounters. This is quite true, but they are not termed X-Files. This data goes by many names, all designed to avoid drawing attention. The mazes within the intelligence agencies cause even their leadership to get lost. The series has been wildly popular, in no small part because the producer does not shy away from controversy - he embraces it. Thus, the series has been encouraged to be more and more bold, as MJ12 wishes the public to adapt to the reality of the alien presence and their government's role in this. Where at first the series flirted with abduction and human experimentation and only alluded to the cold hand of the CIA in suppressing information, the series was encouraged to get graphic and to make the CIA the villains they have, in truth, been. The secret government is multifaceted, and many parts did not participate in the brutality that the CIA presumed that secrecy called for. They wish to be disassociated, and where the true story will in all likelihood never be told, the X-Files is coming darn close to it.
- The X-Files: I Want to Believe
- Chris Carter said that if the movie proved successful at the box office, a third installment would be made going back to the TV series' mythology, focusing specifically on the alien invasion and colonization of Earth foretold in the series final.
Reportedly the return to the series will be brief, and will involve the original focus on a cover-up over the alien presence and the alien agenda. An alien invasion was implied, with humans being implanted to morph into alien bodies and the elite in the secret government having an antidote. The X-Files depicts the secret government handing over citizens to the alien invasion, to buy time for the elite to develop the antidote. A black oil is dripped onto victims faces while they are restrained, to slip into their bodies and begin the transformation. Per the Zetas, for the Fox network to present aliens as evil and determined to take over the Earth fits with the overall agenda of the ultra-right and the CIA focus over the years. They don’t want mankind getting cozy with the visitors, and scare tactics via Hollywood have been the tool of choice over the years.
ZetaTalk Insight 3/28/2015: The ultra-right establishment has long used Hollywood to spew its version of how the common man should interact with aliens. Movies such as War of the Worlds, Independence Day, Falling Skies, Aliens, and Signs show aliens intent on landing and colonizing the Earth. Human are either eaten or enslaved. Despite the attempts of the ultra-right establishment to influence the public, more than half the Earth’s population have become contactees and are happily chatting away with aliens, having made contact.
- Colonist (The X-Files)
- According to the series mythology, an extraterrestrial lifeform, known in the series' mythology simply as the Colonists, were originally present on Earth in the early stages of human evolution. They highly resemble the well-known "grey aliens" in their mature form. In their immature stage, they are more yellowish colored, tall, and very aggressive, possessing fangs, claws and scale-like texture of their skin. This immature form is a protective stage, able to viciously defend itself from birth. This outer skin is eventually shed when the alien develops into its mature form. The immature form resembles that of a reptilian extraterrestrial and is referred to as the "long-clawed" form. The aliens were forced to abandon the planet during the last ice age as their viral lifeforce is deactivated by extreme cold. Upon their departure, they left behind underground deposits of the black oil virus, in preparation for their return. The virus apparently contains the aliens' genetic blueprints, awaiting reconstitution when the master species returns to Earth.
The X-Files director, Chris Carter, has made it clear that any future sequels will deal with the original mythology, which was the intent of aliens to infect mankind and colonize the Earth. This should be no surprise coming from 20th Century Fox, given the nature of Fox News and the man at its helm, Rupert Murdock. The tired theme that mankind should be wary of aliens will be used once again. But unlike the 90’s, when contactees could be counted as a few thousand rather than billions, mankind is now savvy. The much hyped sequel will become a pop-fiction item, like the movie Mars Attacks, watched only for a laugh.
- War of the Worlds
- As Earth is invaded by alien tripod fighting machines, one family fights for survival.
- Independence Day
- The aliens are coming and their goal is to invade and destroy. Fighting superior technology, Man's best weapon is the will to survive.
- Falling Skies
- Survivors of an alien attack on earth gather together to fight for their lives and fight back.
- Aliens
- The commercial vessel Nostromo receives a distress call from an unexplored planet. After searching for survivors, the crew heads home only to realize that a deadly bioform has joined them.
- Signs
- A family living on a farm finds mysterious crop circles in their fields which suggests something more frightening to come.
Elusive images of Nibiru, aka Planet X, have been captured as a Second Sun at dawn or dusk when the angle of sunlight striking the vast dust cloud shrouding Planet X reflects directly toward Earth. Images have been captured during the day when filters that filter for light in the red light spectrum allow more of Planet X to come through. These filters include the inserts in floppy discs and mylar. Images have been captured as a Monster Persona when the light from Planet X bends outward and then back toward the gravity pull of Earth, making the monster seem larger than it is in reality. But primarily, photos of the Planet X complex have been of the brilliant Moon Swirls which are formed into tubes and funnel sunlight down the tubes like a flashlight.Drought and Deluge
Webcams have their eyes on the view for hours at a time, and would seem to offer an ideal opportunity to catch images of the Planet X complex, but as with hand-held cameras, the glare of the Sun almost invariably blocks any light from the Planet X complex. Webcams also can deal with reflection issues, where the light from the Sun bounces off a glass enclosure. But one webcam in Italy has proven to be a Godsend, providing regular images of the Planet X corpus itself, with its double helix, almost on a daily basis.
But why does it seem that the corpus can be seen even when the clouds are present? Posting on the Pole Shift ning blog dedicated to these issues has raised that question. As everyone has noticed, clouds overhead during the day can be wispy overhead but appear dark when on the horizon. When viewing the horizon, one is looking through layers of clouds, viewed horizontally, picking up every dust particle without the scattering effect that white light from directly overhead can provide. Wispy clouds overhead can appear as nothing more than mist but when on the horizon at dusk can appear gray and dark. In fact, if dense clouds were present, the Italy cam would show the typical orange/red sunset, not a clear light sunset.
- The Colors of Sunset and Twilight
- The most memorable sunsets tend to be those with at least a few clouds. Clouds catch the last red-orange rays of the setting sun and the first light of the dawn like a theatre screen, and reflect this light to the ground. Some of the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets feature solid decks of middle or high clouds that cover the entire sky except for a narrow clear strip near the horizon. The entire landscape takes on a surreal saffron hue as the clouds reflect the fading sun's red and orange glow, allowing very little blue (scattered) light from the upper levels of the atmosphere to reach the ground.
ZetaTalk Comment 4/11/2015: Light can shine through clouds or fog. It is very dense clouds that block sunlight, and even then not completely. These Italy webcam images are taken at dusk, and clouds in the distance at these times appear more dense than they in fact are. They are wispy. The darkness at sunset in distant clouds is due to the lack of white light bouncing around in the clouds, but they are thin, wispy. The Second Sun sightings occur at dawn or dusk, when the curve of the Earth facilitates the bending red light to become dominant. The clouds in this Italy region and the time of day are your clues. What are the clouds like during the day, overhead by the Sun? Has this been researched?
- Atmospheric Optics
- When the angle between the sun and the horizon is less than 10 percent, as it is just after sunrise or just prior to sunset, sunlight becomes too red due to refraction for any colors other than those with a reddish hue to be seen.
From the start of the ZetaTalk sage the Zetas predicted the erratic weather the Earth is experiencing today – increasing drought and deluge, switching about unpredictably, and temperature extremes. The Zetas knew the Earth wobble would commence when Planet X, aka Nibiru, arrived in the inner solar system in 2003. And it did. And the predicted weather extremes followed, as predicted. This issue was last covered in 2012 in Issue 304 of this newsletter and back in 2009 in Issue 151.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/15/1995: Areas of the world which have been deserts throughout mankind's memory will become swamps under constant and repeated rains. Temperate climates used to periodic gentle rainfall will suffer intractable droughts. Then this will switch about, for no apparent reason. All the trends and signs will only acerbate, with the oceans warmer still, the weather more erratic and unpredictable still.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/29/2005: We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from drought to deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift. Where this occurred steadily, it has only recently become undeniable. ZetaTalk, and only ZetaTalk, warned of these weather changes, at that early date. Has the lineal increase we predicted in 1995 reached its climax? We are not here with good tidings, nor were we here with good tidings in 1995. ZetaTalk, blunt and honest, is not for the faint at heart, but for those willing to take a serious warning and act on it. The coastlines will get increasingly inhospitable, as storms formed over the oceans can develop into a howling rage that dissipates over land. In some places around the globe, this will make coastlines uninhabitable, a place where crops are grown or fish harvested but where humans do not reside or sleep soundly. Temperature extremes, and in particular temperature swings, will increase, so that the seasons almost blend into one another. The key will be the unpredictability, as a looping jet stream and increasing extremes of high and low pressure over land will force the atmosphere into unexpected directions.
While California is in an intractable drought due to a low snowpack in the mountains, the Atacama Desert in Chile has experienced the worst deluge in memory.
- Gov Jerry Brown: Californians to Be Heavily Fined for Long Showers
April 5, 2015 This executive order is done under emergency power. It has the force of law. Very unusual. It’s requiring action and changes in behavior from the Oregon border all the way to the Mexican border. It affects lawns. It affects people — how long they stay in the shower. How businesses use water. If they don’t comply, people can be fined $500 a day. Districts can go to court to get a cease and desist order.
- Aerial Photos Reveal the Modern Oases of Drought-hit California - Surrounded by Parched Earth
April 5, 2015 Calfornia Gov. Jerry Brown ordered a 25 percent overall cutback in water use by cities and towns in the golden state on Wednesday but as these photos taken on Saturday show, the ongoing drought is already taking its toll on once Technicolor landscape of lush yards, emerald golf courses and aquamarine swimming pools. The crackdown comes as California and its nearly 40 million residents move toward a fourth summer of drought with no relief in sight.
- Swept Away
April 2, 2015 I was born in this area of Chile considered the driest in the world. We have never had rains of this magnitude in the past 80 years and our towns and cities now have a meter or more of mud.
While a polar express descended on the eastern half of Canada and the US, breaking temperature records everywhere it touched, Alaska continued to melt and virtually swelter! Both temperature extremes are wobble related.
- Heavy Rains Cause flooding in Usually Bone-Dry Chile Desert
March 25, 2015 Communities in a desert region of northern Chile struggled to cope with rain-provoked flooding that has claimed the lives of at least seven people, knocked out power and cut off roadways. Thunderstorms with torrential rains moved into the Atacama desert region, causing the Copiapo River to overflow its banks. The flooding is the worst rain disaster to fall on the north in 80 years. The government declared a state of emergency, putting the region under military control.
- Siberian Express: Record Cold Attacks East, South
February 19, 2015 A ferocious blast of bitterly cold air straight from Siberia was set to roar through the eastern and southern USA, dropping temperatures to historically low readings as far south as Florida. "This could be some of the coldest weather since the mid-1990s for parts of the Southeast US.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/28/2015: This is a result of the Polar Push, where the magnetic N Pole of Earth is shoved away daily when it comes up over the horizon to face the Sun and the approaching Planet X, aka Nibiru. The magnetic N Pole of Earth is now positioned over eastern Siberia, which is bitterly cold while Norway and Sweden, just as far north, are warm. The magnetic N Pole of Earth receives less sunlight, and as the globe then leans to the right the northeastern part of N America likewise is cold. The lean to the left, next in the Figure 8 wobble, gives Europe more sunlight while the magnetic N Pole is on the far side of the globe, as does the bounce back from the Polar Push which gives Alaska its warm temps.
- Baked Alaska
March 11, 2015 This year’s Iditarod has been rerouted—twice—due to the warm weather. Last year was Alaska’s warmest on record and the warm weather has continued right on into 2015. A recent shift toward warmer offshore ocean temperatures is essentially adding more fuel to the fire, moving the state toward more profound tipping points like the irreversible loss of permafrost and increasingly violent weather.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Monday, 20 April 2015
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Friday, 17 April 2015
The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 446, April 19, 2015
Issue 446.
Europe Goes Dark
European cities started going black the week that electromagnetic pulse took down the Germanwings flight in the foothills of the Alps and defrayed the CERN startup in nearby Geneva, as outlined in Issue 445 of this newsletter. CERN problems started on March 21. Germanwings flew into the mountainside on March 24. CERN then had a repeat of their short circuit at one of their magnets on March 25. Then the Netherlands had an extensive blackout on March 27 followed by an extensive blackout in Turkey on March 31. London soon followed on April 1 with several electrical fires beneath the streets. Though the excuses offered will likely differ as to cause, remember that electromagnetic pulse causes brownout and surge, arcing and racing motors, and electrical fires. This is all likelihood is not the end of electromagnetic problems for Europe, which is in the stretch zone and thus highly vulnerable to electro-magnetic arcing to the charged tail of Planet X.Post Announcement Expectations
ZetaTalk Explanation 4/4/2015: A relief map of Europe shows high land in Sweden and Scotland and the Alps. In between there is lowland, which means that the crust in those regions is weak and sagging, thin. Thin crust is subject to tearing more readily, so the electromagnetic screech that attracts electromagnetic arcing is stronger from those regions. Amsterdam is in extreme lowlands, in a swath that runs through the English Channel through Denmark and on toward Finland. What was the “technical fault” that disrupted all electronics in the Amsterdam region? The arcing incapacitated the grid.
- Flights Cancelled at Schiphol Airport as Power Outage hits Amsterdam
March 27, 2015 Technical fault in city and surrounding area sparks transport chaos at Europe’s fourth-largest airport and across the region. All flights to and from Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport were cancelled after a major power outage hit large parts of the city and the surrounding province of north Holland. Public transport across the Netherlands was affected, with trains cancelled and passengers stuck in lifts, trams and subways. Hospitals were operating on backup power. Broadcasting from the national media centre was sporadic.
- Massive Power Blackouts hit Turkish Cities
March 31, 2015 A technical problem in the system of the Turkish Electricity Conduction Company (TE?A?), which operates energy transmission lines, led to the massive outage. At least 44 provinces throughout Turkey are affected by the outage. Energy Minister Taner Y?ld?z has said teams are working to determine the cause of the blackout, ruling out claims that the country is suffering an energy shortage. Local reports of a “huge explosion” in Kocaeli have not been confirmed.
- Nationwide Power Cut Halts Metro and Tram Services in Turkey
March 31, 2015 Around 25 cities reported a power outage including Ankara, ?zmir, Antalya and Adana. There have been reports of power outages in various malls, too. Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, also ground to a halt on March 27, with rail and tram transport severely disrupted, stranding thousands of commuters.
ZetaTalk Explanation 4/4/2015: Turkey is crunched during the African Roll, as the African Plate turns eastward it strikes Turkey from the side. The African Roll also causes the Arabian Plate to turn in place, moving its top part toward the East, causing the tip of the Arabian Plate to slice through the landscape of eastern Turkey like a blade. This trauma has occurred before, thus the rumpled appearance and many fault lines in Turkey. Recently the fact that the Eurasian Plate is under stretch has been in the news, with the simultaneous electromagnetic failure on the Germanwings flight, Netherlands blackout, and CERN magnetic failure.
- Massive Power Cut Causes Chaos in Turkey
March 31, 2015 Officials confirmed that a glitch in Turkey's electricity power transmission network caused the power cut. Power cuts were reported in more than 40 of Turkey's 81 provinces. It was Turkey's biggest blackout in 15 years.
Turkey is under this stretch too, but also is under a crunch. It has dual reasons to have its rock in an electromagnetic screech, arcing to the charged tail of Planet X wafting over it. Turkey’s blackout will be blamed on mechanical parts, as during a blackout some part always fails, but these increasing blackouts and crashing planes will stress the cover-up explanations. Why is this on the increase, suddenly, just when a planet near the Sun has become visible? If the establishment is lying about the blackouts and plane crashes, then what else are they lying about? Honesty is the best policy, but honesty is not what the public will get from the elite, who increasingly are isolating themselves.
London had at least two electrical fires that started below the pavements. The first was on April 1 in the Holbron area. 5,000 people were eventually evacuated due to the dense smoke and the fire took more than 48 hours to contain.
- Holborn Fire: 2,000 Evacuated In Central London After Underground Blaze Beneath Pavement
April 1, 2015 Six fire engines and 35 firefighters and officers are at the scene, where a large safety cordon is in place. Among those evacuated in the area were judges, lawyers and staff at the nearby Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand. The electrical blaze started among cables.
- Holborn Fire: Flames Filmed Coming Up Street
April 1, 2015 The London Fire Brigade dispatched 35 firefighters in six fire engines to tackle the blaze that started with electrical cables in Holborn, central London.
A second fire broke out the next day more than a mile from the first. This too was deemed an electrical fire in, of all things, a fuse box! Note the distance between the Holborn and Finsbury Park fires, per the Zetas the sure clue that this was caused by an arcing pulse.
- LSE Fire Sees 2,000 Evacuated from Kingsway, Holborn Tube Station Closed
April 1, 2015 The inferno has reportedly led to power surges, electricity failures and internet outages in the surrounding areas, with office workers and students filling the closed streets. The fire is thought to have been started by a faulty electrical junction.
ZetaTalk Comment 4/11/2015: Lowlands such as Amsterdam and London are sited on thin crust, which pulls taut during the stretch, and these cities are also soggy, close to the water table. What is the clue that electromagnetic pulse was the cause of the London fires? They simultaneously flared up in more than one location, at a long distance from each other.
- Underground Fireball Explodes in Finsbury Park
April 2, 2015 The flames were caused by a faulty fuse box under the pavement, which caused power problems in the area. A spokesman said: “It was an electrical fuse box in the pavement.” One witness tweeted: “So massive fires under the pavement in Holborn and on my boyfriend’s street in Finsbury Park. What’s going on?”
The focus on the announcement has been around the issue of when it will happen, will it be allowed to happen, who are the contestants in the war, who will lead, and what type of information will break first. The focus on the announcement has only lightly touched on what will come after. Recently, the Zetas have hinted that the announcement aftertime is about to begin. Take, for instance, Emergency Alert System testing within the US. This was one of the routes Obama was planning to use, but on October 24, 2014 the EAS failed to operate properly. Only a handful of cities and a single network broadcast the alert. The EAS was blocked.
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/8/2014: Although the EBS system did arrive at AT&T U-verse clients, it was intended to go out to all TV stations and did not. This despite extensive checking in the months ahead of that Friday October 24. TV stations are not owned by the government, in the main, and this is certainly true in the US. They are corporate owned, and thus subject to the dictates of the wealthy elite who own them. Thus the EBS and Oval Office routes are closed to Obama, as are any pressers where he is speaking live. The fact that this block would be so complete and ruthless was frankly a surprise to the announcement team.
- White House Emergency Alert Interrupts TV Viewers Across America
October 24, 2014 AT&T has blamed a “nationally syndicated radio station” for sending the alert message, despite the fact that only the federal government can send out EAS alerts. The alert system, “can only be activated by the President in times of emergency”. Americans watching television across the country were puzzled earlier today when an alert from the White House interrupted their viewing, told them to stand by for an emergency message and warned them not to use their phones. TV channels automatically changed to local news stations but no White House message ever came, prompting confusion and concern. The message was seen by viewers in Austin, Atlanta, Detroit and across North Carolina, as well as other areas of the country.
Since then, the Council of Worlds went to war with the media elite. Though the flash and parry of swords can be seen on occasion, the war is primarily behind the scenes. But spontaneous EAS testing has continued, primarily under the cover of testing for a New Madrid emergency, and lately seems to be operating as intended. A test on March 17 and again on March 31 got through.
- FEMA, State Broadcasters and Emergency Managers to Conduct a Test in Four States of the Emergency Alert System
March 17, 2015 The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency, in coordination with state and tribal emergency managers and state broadcasting associations, will conduct a test of the Emergency Alert System on March 18, 2015 in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee. The test will begin at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time and will last approximately one minute.
ZetaTalk Comment 4/4/2015: The Emergency Alert System in the US has been tested recently, all under the auspices of a potential New Madrid emergency. The states tested are within the scope of a New Madrid disruption, which can go through the heartland, under the seaway, and up along the East Coast to the New England region. A quake swarm in Connecticut recently and quake swarms in Oklahoma and Texas provide FEMA with the excuses it might need. Is there more than a New Madrid quake potential behind these tests? The EAS system, so thoroughly blocked when alerts were coming from the White House, is being exercised. Those media outlets not cooperating are being identified and targeted. Thus, by this route, the announcement, when it happens, will be facilitated.
- Nationwide ‘Emergency Alert’ Test Causes Panic, Confusion
March 30, 2015 A test of the national ‘Emergency Alert System’ which was seen by television viewers this morning in states across the country prompted panic and confusion, with many taking to Twitter to express their concerns. The test began at around 11am EST and was broadcast in Washington DC, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. The emergency alert contained no details and merely listed the states it affected and said the alert would run from 11am until 12 midnight. Viewers in Sacramento, CA also reported seeing the test, which lasted for about 10 minutes before the regular TV broadcast resumed. At no point were viewers advised that the alert was only a test. Some said the alert made them panic.
The Zetas have stated that the establishment will try to downplay the Pole Shift, claiming it will not be as serious as ZetaTalk has predicted. Both sides of the argument are likely to be presented, perhaps in debates with notaries such as Neil deGrasse Tyson.
ZetaTalk Insight 3/15/2014: The establishment, which includes those in politics as well as the wealthy and corporate interests, would like to minimize rioting and panic, and thus would like to see the Zeta’s theories debunked by a notary such as Neil.
The Zetas have also long warned that opportunists will try to take advantage of the common man, perhaps by selling lots in what they claim are safe locations, or would try to lure the public into what will soon become slave labor camps.
ZetaTalk Warning 10/15/2001: Sensing that troubled times are soon at hand, many strongly in the Service-to-Self will attempt to line up a soft life for themselves, where they can be in control of others and dictate the daily events. This takes the form of attempts at leadership, and offering a safe haven to desperate people unable to do anything but grab a life-line. These safe havens, of course, will be anything but that, and are in essence slavery and abuse. Such offers, to the public at large or to selected groups recently made desperate by disasters in their communities, take the form of offers of assisted relocation, guaranteed work, loans with easy payment terms, and joining a community of supportive individuals.
And the Zetas have warned that governments will all to some degree have to declare Martial Law as the Earth changes progress.
ZetaTalk Comment 10/4/2014: The larger issue is the looming need to declare martial law in the near future after the announcement. The reaction in the public is an unknown. We have stated that the public will react with stunned inactivity, going through their daily routine in shock. The familiar routine comforts, and the average citizen lives paycheck to paycheck and does not have the capacity to take action. They will wait, and see what plans and policies are put into place by their governments. Martial Law will not be imposed automatically, but in stages.
Given that warning, what does operation Jade Helm taking place in late Summer 2015 and Obama’s recent Executive Order on cyber-security constituting a “national emergency” tell us? Is the US edging toward Martial Law? Per the Zetas, Obama is anticipating secession attempts among some states and disinformation via some media outlets for the benefit of some elite. The Zetas did not get specific.
- Operation Jade Helm: Special Forces ‘Realistic Military Training’ In Seven Southwestern States Prompts Martial Law Fears
March 27, 2015 Beginning in July and lasting for eight weeks, Operation Jade Helm will take place in cities and small towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado. For the purpose of training, residents in the entire states of Utah and Texas will be deemed “hostiles.” Some of the Army Special Forces teams will reportedly drop to the ground from airplanes while carrying traditional military weapons which will be loaded with blanks, for the realistic military training exercise. Some Americans and Second Amendment activist groups have expressed concerns that the realistic military training exercises designed for Operation Jade Helm are merely thinly veiled drills to practice for future martial law orders.
- Obama Announces Hacker Sanctions amid Cyber-Security ‘National Emergency’
April 1, 2015 Citing the surge of assaults against the computer networks of US entities in recent months, Pres. Obama said that he has declared a “national emergency” and accordingly authorized the US Treasury Department to sanction suspected hackers operating abroad in an effort to discourage future cyber-assaults.
ZetaTalk Insight 4/4/2015: Alarms have gone up among those in the US concerned about an erosion of their rights under Obama. Where Martial Law was the goal of the Bush administration, to install Bush as a dictator for life, to the extent that the Bush administration even tried to create a bird flu pandemic, Obama has no such ambitions. However, he must be concerned about the possibility of rioting after the announcement admitting the pending passage of Nibiru, as must all governments around the globe. To date, Obama has been surreptitious in this regard, for instance issuing EO 13575 to allow refugees within the US to be relocated to rural areas after a disaster.
- National Emergencies Act
- The National Emergencies Act enacted September 14, 1976 is a United States federal law passed to stop open-ended states of national emergency and formalize the power of Congress to provide certain checks and balances on the emergency powers of the President. It imposes certain "procedural formalities" on the President when invoking such powers. This act requires the President to declare formally a national emergency and to specify the statutory authorities to be used under such a declaration. There were 32 declared national emergencies between 1976 and 2001. Several states of emergency have been extended multiple times, effectively creating indefinite states of emergency in particular areas. For example, a state of emergency with respect to Iran, originally declared by Jimmy Carter on November 14, 1979 during the Iranian hostage crisis, has been continuously renewed for over thirty years, most recently by Barack Obama in November 2012.
The words “national emergency” are trigger words as the law within the US requires that a national emergency exist before Martial Law can be called. However, the US has been under a state of national emergency in some form or another since 1933. The Defense Production Act of 1950, which authorizes commandeering civilian labor and assets, has thus been renewed by each President of the US. Those in the US who would have been happy to see Martial Law under Bush but resent the possibility under Obama are alarmed at the Jade Helm exercises to take place in the US in last Summer, 2015.
What is the intent of Jade Helm and the most recent Executive Order declaring a potential national emergency upon the event of cyber-security breaches? Jade Helm has been planned for many months and as can be seen by the swath of states involved, is concerned about a mass of immigrants coming from Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico in the event of devastating Earth changes in those regions. The exodus from Central America is already a flood tide. But more than immigration is a concern, as Texas and other red states are likely to try to secede during times of crisis. Obama wants the DoD and other federal agencies familiar with the terrain, thus.
Why would an Executive Order on cyber-security be necessary at this time? Hacking of government websites and databases has long been an issue. Where Obama and his announcement team have had to work to get access to the Emergency Alert System, long blocked by the cover-up crowd to prevent him from making his announcement, the war in this regard will shortly be over. The worry will shift to use of the Internet and various fuming media outlets with a vested interest in the status quo that will try to control the information the public gets in order to arrange their private kingdoms. It is this that will result in a heavy handed federal response.
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