Monday, 30 April 2012
When Love is Forbidden. by Laura Tyco
When Love is Forbidden
Love is forbidden on the planet
And has been so for such a long time,
From million of years this has been their work here
To destroy the human heart.
War after war, lie after lie,
crime after crime, deception after deception.
Separation after separation, in families,
In friendships, Love had to be destroyed here.
This is their game: create hatred and pain.
Destroy feelings for each other,
Destroy feelings of love and compassion.
Create chaos and hate in all Human heart.
Day after day, illusion after illusion.
Plant the seeds for anger and hate in each human heart.
Separating families, separating lovers, separating friends,
By creating the illusion of beauty, when behind it is lust.
By making hearts freeze, by enslaving us in pain or anger.
Keeping us slaves of our own desires and dreams.
Separating the heart from the body.
Separating the heart from the head.
Using our own weaknesses against ourselves,
Keeping us in the illusion of our own dreams.
No blackmail, no control, no lies will ever stop the human heart from Love.
No ties, no chains can hold down our spirit.
No lies, no furry can keep souls apart at this time.
No war can win this fight, as we are one now and ever.
Love is eternal and pure. Love is stronger than hate.
Love will find its way home here and now.
When we feel cut off and sad, when we feel our world stopped,
When we feel trapped and stuck in a bad situation,
Our Higher Self and guardians are with us always.
Those who loved us once and who love us now are a thought away.
Laura Tyco
Archangel Michael April 30, 2012. channeled: Ron Head
We will take this opportunity to speak with you of upcoming events, dear friends. No, we are not going to give you any dates for these things. You know by now that we live in a dimension where all of these things have already manifested. You have created them in the now. Many misunderstandings have occurred because of this. So, for you these are potentials.
They are potential because you have the ability to change them still. As they approach on your timeline, their probability becomes greater and greater. Let us point out to you a few things which are approaching the point of becoming inevitable. We know that on the first day of Wesak, your May fifth, a world-wide visualization is being called for. This plus the energies of the planetary and astral alignments will propel many events toward their inevitable conclusions. We speak here of societal, financial, and more importantly, personal changes. We know most of you still feel that these outside events are of paramount importance. Yet we tell you once more that the changes that are occurring within each of you are the driving force behind everything else.
To us, each of those apparently external changes are reflections of internal victories already won by a sufficient number of you to have made a crucial difference. To repeat and expand upon something we have recently told you, this is the secret long obscured from your view, often at any cost. So, yes, watch what happens now around you. But know that it is only a reflection of who you have become. Celebrate it and keep your focus on the becoming. Marvelous though it may appear, it will be only a beginning. It will be only a reflection in your mirror.
Your rising self-worth, your true value, and your growing embodiment of your true selves are beginning to change the entire world upon which you live. This is no accident. It is supported by all the power of the Universe, all the power of the All-That-Is. The game has reached its conclusion, dear friends, and you have won. And, in the truth of your Creator, there are no losers. Reach inside now and find the one who has created this. Allow yourself to value the person you find there above anything else. This is not ego, dear ones. This is appreciation for what the Creator has fashioned and gifted to you. Go in love and peace now. We will speak tomorrow.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
Adama from Telos April 30, 2012. Galactic Federation of Light channeled ...
My beloved people of the surface. To most of you we are not yet known. The fact that our beloved Earth is hollow and inhabited is still officially concealed. We are survivors of Lemuria and Atlantis. After their fall we have built a new highly advanced society in Inner Earth. We are related to you, as well as many of you are descendants of the inhabitants of Lemuria and Atlantis. We have observed your development over the millennias, together with our families from the stars.
In recent times we have worked together with surface dwellers to bring the many changes that shall lead to rise your society on the road. Mostly we are on the surface to provide direct support, advice and help. Your destiny is closely linked to ours. If Earth will be destroyed, our both homeland will be destroyed . Gaia was very close to her destruction, but the danger is over, because now many of you are awake and actively work to help Gaia. This is a joint action of you the surface dwellers , us residents of Inner Earth and our brothers and sisters of the Galaxies.
We will soon come in larger quantities onto the surface to help actively and openly in establishing a new company and the cleaning of Gaia. We look forward to meeting with you together, to get to know you and learn about your experiences in duality. You have already come a long way, on your way to a more sophisticated society and the rise in the 5th Dimension. The last part we will accompany you.
I deliver the love and the greetings of the people of Inner Earth. I am Adama of Telos.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light: 30th April 2012.
Two test participants of equal amounts of wealth traded an equal amount of wealth with each other. A person of your elitist class traded his wealth for the wealth of someone of less fortunate means. These types of experiments have been conducted in your world for many eons. What we have been attempting to do is to carefully study the motives and behavior of the human psyche development over the many long years of your journey through means of artificial stimuli, sometimes concerning monetary gains and losses, and sometimes other situations that have tested you and measured your growth and your development in many different ways.
We are not here to play games or meddle with your lives irresponsibly. We are here conducting serious scientific evaluations and experiments to better understand the being that is human, and to better prepare you for your advancement in becoming Galactic beings and a Galactic society as well. We do not wish to see any of you suffer unduly through such experiments, and each of you that has taken part in these experiments has given us your complete permission before any of these procedures are carried out. Never are any of you selected for such assignments without discussing in advance exactly what these experiments will entail and demonstrating your willingness to cooperate in these field tests. Each of you that has participated in these tests either have been or will be rewarded in one way or another, which has also been discussed with you and these terms were agreed upon by you prior to your participation in these experiments.
We do not see you as guinea pigs. We have nothing but the highest respect for each and every one of you, and we see these experiments as extremely valuable to you and to your society as a whole, as they have been used to better prepare you for bigger and better things that await just ahead for you. You can take solace in knowing that these tests have been a great success, and due to the efforts of so many of you, your world is about to receive so many gifts that it has earned due to the efforts of individuals such as those who have volunteered for these experiments. You have done your world and your fellow human beings a great service in your efforts to allow us to learn more about your people, and we wish to thank you tremendously at this time and tell you the work that we have accomplished together could not have been accomplished without your efforts and your willing participation in these field tests.
Although we continue to complete some of these tests even up to the present day, we say to you that all these tests are wrapping up at this time as your planet and your people ready themselves for ascension and all the gifts that you have earned through such trial and tribulation. Never before has a world and a people gone through such incredible challenges before, and we wish to tell you that so many other worlds look to you in awe and in respect for what you have gone through and what you have accomplished together here. There have been such great tests of your will, your stamina and your strength, and yet here you are, standing today at the threshold of all that is possible through such challenge.
Each and every one of you are a testament to the strength, the will and the determination of your race, the human race, and we say to you we look so forward to meeting all of you, to learn more about you and to sit with you and listen to you while you share your stories of how you became the beings that you are today. We salute you, and say to each and every one of you that you should be proud of your journey and your accomplishments together. You will soon be invited to join your Galactic community, and we say to you that you will be proudly welcomed among your Galactic neighbors who have also gone through such challenges to be where it is they are today. You have so much more in common with those from other worlds than you think, and you will have much to talk about with your new friends and your familiar family in the days ahead.
Your days will be filled with meetings and conferences to better prepare you and acquaint you with your new lives as a 5th dimensional society and a member of a Galactic community. Many of you will be going through educational processes and training in many different fields and areas, as there will be much to learn about your new and rapidly evolving world. Many new advancements and technologies will be quickly implemented within your society, and many of these will take a lot of careful study on your part. These technologies and equipment cannot be misused or mishandled, and it is of great importance that many of you learn how to properly use and maintain these technologies in order to safely utilize them to better the lives of your people. We will be monitoring the use of much of this equipment and technologies, and we will not let these be misused in any way. This cannot be allowed, as much of this technology is very powerful and its misuse can have negative consequences, and therefore its use must be carefully observed for matters of safety.
Again, we do not wish to mettle overbearingly in your concerns, but we do feel it is important that we monitor certain situations over a certain period of time as your world experiences rapid development as a higher dimensional society. This is for the greater good of all, and we only wish to allow your journey to proceed safely as you experience the many changes that will bring to each of you better and more proficient lives in so many ways. Your lives are about to change greatly in many ways, and we have very dedicated and able crewmembers to assist you make these transitions as smooth as possible. There will be no limits to the assistance that we can provide you and will provide you, and there will be no limits to educational and training courses that will be made available to each and every one of you, and these will be provided freely without cost, of course, to all of you.
These courses will be made available all throughout your world, and will be made available to each of you no matter which language you currently speak. There will be no limits of what you can learn, and there will be no qualifications of any kind for any of you to be welcomed to participate in any of these courses or teachings. Your new society will be based on a system that will provide free and unlimited access to each and every being on your planet. There will be no tuitions, no fees, no taxes, no entrance exams, no qualifying grades needed or letters of recommendation. Each and every one of you will be entirely welcomed to begin training or education in any field that you desire to learn.
This is one of the attributes of your new society, and we look forward to seeing so many of you taking advantage of these new and wonderful opportunities to learn about so many new subjects that have not been made available to you up until this point. Your new world will be full of new mystery and questions, and we wish to provide you with all the answers that you seek. We wish to provide you with all the training and education you will need to become masters of your new academia and your new technologies, and we will provide each and every one of you with every opportunity to fulfill your quest for knowledge and to better utilize these new technologies to better the lives of all your brothers and sisters.
All information will be shared openly in your new society and there no longer will be any secrets or technologies withheld from you, as all matters concerning your society and yourselves will remain completely transparent, and everything that you wish to know or better understand will be made available to each and every one of you. This is how it will be; there can be no other way, as this is the way of a higher dimensional society. So much has been kept from you, and we see how so many of you make great attempts to unbury so many truths and uncover so many mysteries, and we say to you your new lives will be an ever cascading flow of information, knowledge and wisdom, and that no longer will you have to dig so long and so deep to discover the answer that you seek. All will be revealed to you and all will continue to be made available to you as you proceed into your new lives and your society grows in the light of your new day.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
URIEL. The Heartbeat Of The Universe. By, AuroRa Le.
URIEL. The Heartbeat Of The Universe. By, AuroRa Le.
Posted theangeldiaries
Savor the peaceful moments when you first awaken from your nightly travels. I say travels because at this juncture, very little of your evening sojourn is allotted to what you would consider to be sleep. Focus on those moments, my friends; that time before your mind fills up with countless trivialities the many tasks you “must get done”. Do not allow these things to crowd out the last of your serenity. Relax a few moments more, forego that first cup of coffee and simply allow yourself to lie still and be. Listen closely and what do you hear? It’s there if you choose to hear it, that highly-pitched ringing in your ears. From some it’s constant to the point of becoming unnoticeable, is often loud. Then, for others it’s barely perceptible. Nonetheless, you shall hear it – the heartbeat of the universe, the songs of the angels.
Allow yourself to melt like butter into the sound. Place all of your awareness on it. Hear it, really hear it. Pay attention and the tones shall form ideas, the ideas becoming words; words which convey messages of love and upliftment, activations and upgrades, or possibly details of the next phase of your assignment on Earth. These sounds are your own personal transmissions from home. As you comfortably revel in the stillness of the morning, allow these codes of ascension to take root within the energetic framework of your body. Permit them time to grow and take shape. These tones are your tones, specifically yours, cut from the very mold of your own higher soul self. This hour of the day is the time of your greatest awareness, when you are newly returned from home, and the connection is still fresh. Occasionally you may awaken to a quiet, loving voice speaking to you , only later to find that the words they spoke were true and of great importance, or that they foretold an event yet to come. For those who are highly visual, it is not uncommon to wake up to the smiling face of a beloved angel or guide. Before long, you shall all be functioning in this state of heightened awareness, this being the norm. Hearing us is soon to be as elementary as picking up a phone and calling a friend. Although, come that time the heavy apparatus shall no longer be necessary. Your telepathic skills shall be fully restored!
Be alert, always, because our messages may arrive at any time and on occasion these times are not always the most convenient. Try as we might, it is often difficult for us to connect with and function according to your linear schedule. Remember to keep a notebook and pen, or a small voice recorder handy whoever you go, so that you are able to preserve the messages and refer back to them at a later date.
My friends, the Dark’s hold on the Earth is in it’s final death throes. When the old paradigm falls, and I assure you most emphatically that it shall, your knowledge and razor-sharp expertise shall be needed. Not only will you be called upon to lead your team members, but you must be ready to soothe and educate the disillusioned masses as well. Therefore, when we speak to you, please listen as best you can. Never forget that you are God’s Ambassadors of Love.
ATHENA. The Gifts Of May And The 5-5-5. By AuroRa Le.
Posted on by theangeldiaries
Blessed, blessed are thee, beloved children of the Earth. You have toiled so very long and hard over a multitude of lifetimes, playing many parts, embodying a thousand forms. You have struggled far too much, I feel, and so I come to you this day to offer you relief. The Divine Mother Goddess opens wide her loving arms as she prepares to gather her lonely angels close. Clear your bodies and minds of all that is no longer needed, and ready your hearts to receive the soothing energies of May.
Prepare yourselves to be overtaken by joy! The full moon arrives on May 5, the day of the 5-5-5, followed not long after by the solar eclipse. Transformation, transmutation and transfiguration-these are the qualities of this date. The 5-5-5 presents you with a rare opportunity to emerge from the confines of your silken chrysalis, as a great being of majesty and light. It enables you to be aglow with all the confidence and self-awareness of one who dwells securely within the high heart. The 5-5-5 shall multiply a hundredfold the holy rebirth of your true crystalline self. The number is also a bold, adventuresome number. Center stage. The life of the party. It is a fearless risk-taker, the charmed one. Just as you are. You have already grown powerful and have shed much unwanted density from your beings. You are beginning to recall your true identity as pure reflections of The Divine. The gifts of May bestow upon you the opportunity to discover more of who you are, from whence you came and why. It’s time to take the leap and expect the unexpected!
So, take time that day to dwell in the silence, Dear Ones, and look to the dimensions which lay beyond; fifth, sixth, seventh…, and onward to the twelfth. Then go further still. On the 5-5-5 you may reach for the sun, the Great Central Sun, and harness the precious power that is your own. Bathe in the translucent fairness of the silver-white rays, the rays of the Mother Goddess. We who are her Masters and attendants shall throw wide the portal gates and let her splendor shower the Earth. She is freedom, laughter, creation and beauty; and as her Divine offspring, so you are these things, too.
Inner peace becomes the peace you see reflected in the world around you. Become this peace, for the time is now. And thus it begins.
Conversation WithThe Devic Realm, via TAUK. “Gaia’s Heart Will Weep No More”.. By, AuroRa Le.
Old friend, our names are Tulla and Nara, and we are the Water Deva. We knew you in Atlantis, when you were sent to help in the final days. You remember very little about those times, when God sent you to create the vibration of peace. Many like you came to make them understand that the destruction was coming. We stayed by you and protected you as Guardians. Now we are back. Many of you incarnated on Earth at this time have been assigned Elemental beings as protectors. The Devic Realm is part of the Elemental Realm. Living in the Elemental kingdom are also the ones you know as the Elfin and Faerie. We are old; many, many millennia, and have been here devotedly serving Gaia all this time. The Water Deva swim amongst the fishes and spin beneath the stars. More and more of us are arriving each day, in order to counterbalance the energy of your environment. Never before have so many of us been here! We are from everywhere and all places. Ours is Earth’s water realm. We reign within the rivers and lakes. See us under the water, in places of dense greenery and look for us in the starlight, upon the lakes and ponds. Pools reflecting the moon display us in their energetic form. Strive to see the glittering, twinkling orbs of light. We are green, but shine with iridescent rainbow tones which change according to our mood, living place or task. Beautiful colors impress themselves upon our tails and hair. Upon meeting us, prepare for great surprises!
Return to the awareness of creations that await you by an Earthly waterfall of unimaginable beauty. In dreams, create this picture and with it hold a feeling of joy. Let yourself swim amongst us. Such freedom! Nothing holds us captive in the way that your illusion does, as it appears to take away your basic rights of creativity and self-expression. In creating this vision of us, we help you to feel lightened of your burdens. It takes the little children, and those like them, to truly understand and appreciate the Elemental Realm. We are always visible to the innocent at heart! You may also elect to go to an ideal setting and hope for the right moment to present itself, to see us. Open your heart for a visit. Look for the Faerie amongst the dainty flowers of nature and see the Elfin prance atop the slippery stones. Kick off your shoes and dance! Call to the Starry Ones when you swim in the sea. You may not see them, but they will hear your call and come. You see, we understand your interest in us.
Most human beings are well-intentioned, but they forget that Gaia is a soul and they upset her life-force. The younger humans know this. They have plans to rectify this injustice at the onset of the new Golden Age. We, the Elemental, are a cleaning crew of sorts. In conjunction with your Star brothers and sisters, we are establishing the clearing of the many toxins that are slowly poisoning our Mother. The dangerous fluoride which some choose to pour into lakes destroys the precious balance within Gaia’s core, in addition to making the population sick and diseased. The runoff from the farms slowly penetrates her underground aquifers; and the divided waters – the dams and levees – affect her body’s natural balance. Watch as the ancient volcanoes erupt beneath the sea, for they will one day move the old land masses into their proper position.
We see that you all are beginning to take notice and speak out. This pleases us so! For the days grow shorter up until the day of Earth’s final slide into 5th density. So take the time to keep our sweet Mother in your hearts. Give of your dear, joined visions in meditation, as this reinforces the energy grid which encircles the planet. Love really is the perfect tool for healing, and your prayers have a medicinal effect. Just imagine that the happy time of our reuniting is at hand, and feel deep within you the kinship that we once enjoyed. The Earth will again be a pretty paradise. Gaia’s heart will weep no more.
Tulla and Nara
Declan of the Pleiades: 30th April 2012.
I am Declan, a Pleiadian and an Ambassador of Peace with the Galactic Federation of Light. I am your treasured Brethren, AuroRa, though you have temporarily forgotten me! At this time, I function as one of many who operate as cultural liasons, if you will, at this time when we seek to make our presence known to you, in the not-so-distant days to come. Ours are Light Teams, arriving as scouts with the intention of studying and assessing your changing social climate. Walking the walk and getting the lay of the land, as you would say. Being Humonid Pleiadian, we are able to blend in. We are able to adjust our physical vibrations and take the necessary steps which allow us to visit for very short periods – a day or less – and move among the populace unnoticed. For the most part, our physical appearances are much the same, and this fact alone should speak volumes! We travel to Earth in order to determine when the timing will be right for the Great Reveal. Do you feel you are ready? Do we feel that you are at a place in your development where you can effectively handle both the ups and downs of Disclosure?
Light Teams are everywhere; in every country, city, cultural and ethnic grouping. We number in the thousands, and embark from the the fleets of ships which are sheltered by the lovely cloud formations in your skies. Unseen by Human eyes are also hidden stargates, which enable us to come and go in such a way as to cause no fright nor raise an alarm. We interact with you in ways that will allow us to thoroughly study your progress, and empathetically experience and address your most pressings thoughts and concerns; your hopes and dreams for the New Earth. In this way we may also live the linear experience firsthand. Many of our teams bring with us Brethren of differing planetary origin, other than Pleiadian, who are possessed of the grand ability to shapeshift their form at will, yet still tolerate the discomforts of the third density. Such a gift as theirs also allows them to assume the appearance of children and freely move among the Crystalline and Golden ones – as it is they who are to be the cornerstones of the new societies to come. It is Teams such as these who choose to pass among you as family units. In a lighter vein, you may look upon us as Galactic tourists, engaged merrily on holiday, partaking of the native fare and soaking up the local color. After all, Earth was originally deemed The Vacation Planet, was it not? So, should you happen upon us and know us for who we are, please embrace us as family and share a lively reminiscence or two!
Referring back to the topic of Disclosure, we see those in our ranks, of a decision-making capacity, vacillating back and forth about the timing of such an important step. This would account for the many “missed” opportunities that have passed by, quiet days with seemingly nothing of note going on. I can assure you there have been many, the most recent of which occurred this February past. Trust me when I say that we wholeheartedly desire for Disclosure to occur, and we are closely charting your progress in order to determine when the time for our reunion is right. The research and findings of the Light Teams will aid in determining the safest time for us to step out of the background and make ourselves known to our families on Earth. It is far less about what is convenient for us, but more our valid concern about the the panic our sudden appearance could cause, along with the following ensuing chaos.
Oh, I can see and hear what you’re thinking, AuroRa. You think, “Tell us what your teams are actually learning about us, Declan. What do you believe would happen if we had Disclosure right now?” And I say to you that mankind is close, so very close, but the time is not right today – at this very moment of our conversation. You must remember that all of humanity is not at the same level of awareness as many of you who are reading these words. We happily see you embracing your Divinity in an ever-expanding, rapidly ascending manner; something we find quite remarkable, really. The planet you live on is a colorful mosaic of differing mores and cultures. There are certain areas of your the Earth where it’s inhabitants have been ready for Disclosure for quite some time – the indiginous people being an example of this. And of course there are all of you, the Lightworker community, who wait with baited breath for us to shed our cloaks and illuminate your skies. Your faith in us, and infinite patience warms our hearts and is respected by all who know you. Know also that your chosen roles as ‘awakeners’ is the very thing which brings the day of disclosure closer, and the ascension process to it’s full fruition. Your tireless diligence is bringing humanity together, and one by one they will all surely come to the light. We are just as anxious, maybe more so, for our reunion to come about, as from where we sit we can see the whole picture. However, do not forget that as magnificent and love-filled as our reunion will be, there is also a potentially less attractive flipside.
Your dear Human Brethren have been blinded and misled for so long that many are unable to discern fact from fiction. Approach them with compassion and know that it is by no fault of their own. So many still struggle beneath the weight of crippling dogma, fear, lack, and poor self-worth. Illusions, all. They are part and parcel of the web of false matrices which are at this moment being dismantled by you, piece by piece. These dear souls cannot remember their own perfection. They cannot wrap their minds and hearts around even the most remote possibility that what you and I are saying is true. Very, very soon the mirage will vanish and all they think they have ever known will disintegrate to dust before their eyes. They will feel betrayed, hurt, embarrrased, foolish for believing a lifetime of untruths. For some, their pain will cause them to act out in violence and aggression. They will feel completely justified in this. Destructive emotions such as these have the potential to spread like a contagious disease, and the very last thing we should ever want is for the shock of our appearance to add fuel to the proverbial fire. Do know that we are even now doing much to minimize the effects of the changes taking place upon your planet. But we must tread gently. We must allow for more to place themselves on the enlightened path. We must do what is best for all beings of Earth.
The Old Guard is perched at the edge of a precipice which is set to give way at any moment. It is inevitable. Your true history is slowly coming to be known. It is our deepest desire to be by your side at this time, standing hand in hand. You are our family. I, Declan, have walked incarnated, as you have, for so many lifetimes. I waked miles upon the soil of Gaia. How well I recall the power of Human emotion. Love and loss, elation and sorrow, comfort and pain, passion and loneliness. Invaluable lessons, every one. Indeed, they each serve to make us stronger. I come forward today to remind you of our kinship and to reassure you that we are here, so close, and in your lives in ways that you might never have imagined. Stay strong, and be in peace.
2012-04-29 Poofness Russian Stock Exchange SHUT DOWN
Greetings and Salutations;
I’m sorry to have to still write and tell you what you’ve been waiting for, is still coming to you. Not any of us, but many who’d been waiting a lot longer than any of us are quite happy now. Considering some of the last been hangin’ since 1984. These are not the same as big lenders who got their principal back some time ago, like chinese families who were holding paper from ages ago and were given the face value of those docs. Once, certain things were opened up to me, I counted 100 zeroes to make the transition, and that wasn’t all. Looks they got enough to, ‘raise the dead and heal the sick’. The limits are being ripped off folks, how many are ready to be ‘gobsmacked’ at what appears at the end of their noses.
There is order to this all, maybe you don’t understand it but ‘they’ who are doing it, certainly do, factoring in things you never thought of. Since the beginning, I have told you there’s more going on than putting some money in your pocket. Those ‘things’ have been attended to and for That you need not worry. Like a black hole coming from outer space and sucking the world inside out. I have learned that half the stuff in the bible were ‘hair of fire’ stuff, put down by prophets who were translating visions too literally. The church took it and used it to to keep people running to their doors for redemption, spending a lot of money. Time to break out of ‘tribal’ folks. Go into your closet and get it straight. You have got to know somewhere with in you the ‘first cause’, wouldn’t abandon creation to chaos. What?? you came from somewhere and you were left alone, to figure it out? It worked out real good for they who took over the leadership positions, all attention was on them. Organized religion, like politics and drug companies, and clandestine, organizations are all going away as, relics of the past. You’re going to Jetson world and it’ll make disney world look like the Flinstone’s.
I will never call the ‘moment’ even if it was received on a doc written in blood, I’m just saying the weather sure looks good and that big things jumped off last monday and may answer the question as to why russia shut down their stockmarket. Frenchy stopped bitchn’ too. That should tell you something about the progress. They got the system locked up and ‘hard cheese’ for anyone ‘trying something’. Time for me to shut up again and leave you with this;
Love and Kisses,
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Saul, 29 April 2012 Galactic Federation of Light.
The forthcoming event to which you – humanity – have been progressing steadily for so long, with not infrequent, apparent back-steps, gets ever closer. Yes, all is on schedule, and your awakening is to occur precisely as divinely planned with your enthusiastic help and agreement. Any doubts about it that you may be harboring are completely without foundation. Release them, and focus your attention on what you truly desire to happen, and bring it to fruition. That is your task, ably assisted by all of us in the spiritual realms who are constantly offering you advice (but only when sought) and encouragement.
To have spent so many eons in the illusory environment that you made in which to play your games has caused you to build around yourselves a hard shell to protect you from the attacks that have been an ongoing aspect of that strange environment. What you are mostly now engaged in is softening and removing that shell so that you can fully interact with the divine field of Love that surrounds you at all times and which longs to hold you in Its loving embrace.
To soften this shell, and to enable you to let it go, you are addressing all these unloving issues and attitudes as they pour into your awareness, sometimes with very unsettling effects. To awaken is to awaken into the divine Presence where all is Love. Anything that is unloving cannot enter because the brilliance of the divine Light utterly overwhelms and terrifies anything that is unloving. Any fear you may have that you will be divinely judged and found wanting stems from your deep inner knowing of this.
You know that to attempt to enter into the presence of God with anything apart from Love in your hearts is a meaningless endeavor. To enter into the divine Presence you have to desire and intend to do so with all of your heart, but if you are still harboring unloving thoughts or attitudes, then you are not doing so with the desire and intent of all of your heart, and that is why it would be meaningless.
You are so accustomed to withholding part of your heart when you relate to others, in case you should be attacked or betrayed, that it is difficult for you to release those remaining unloving elements which seem to have provided you with essential protection for so long. And it is these remaining unloving aspects you still hold in your hearts that you are in the process of addressing and releasing as the moment for your glorious awakening approaches. Consequently, many are feeling disturbed and distracted as aspects of themselves that they had buried deep within surge up to the surface of their awareness for release.
Remember, you are constantly being offered enormous assistance from those in the spiritual realms so that you can deal swiftly and effectively with these issues, and there is no way that you can fail to do so. However, it can be very uncomfortable for you. When something shocking or very disturbing sweeps into your awareness just let it flow. Do not attempt to stop it or block it – you do not need to act on it, either – just let it flow. It will not last, and when it has passed you will feel more alive, more secure, more sure and more confident in yourselves. What will have happened is that the intense energy you needed to block it, deny it, or hide from it is now available for you to use and enjoy, resulting in a marked decrease in the fatigue and stress that its misuse had caused, and you will be brighter for it.
Truly your path to awakening has become far shorter; the main part is well behind you now, and as you release what you need to release and allow your hearts to open ever more fully, your faith in the divine outcome that has been planned since the moment of apparent separation will continue to strengthen and intensify, until you will know in your conscious mind that God’s Will and yours is assured.
With so very much love, Saul.
Saul, 29 April 2012 Galactic Federation of Light.
The forthcoming event to which you – humanity – have been progressing steadily for so long, with not infrequent, apparent back-steps, gets ever closer. Yes, all is on schedule, and your awakening is to occur precisely as divinely planned with your enthusiastic help and agreement. Any doubts about it that you may be harboring are completely without foundation. Release them, and focus your attention on what you truly desire to happen, and bring it to fruition. That is your task, ably assisted by all of us in the spiritual realms who are constantly offering you advice (but only when sought) and encouragement.
To have spent so many eons in the illusory environment that you made in which to play your games has caused you to build around yourselves a hard shell to protect you from the attacks that have been an ongoing aspect of that strange environment. What you are mostly now engaged in is softening and removing that shell so that you can fully interact with the divine field of Love that surrounds you at all times and which longs to hold you in Its loving embrace.
To soften this shell, and to enable you to let it go, you are addressing all these unloving issues and attitudes as they pour into your awareness, sometimes with very unsettling effects. To awaken is to awaken into the divine Presence where all is Love. Anything that is unloving cannot enter because the brilliance of the divine Light utterly overwhelms and terrifies anything that is unloving. Any fear you may have that you will be divinely judged and found wanting stems from your deep inner knowing of this.
You know that to attempt to enter into the presence of God with anything apart from Love in your hearts is a meaningless endeavor. To enter into the divine Presence you have to desire and intend to do so with all of your heart, but if you are still harboring unloving thoughts or attitudes, then you are not doing so with the desire and intent of all of your heart, and that is why it would be meaningless.
You are so accustomed to withholding part of your heart when you relate to others, in case you should be attacked or betrayed, that it is difficult for you to release those remaining unloving elements which seem to have provided you with essential protection for so long. And it is these remaining unloving aspects you still hold in your hearts that you are in the process of addressing and releasing as the moment for your glorious awakening approaches. Consequently, many are feeling disturbed and distracted as aspects of themselves that they had buried deep within surge up to the surface of their awareness for release.
Remember, you are constantly being offered enormous assistance from those in the spiritual realms so that you can deal swiftly and effectively with these issues, and there is no way that you can fail to do so. However, it can be very uncomfortable for you. When something shocking or very disturbing sweeps into your awareness just let it flow. Do not attempt to stop it or block it – you do not need to act on it, either – just let it flow. It will not last, and when it has passed you will feel more alive, more secure, more sure and more confident in yourselves. What will have happened is that the intense energy you needed to block it, deny it, or hide from it is now available for you to use and enjoy, resulting in a marked decrease in the fatigue and stress that its misuse had caused, and you will be brighter for it.
Truly your path to awakening has become far shorter; the main part is well behind you now, and as you release what you need to release and allow your hearts to open ever more fully, your faith in the divine outcome that has been planned since the moment of apparent separation will continue to strengthen and intensify, until you will know in your conscious mind that God’s Will and yours is assured.
With so very much love, Saul.
Archangel Michael April 29,2012. channeled: Ron Head
It is time to talk about the month which is about to begin, dear friends. There has already been a lot of information given to you about the alignments and energies and about the possibilities for change. It is all good information for you to consider.
There is also the possibility for the same alignments and frequencies to bring out strong reactions from those not aligned with love and light. We advise that keeping your focus will minimize any distraction that may cause you. You now begin the full-on run to your ascension and your attention and focus on that goal is more important than anything that may occur around you. The simple accomplishment of whatever is put in front of you each day is all that is needed beyond that task. That focus will be enough to insure that you are where you need to be when you be to be there, and that you will be able to do whatever there is for you to do. There is no need for you to conjure up anything more than that.
You have brought with you to this little party the part you need to play and the skill to play it. It is time now for you to look deeply into yourselves and discover who you are. The veil which was in place has been lifted. A huge wave of support and love is building in order to bring your success. Ride this wave in to shore, dear ones. You have waited long for this. The surf is up.
There are those of you who are just beginning to feel this change that is upon you. Do not worry at all. You also are champion surfers. Reach out to those around you, to us within you, and enjoy the ride as you find abilities you never suspected. Are you finding feelings and understandings that you never knew before? Are you seeing yourself with new eyes? Are things which have always been important to you beginning to fall away? Let all of that happen now, knowing that the new person you have come to embody, the next you, will have and be exactly what is needed at this time.
You are dropping your masks and becoming your true selves for all to see. The delightful thing may be your own wonder at who that really is. Come together now, dear brothers and sisters. Support each other in your light and love. The light at the end of the tunnel is indeed the blazing sun of your own selves. Bring your own light to the blaze.
We will continue to speak with you and support you in every way possible. We urge each of you to find your own connection to us. Until tomorrow, be in peace and joy.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
The Lord of Sirius April 29, 2012. channeled by Isabel Henn
People of Earth, it is a joy to see how you send forth your light on your beautiful planet. Gaia shines afar throughout the universe. She requires, however, much love and light to carry out the cleaning process. Your love, combined with the violet flame helps her to break up thick encrustations of the negative and dense frequencies to run the process as gently as possible for her residents. You can help your mother by your anchoring even more light and love in her and in wrapping her into it simultaneously.
Yes, she is your mother, she has nurtured you for eons and gave shelter and everything you need to live, including the air you breathe. She loves you and has never reclaimed anything. Instead, she endured all the abuse and pollution that have been inflicted on her. It is now onto you, to give that love and patience gratefully back to her. You have been told several times already, how you can do this. Gaia now needs all the love and all the light she can get to carry out the cleaning process without any major disasters, as gently as possible. She loves you, and delays her own ascension as long as possible to give so many of their residents the opportunity to wake up and ascend with her into the fifth Dimension or higher.
I ask you therefore, to support her with your love. As soon as our ships can land open, you will receive our help together with the necessary technologies. Until then, we can only work in the distances. Our ships are already neutralizing chemtrails in your skies and relieving the damage caused by your use of radioactivity. Even the cleaning of your oceans is in progress. That’s all we can do now, because for more we have to work for it openly with you. We are glad to see that the acceptance of our ships in your skies will be larger. We will increase the visibility worldwide obviously, so you can get used to the sight.
I present you the greetings of the Sirian people. I am Edre, the Lord of Sirius.
Thank you Mylord
Galactic Federation of Light Message - April 29th 2012.
Discouragement, disappointment and uncertainty. These are all emotions based on fear. Fear has no place in the higher realms, so those of you who are experiencing these emotions at this time need to recognize these feelings for what they are, and ask for assistance in ridding yourselves of them. We can help you with this.
We realize that many of you are awaiting your own personal experience of first contact with us, many of you already have, and we have learned much from these initial contactees. Subsequent meetings will therefore be much more favorable, as there were many difficulties for us to overcome in arranging meet ups with you all, but experimentation with our technology upon your world has opened up many new options to us. So we anticipate that subsequent meetings will be a lot easier to organize and more beneficial to us all.
Fear not if the call has not yet sounded for you. There is ample time for these meetings to occur; the way that we view time as such, so do not panic if nothing has happened for you yet. With events occurring all over the globe, to remove and relocate the last of the Dark Cabal, the time for us to step up our visitations to Earth are about to increase.
We have been visiting the Earth for many, many of your lifetimes, and all of our visits were kept hidden from the general public. Many politicians and high ranking officials have met with us over this time, however, our constant refusal to submit to their limiting, selfish demands was not looked upon favourably. But as we said, the time for our presence being hidden is drawing to a close, and it is up to you - our ground crew, to increase the awareness of our presence to your fellow man. Hearts and minds are opening exponentially on a daily basis, but sadly, many still remain closed. Whether it be from fear, disinterest, or disbelief - all of these negative emotions need to be dispelled, as the vibrational energy of the Earth is on a constant rise, and negativity will only hinder this process. However, soon it will be difficult for people to express themselves negatively without undergoing a great deal of discomfort, as the Earth and the surrounding energies will just not make it possible any more.
We however, will not give up. It is our place to see as many of you ascend as possible. Those who are awakened and aware already know what is required of them, and for those of you who are newly awakened, the information you seek will come to you very quickly indeed, as we need as many of you as possible to be awake and fully functional, for the ascension process to run as smoothly as possible.
The next few months are going to appear to move along extremely rapidly from your point of view, as time itself will appear to be speeding up. Time is irrelevant on the higher realms, it is not even present, but as we are dealing with your realm, we would just like to assure you all that this process of time acceleration is in no way something to be feared.
Many of you will have noticed on your news programs and radio stations, that the wealth of the world is already in the process of being redistributed evenly amongst you all. You have all been held back, and kept down in a poverty like state for so long, while the ones in power benefited from your negative states and negative emotions as you struggled to survive your daily lives while being suppressed and controlled from so many angles. Know now that this suppression has come to an end, and the commencement of your new, more enriched and enhanced lives has already begun.
Many of you experience the positive effects of the higher realms on a daily basis, and most of you will have, by now, been given an insight as to what it is going to feel like when you do ascend. There is much to look forward to and still we have many tasks to perform until the ascension process is complete. We have told you that we will be there with you all throughout the whole ascension process, right up to and including the final day, but by then, we will have also ensconced ourselves into your planet, and our presence will be commonplace.
This is a very exciting time indeed for us all, we ask that you remain aware and positive. Changes are coming and will be more profound than you have been allowed to consider from your until now,suppressed 3rd dimensional view point. Many new, previously unfelt feelings will be discovered by you all soon, as you prepare physically and mentally for the planets elevation into the 5th dimension. Embrace and allow these new feelings to envelope you,as they will be based on love, an emotion that is a given on the 5th dimension.
Keep listening for our words, as we still have much information to share with you. Stay focused, stay positive and stay happy, and just by living your life in this positive state will you do much to assist the planets vibrational energy.Many of you worry that you do not know as yet the task that you were sent here to perform, but know that by constantly living your life in a heightened state of happiness and love, you are already contributing a great deal more than you realize.
We send you our continued love and light.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Star-Gazer Cheryl.
We realize that many of you are awaiting your own personal experience of first contact with us, many of you already have, and we have learned much from these initial contactees. Subsequent meetings will therefore be much more favorable, as there were many difficulties for us to overcome in arranging meet ups with you all, but experimentation with our technology upon your world has opened up many new options to us. So we anticipate that subsequent meetings will be a lot easier to organize and more beneficial to us all.
Fear not if the call has not yet sounded for you. There is ample time for these meetings to occur; the way that we view time as such, so do not panic if nothing has happened for you yet. With events occurring all over the globe, to remove and relocate the last of the Dark Cabal, the time for us to step up our visitations to Earth are about to increase.
We have been visiting the Earth for many, many of your lifetimes, and all of our visits were kept hidden from the general public. Many politicians and high ranking officials have met with us over this time, however, our constant refusal to submit to their limiting, selfish demands was not looked upon favourably. But as we said, the time for our presence being hidden is drawing to a close, and it is up to you - our ground crew, to increase the awareness of our presence to your fellow man. Hearts and minds are opening exponentially on a daily basis, but sadly, many still remain closed. Whether it be from fear, disinterest, or disbelief - all of these negative emotions need to be dispelled, as the vibrational energy of the Earth is on a constant rise, and negativity will only hinder this process. However, soon it will be difficult for people to express themselves negatively without undergoing a great deal of discomfort, as the Earth and the surrounding energies will just not make it possible any more.
We however, will not give up. It is our place to see as many of you ascend as possible. Those who are awakened and aware already know what is required of them, and for those of you who are newly awakened, the information you seek will come to you very quickly indeed, as we need as many of you as possible to be awake and fully functional, for the ascension process to run as smoothly as possible.
The next few months are going to appear to move along extremely rapidly from your point of view, as time itself will appear to be speeding up. Time is irrelevant on the higher realms, it is not even present, but as we are dealing with your realm, we would just like to assure you all that this process of time acceleration is in no way something to be feared.
Many of you will have noticed on your news programs and radio stations, that the wealth of the world is already in the process of being redistributed evenly amongst you all. You have all been held back, and kept down in a poverty like state for so long, while the ones in power benefited from your negative states and negative emotions as you struggled to survive your daily lives while being suppressed and controlled from so many angles. Know now that this suppression has come to an end, and the commencement of your new, more enriched and enhanced lives has already begun.
Many of you experience the positive effects of the higher realms on a daily basis, and most of you will have, by now, been given an insight as to what it is going to feel like when you do ascend. There is much to look forward to and still we have many tasks to perform until the ascension process is complete. We have told you that we will be there with you all throughout the whole ascension process, right up to and including the final day, but by then, we will have also ensconced ourselves into your planet, and our presence will be commonplace.
This is a very exciting time indeed for us all, we ask that you remain aware and positive. Changes are coming and will be more profound than you have been allowed to consider from your until now,suppressed 3rd dimensional view point. Many new, previously unfelt feelings will be discovered by you all soon, as you prepare physically and mentally for the planets elevation into the 5th dimension. Embrace and allow these new feelings to envelope you,as they will be based on love, an emotion that is a given on the 5th dimension.
Keep listening for our words, as we still have much information to share with you. Stay focused, stay positive and stay happy, and just by living your life in this positive state will you do much to assist the planets vibrational energy.Many of you worry that you do not know as yet the task that you were sent here to perform, but know that by constantly living your life in a heightened state of happiness and love, you are already contributing a great deal more than you realize.
We send you our continued love and light.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Star-Gazer Cheryl.
Dearest Ones,
we are the Arcturians!
As you move forward in your effort of what you call "occupy your world", this is indeed a very necessary undertaking in the process of your evolution. The more of you are consciously participating the more power, the power of light, will be received and facilitated among you and in the energy field of your Mother Earth.
As it is you, the human family, who have lived for so long below your true Divine Power of Love and void of the Light of Christed Consciousness, it must be you who change this! You must change, you must allow all your natural Divine Powers emerge to activate the necessary shift in your world.
When the united power of your higher will, accompanied by the Light of Love, reaches a certain level of accomplishment, this will be the day when your controllers will loose their power they are still able to hold on to.
Even though there are massive loads of light directed at your planet, there must be an active and conscious response to it, so that it can become fully effective! It must be received, and you are the ones who must receive it, dear ones.
We observe with joy that there are ever more of you who have opened their heart and who nurture the desire, to receive this light and who awaken to the love they are!
We ask you all to spread this Light of Love by choosing It in any moment over against the old and so familiar frequencies of intolerance, nonconstructive criticism and judgment.
Now is the time that all those who are here to work for the light join together.
In spite of differences in perceptions of spiritual matters and spiritual paradigms, in spite of differences of culture, personality, preferences and life style, we ask you to put all of that aside now and join with the unity of the heart, the one place you all share without difference. If you want to see the victory of the light and a new and Divine World to emerge, you all must sacrifice this last bit of egoity which still lives in the illusion of competition and a sense of separation.
How can you all, who are working for the light, be victorious over your controllers if you do not all unite in your heart! But you can unite if you truly incorporate the power of light, which carries the information of unity and which is now available abundantly for each one of you.
We ask that you take advantage of it, of the energies now available, all these frequencies, including the frequency that makes itself known as Love as soon as you assimilate it.
Everything is now at you finger tips, beloved ones! Now you must act!
Full of Light and having integrated your original gift of Love, you cannot but know that you all are here together to fight this fight for the victory of light. Each one of you carries gifts, they are different, yes, but they all are part of this huge puzzle, where each piece is needed for the shift to occur!
If only one piece would be missed, the whole glorious Divine Operation of liberating earth (and, yes, the whole universe) would not be successful. Each one of you, here to carry the banner of light, is needed to give an impulse to those who are here to be awakened by this specific impulse. It is due to this necessary and desired chain reaction, that you must honor and embrace and tolerate each other!
You all carry an important mission, which includes many civilizations in your universe. When you join together, united by your self-transcendence, your whole universe unites in Love.
Only if you do this you prove that you are a true worker for the light, because you know that light does not make a difference. Therefore you will recognize one another in that light! And you will be drawn to one another by this love in your hearts. This is the One and Single Link that links you all together.
Difference and separation is the language of the left brain! The language of the heart is unity and non-separation from each other.
Dear ones, workers for the light, now is the time to acknowledge this and act accordingly. Join, all of you. Join with your hearts and what will happen is that the power of light, existing already on your planet, will fully enter you all, causing a tremendous wave of Divine empowerment.
Your self-transcendence is the last step you must accomplish to see a new world arise. Without it you share with your controllers separation and empower them.
And you cannot look at others whether they are willing to let go their sense of specialness and separate ideas, you must start with yourself, not looking right or left. But joining into the feeling of unity, that is all you need to do. The more the power of unity stands out in your feeling heart, the more you know have joined this undivided unity already. Be driven by that power, by that joy and love, it will grow exponentially.
Let your day of "World Liberation" be the day of your own personal victory of self-transcendence!
We bless you and are here to support you in your desire for that victory, if you call upon us.
Message conveyed by Ute
Hilarion -- 29 April 2012.
We see from this vantage point many transformations taking place within the hearts of a greater number of Humanity than ever before. As they awaken and transform within themselves, the energy they create grows exponentially to encompass an ever greater field around the atmosphere of the Earth which in turn ignites more hearts to awaken and transform. Be aware, Dear Ones, of the great power that you hold and wield, as you live your daily lives. “I AM present, here, now.” Say these words often to align yourselves with your higher aspects which are now beginning to come closer to you.
You are starting to have more conscious inner conversations with your Higher Self as you go about your Earthly duties and much guidance comes through to you. Be open and receptive to the flow of words and thoughts that come to you. Watch the thoughts to see which have a positive effect upon your well being and which create opposing forces within you that gives you a feeling of unrest and anxiety. Those are the ones that must yet be changed by you into thoughts that are nurturing and kind. Know that at this moment in time, everyone upon the Planet is going through these experiences, as they face the shadow within.
It is in this way that all illusions and lies that each person has been telling themselves are seen for what they are and when this happens, a change to a better way of relating takes place. If you are sincere in your quest for upward mobility into the higher realms of consciousness, these challenges will be seen by you as great revelations of insight into your deeper aspects that propel you and sometimes, catapult you, into a higher dimensional reality where all that you manifest is of a higher order. It is for this purpose that you have all been cleansing and transmuting so that your way forward is filled with greater ease and grace.
There is but one way to go now and that is forward. The choices have already been made within each Soul and now those who have followed the narrow Path come into their own. As you each align to your true power and embody more and more of your real selves, the changes that have taken place within you will become more discernible to the people in your circle of activities and you will be seen and heard in ways that you never were before. Your Light is now illuminating your physical body and permeating every cell. People around you will think you have the secret to the Fountain of Youth and truly, it is so.
As this process continues, you will all become living examples for others to emulate and follow. It will become obvious that you know of what you speak, for the evidence will shine before them. It is now very important that every thought, word and deed comes from the highest integrity within. A leader must be willing to walk the talk so it will be obvious that you are such a One. Your Ambassadorship as Emissaries of the Light are beginning to become noticed and we rejoice that it is so!
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.
SAUL: 29th April 2012.
The forthcoming event to which you – humanity – have been progressing steadily for so long, with not infrequent, apparent back-steps, gets ever closer. Yes, all is on schedule, and your awakening is to occur precisely as divinely planned with your enthusiastic help and agreement. Any doubts about it that you may be harboring are completely without foundation. Release them, and focus your attention on what you truly desire to happen, and bring it to fruition. That is your task, ably assisted by all of us in the spiritual realms who are constantly offering you advice (but only when sought) and encouragement.
To have spent so many eons in the illusory environment that you made in which to play your games has caused you to build around yourselves a hard shell to protect you from the attacks that have been an ongoing aspect of that strange environment. What you are mostly now engaged in is softening and removing that shell so that you can fully interact with the divine field of Love that surrounds you at all times and which longs to hold you in Its loving embrace.
To soften this shell, and to enable you to let it go, you are addressing all these unloving issues and attitudes as they pour into your awareness, sometimes with very unsettling effects. To awaken is to awaken into the divine Presence where all is Love. Anything that is unloving cannot enter because the brilliance of the divine Light utterly overwhelms and terrifies anything that is unloving. Any fear you may have that you will be divinely judged and found wanting stems from your deep inner knowing of this.
You know that to attempt to enter into the presence of God with anything apart from Love in your hearts is a meaningless endeavor. To enter into the divine Presence you have to desire and intend to do so with all of your heart, but if you are still harboring unloving thoughts or attitudes, then you are not doing so with the desire and intent of all of your heart, and that is why it would be meaningless.
You are so accustomed to withholding part of your heart when you relate to others, in case you should be attacked or betrayed, that it is difficult for you to release those remaining unloving elements which seem to have provided you with essential protection for so long. And it is these remaining unloving aspects you still hold in your hearts that you are in the process of addressing and releasing as the moment for your glorious awakening approaches. Consequently, many are feeling disturbed and distracted as aspects of themselves that they had buried deep within surge up to the surface of their awareness for release.
Remember, you are constantly being offered enormous assistance from those in the spiritual realms so that you can deal swiftly and effectively with these issues, and there is no way that you can fail to do so. However, it can be very uncomfortable for you. When something shocking or very disturbing sweeps into your awareness just let it flow. Do not attempt to stop it or block it – you do not need to act on it, either – just let it flow. It will not last, and when it has passed you will feel more alive, more secure, more sure and more confident in yourselves. What will have happened is that the intense energy you needed to block it, deny it, or hide from it is now available for you to use and enjoy, resulting in a marked decrease in the fatigue and stress that its misuse had caused, and you will be brighter for it.
Truly your path to awakening has become far shorter; the main part is well behind you now, and as you release what you need to release and allow your hearts to open ever more fully, your faith in the divine outcome that has been planned since the moment of apparent separation will continue to strengthen and intensify, until you will know in your conscious mind that God’s Will and yours is assured.
With so very much love, Saul.
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Drake says: "Operation Green Light" This is Your 24 hours notice!
CGI's Peacifist: Drake says: "Operation Green Light" This is Your 24 hours notice
Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Saturday, 28-Apr-2012 18:16:10
Date: Saturday, 28-Apr-2012 18:16:10
My friend is a member of Maine's De Jure Grand Jury, as well as being privy to other information not released to the general public ... His sources sent him this information, which he has passed along to me, which I am passing along to you, which I hope you will MAKE VIRAL !!This is our 24 hours notice !!OPERATION GREEN LIGHT !!!!!~Just got this from a friend !!!~Operation Green Light per Drake. Please feel free to re-postThese are my notes taken during 16 hours of studying Drake's material.. References at end of post.Drake calls it the Freedom Plan.He says he was introduced to the Plan in the time-frame of 1979-80, when they sat him down and asked him to read a 5 inch-thick document.The Plan originated during the Korean Conflict (1950-53) when high-ranking generals became aware that the UN, which was running the war, was funding/supporting both sides of the conflict, resulting in huge american casualties.The current phase of the Plan now operative was initiated in October 2011, when a small group of people in Pennsylvania sent Notification documents to the civil division (non-UN side)at the Hague. This was soon followed by other groups of people posting their states' Notification of Sovereignty. [ Copies of said documents may be viewed at ]People in Europe recognized the significance of these documents, and the Bank Resignations in Europe began. Since then, 14 Freedom Fighters have been killed.At this time 80% - 90% of the Military are knowledgeable about, and in support of, the Plan. Less than 20% would stand in opposition to their fellows, and they know who they are.The Militias have been called up, and are in Readiness status. [See Attachment at bottom of this post.]Arrests will be done by local Constitutional Sheriffs backed by local militias and the Military as necessary.Additionally, federal marshalls will also be present at some arrests in order to administer federal charges of high crime such as Treason.Local sheriffs and other authorities who are unconstitutional -- that is, unfaithful to their Oath 'to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic' -- will likewise be taken into custody and remanded to the fema camps, and they know who they are.Those arrested will remain in fema camps until their cases are individually adjudicated.Expect executions related to high crimes of treason, unspeakable crimes against children, prosecution of wars under false pretense, as well as other crimes of war.The Constitutional Sheriffs group with Sheriff Richard Mack, and the Constitutional Posse group are now deciding who they are going to arrest on the state level.A committee of 50 - 60 constitutional scholars are now reviewing all legal issues. Most of the legal/court system will be going away.OPERATION GREEN LIGHT This is how we will know the Good Guys are in charge:Drake, and others designated by him, will post a Heads Up about 24 hours beforehand."It will go viral," Drake says, "Like free beer, on the internet.""And, the Mainstream Media is going to be notified, and a Press conference given"When we hear Drakes name "on, for example, FOX News", we will know that mainstream media has been breached!References :
- James Madison's Community Call - Drake - 4-24-12 - Edited - (2HR
Direct Hotlink: re Militia at Readiness : Reply by Drake on April 21, 2012 at 6:50amTo ALL,
I have requested/asked to contact everyone I know, now it is your turn.
Because of the many places that can be hit by the bad guys, I have been asked IF you all would like to help out?
IF so, there are several things that are needed.1- Deploying scouts as best you can. These need to have radio com to someone who is listening. Yes, cell phones are ok, but if a cell tower goes, the phone is worthless...a radio is suggested.
Infrastructure is The target.
-With enough eyes, any funny business can be seen, reported, and the militia can be back up. Unless, it is obvious that those acting funny are a demo team. Then a quick deployment is critical. At the same time as you deploy, be sure the local Sheriff/law enforcement is notified AND that a group of you are enroute and will meet up with them or effect action.2- You may be asked to secure certain places, power substations, etc.
You will be contacted, most likely by a field officer in this event. A local patrol or other standing military...3- See if one of you can obtain a military band radio. This will allow you to know what is going on and respond accordingly...
I am hoping that this is a peaceful event, BUT I would expect everyone to be ready in case it is not.
I am posting this to all groups I have contact with.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light: 28th April 2012.
This has truly been a worldwide effort, where beings from many different countries have come together in an effort to bring to your world a better way. We of the Galactic commands have done our part as well to assist those of you who wish to see changes in your world, to make it a better place for all of you to experience the physical realm. All along your journey you have benefited greatly from the assistance of your universal families and friends. Never were you left on your own, and never were you forgotten or denied any assistance that you may have needed.
We have always assured that you would receive the benefits from our assistance, although it has been necessary for us to conceal our helping hand to better allow you to reap the rewards of going it on your own. This has always been a very delicate operation where we needed to conceal our craft from your eyes and needed to camouflage our part in many of your affairs. We feel we have done an adequate job in this sense, and up until very recent times we feel very few of you were even aware of our presence and still more of you were unaware that we took part in so many events and directions that your society has taken.
What we would now like to do is take an even more active role in your affairs, and we would like to do this openly and we would like to do this with your full knowledge and cooperation, as the time for secrecy is quickly fading into your past. We would like to discuss with you each and everything that we would like to accomplish here in your world with you before these tasks are undertaken. This is what we will do, as we are now better able to communicate with many of you through our channels and even directly with some of you through means of telepathy. In the days ahead, we see even greater numbers of you being able to communicate in this manner, and we also see a day when we will be able to speak with large numbers of you openly and directly without any need for telepathic communication.
What we would now like to do is take an even more active role in your affairs, and we would like to do this openly and we would like to do this with your full knowledge and cooperation, as the time for secrecy is quickly fading into your past. We would like to discuss with you each and everything that we would like to accomplish here in your world with you before these tasks are undertaken. This is what we will do, as we are now better able to communicate with many of you through our channels and even directly with some of you through means of telepathy. In the days ahead, we see even greater numbers of you being able to communicate in this manner, and we also see a day when we will be able to speak with large numbers of you openly and directly without any need for telepathic communication.
When all this will take place is still a subject of debate and consideration, for we cannot tell for sure at this time when situations in your world will allow us to safely interact more personally with you. There will be a period in your very near future where we will be able to navigate our ships openly through your skies and personally interact with many of you as we work to complete our many projects together. This will be; there is no doubt of this, as this is a very necessary step towards the realization of the goal of your new world. Timing is so important at this time, and we wish to take every precaution and make sure the timing is just right for us to move forward with the operation. Please be patient as you have been, as much is riding on the successful conclusion of our project with you and we wish to proceed as slowly and carefully as is necessary.
Allow us to properly set the table for our introductions to you, and allow our Earth allies to clear the playing field of those still playing for another team, as they must be removed from your society before many of our projects together can be undertaken. This is a very important step, and we ask for your continued patience and cooperation in sharing your knowledge of these upcoming events as they will take place. We wish for as many of your world as possible to be familiar with this process as these arrests may be quite startling for many, and we also wish for as many of your world as possible to benefit as greatly as they can from what these arrests will signify to each of you and your society as a whole. You all have done such a tremendous job thus far setting the table for this event, and we wish at this time to thank each of you once again for your efforts and say to you that your hard work will pay off for all of you.
As we have promised you, we have been allowing more sightings of our ships all over your world, and we are very pleased to see that so many of you are taking the time to film these events and also share this evidence with those of your world through your online social networks. This is a very important process in our overall mission, as we wish to prepare as many of your world as possible for our introductions to you which we eagerly anticipate. We will continue this process and step up even greater the number and quality of the sightings of our ships in the days ahead, and we ask you to continue to share your video footage with your brothers and sisters. We have some fun sightings planned for you and we look so forward to this, and we also wish you to know that we enjoy these sightings just as much as you do. We have wanted to make our presence more known to you for a very long time, and we do not wish to have to camouflage ourselves any more than many of you like it.
We wish to go about our affairs openly with you, and we tell you that this day will come as there can be no stopping it. This is part of your new experience, where you will have completely open contact with us of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we look very forward to this day. It has been a challenge for us to work for so long in the background without your knowledge, and we have longed for a reunion with you far longer than many of you have even been aware of our existence. There are many reasons that have contributed to this need for secrecy, and at this time we are removing these obstacles one by one with your assistance. It will be soon that the last obstacle from our path is cleared and we can reunite with you, our brothers and sisters, and openly work together on the many projects that will bring to each of you the new world that you all want for yourselves, your family, your friends, and each and every one who calls your planet home.
You may even have some new friends coming your way as finally the old friends that no longer serve your greater good fade away into your past. This has always been the plan for you, where the old has had to move aside to make way for the new and allow you to become the new being that you are developing into today. Allow all that no longer serves your higher purpose to fade away now and become but fond memories of your education and your growth as a spiritual being. Allow the experiences and the lessons that were designed to advance you on your journey become relics of your past that can be observed as if you were visiting a museum of all that was but is no longer. Do not allow these memories of lessons sometimes hard learned to intrude upon your present-day, for they have no rightful place here with you as their meaning and their purpose no longer exists for you. Do you understand this? Do not allow what is old to become obstacles for what is new. This is a very important concept for you to learn and to implement into your new lives.
So many of you allow your past experiences to manifest once again and present to you repeated challenges and obstacles that you have already cleared and have no need to experience again. Do the best that you can to keep your path clear before you by not allowing obstacles on the path behind you to experience a rebirth of any kind. Try to view the experiences that were necessary for you in your past as if they were encased behind glass at a museum of your life. You may take notice and admire these treasures as you make your way through your museums corridors, but do not allow yourself to be slowed or stopped as you stand and stare before an exhibit and allow it to take hold of you and deter you from completing the tour. This is the way we would like you to view your past experiences, unemotional and detached, as this is the best way for you to extract from these experiences all that they were designed to give you without allowing them to affect you emotionally and negatively. If you can achieve this, then you will certainly be on your way to housing a new and exciting collection of wonderful and valuable pieces that will line the halls of your new museum.
No one will be left behind here, as there will be different places that you journey to. This is the way it must be, as there are many of you and just as many paths to travel, and there are those of you who have learned more at this point than some of the others. This will bring you to the first steps of a path others have not yet reached. Do not feel saddened by this, as throughout your long journey you have made many friends and have said adieu to many of them, but just the same, for each friend that you have said goodbye to another new friend was waiting to make your acquaintance and begin new adventures with you that more closely resonate with your similar vibrations.
This is the way it is throughout this entire universe, where like attracts like and people, places and adventures come to those whose vibrations attract them like a powerful magnet. Many of you at this time are feeling the pull of this magnetic attraction, and there are those of you who are not feeling this same tow as they are still being pulled towards vibrations of the density you are now freeing yourself from and rising above. Do not look at this day when your ship sets sail as a sad day, for it is a remarkable achievement for you and you have put so much effort into hoisting your sails and catching this new breeze that will take you to points uncharted. Do not feel saddened for those you love who wave goodbye from the dock, as they too will board a ship that will take them to destinations they have mapped out for themselves. In the end, all ships will dock at the same port, and you will be there waiting, standing on the dock as their ship arrives.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
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