Friday, 30 March 2012
SaLuSa 30 March 2012. Galactic Federation of Light
It cannot be but a short time before the many activities that are being carried out to advance you, come to your attention. The extent to which our allies are involved will force the issues to be considered by the media. It might take a little longer before our presence is reported, but whatever steps are taken to prevent it will be futile. The first reactions will bring out all kinds of responses, but those who cast doubt or reject us will soon be overshadowed through acceptance by the majority of the people. It will not take long at all for the realization to sink in that we are here to help you, and that includes removing all those who have usurped their authority and responsibility to you for many years. It is the end of the Illuminati already seriously weakened by losing much of their control over you.
You will know by now that we are fully engaged in keeping peace on the planet, although we cannot stop every confrontation. Peace will come to you when the big powers stop interfering in other countries affairs. For too long they have plotted and manipulated circumstances that have forced countries to sell out their commodities. The result has been that much of the wealth generated that should have helped its inhabitants, has been taken out of the country. These problems will all be put right, with the raising up of people's living standards and introduction to new technologies. In the poorer countries a big problem has been the lack of medical attention and adequate facilities, but that will be quickly overcome. The use of drugs will become unnecessary, as we will use natural methods through technologies that will be new to you. No challenge will be too much for us to deal with, and the changes will be seen very quickly.
We know that people are already anxious to find out what will happen, but we ask that you wait until we can fully present ourselves. We wish to reach out to everyone and ensure you quickly understand what is required of you. Have no fear, as all will given in good time, and also opportunities to meet with us to sort out any queries. For a time there will be continuous broadcasts to update you on progress being made. There are exciting times coming up and it will spread around the world once the future is understood. Freedom is something few have really experienced yet it shall engulf you all before Ascension takes place.
The future is golden and is in fact a Golden Age, and that fact alone should give you an indication of what to look forward to. Living in perfection and having the ability to create at will, will be a new experience and by then you should have acquired a higher level of consciousness and understanding that will prevent misuse of your powers. As you can see, a great leap forward is to occur and to say the least you will be absolutely different to what you are now. An extended life period of your choosing will be something new, and gives you more than ample time to fully experience it. In fact you will be able to literally "swap" bodies if it is necessary to ensure completion. These are all areas that you will eventually understand, and remember that you will have a greatly enhanced degree of consciousness.
Duality has given you immense strength to handle the most arduous and difficult challenges. So Dear Ones, we believe that you can sail through the remaining months to Ascension. You have been prepared to know what to expect, and whatever inconvenience you experience it will be followed by an on going period of peace and tranquility. Naturally we are forging ahead with our roles in the present exchanges with us and our allies, against the dark Ones as they retreat and find us ready to foil any attempt to cause trouble. We are very much in the role of Galactic Policemen but we abide by the Universal Laws, and our ways are peaceful but forceful if we have to exert our authority. Even those who oppose us are still part of the whole, and treated with respect for the Light they carry. No soul is beyond redemption, and in the ultimate it is love that brings about changes that awaken them once again.
Clearly you must look beyond the outer body as you view your fellow man, and keep in mind that all souls originate from the Source. All of you have experienced the extremes of duality, and it is as well that you bear in mind a very apt saying "but for the Grace of God go I". It is why you are encouraged to put aside judgment, and try to see the beauty and love in all souls. All will eventually become enlightened once again no matter how long it takes, but then time is of no consequence outside of your dimension as it does not exist. Whilst on Earth in duality "no time" is an unimaginable idea, but perhaps you can grasp that all is in the Now. That makes your travels extremely interesting, as you can go back into the past, and for those of you who have a decisive pull towards particular historical times, what better than to be able visit them. It is also possible to travel different time lines into the future, which your Time Travelers have experienced.
Bit by bit you are adjusting to the new life ahead, and you choose where it leads you to continue you evolution. Be assured that you do have spiritual helpers to give you advice as to what is best for your progress. You have never been without such help, and if you struggle now do not hesitate to put out your thoughts to them, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. However, you cannot dictate exactly how it is to work out, as it must be for your best good and you may not know exactly what that is. After Ascension you get to know those souls who have traveled with you through duality. They may not all stay with you as your needs will undoubtedly change, as your future life will possibly be more defined as to the direction you want to go in.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and must mention yet again how time is speeding up, a sure sign that you are uplifting much more quickly into the Light. Many can already relate to a new feeling of being relaxed and unaffected by what is going on around them. That feeling of calmness will spread, and the much dreaded fear factor will cease to have the same affect. Well done to those who have achieved such levels, and my love to you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Thursday, 29 March 2012
TAUK Laura Tyco -- Sfhs 29 March 2012 -- Resistance Force. Galactic Fede...
Laura: From Petar: “My question would be: What are the chances that a “third party” (ED/ET) makes problems at this point?”
Sfhs: Yes, this is a good question and relevant to the situation now. It also reflects what is on the mind of many of you. The 3d party invoked is always willing to interfere. This is their role indeed. Creating confusion and difficulties is simply this 3 party’s mission. Do not think of it in terms of making problems as such. Their role is simply to give you challenges, to test your determination, your strength, your courage, your will power and ability to overcome obstacles.
This process is in fact contributing to building up your strength, so one can always thank one’s enemy for their continuous effort in interfering. Since this in fact only contributes to making you stronger. In truth, unless it is one’s life contract or karma, the resistance force, that Petar calls 3d party, is always of lesser strength than your own. Rarely is the opponent of an equal strength.
Fear not. Instead live in the present, be in the now, and let go of illusions.
I am Sfhs
Laura Tyco
Sheldan Nidle - March 27, 2012. Galactic Federation of Light
Dratzo! We return! The time for the great shift in consciousness draws close. Your dark cabal faces a dilemma that gets harder by the day for it to handle, and we are ready to act as divine executors on behalf of the sacred secret societies appointed by the Ascended Masters. In short, an immense transformation of your reality is ready to begin. A number of key monetary programs are being prepared for global distribution, and relevant components of our various first-contact teams are in place to protect what is to be the initial foray into abundance for your world. This project kicks off a whole slew of activities that will set your reality on a path toward the Light! The Ascended Masters are setting up the new financial system as quickly as possible, and already the nations of the East are being groomed to accept this new system which ends the long financial dominance of the West, giving them true fiscal equality. Simultaneously, the bridging needed for the new governments is being brought into being by the numerous sacred societies founded in Europe centuries ago.
These European sacred societies are concentrating on the best way to remove the dark-centered governments which have kept your globe destabilized by the threat of nuclear war ever since the splitting of the atom in the 1940s. In addition, these same governments have invaded many nations throughout your world in order to maintain the fear and gross manipulation long employed by the Anunnaki and their many Earth-bound minions. The immense arrogance of the dark's strategy developed into tunnel vision, which over the last decade opened a way for the sacred societies to reveal a new and wondrous reality to you. This moment in your history also coincides with the many decrees of Heaven for your realm. These sacred edicts invited us to come here to carefully oversee a unique series of transformations, which is why we here above you in huge numbers to ensure that these decrees are carried out. As a result, the dark is no longer in charge of this world, and Earth humans dedicated to the Light have reached the prophesied point of success.
The work of the Light has brought you to the moment when a great prosperity is to sweep through your societies. This prosperity heralds a series of governmental changes which will enact, among many things, the legal basis of your freedom and individual sovereignty, accompanied by an official proclamation of this. It is a historic moment. For the first time since you were permitted to enter limited consciousness, you are to be acknowledged as worthy Beings by your former 'masters.' At a stroke you become their equal, able to wield justice and appropriate retribution for their crimes against you and your ancestors. This time is when the present reality collapses and is transformed into a vehicle capable of conveying you back to the very threshold of full consciousness. Our responsibility is to take you from that doorway through to your final transformation, which will allow you to take your place once again among your many spiritual and space families. This will be a moment of long-awaited celebration for us all!
In anticipation of bringing your planet and yourselves back into the Light and into full consciousness, we are increasing the sightings of our craft in your skies; they are making themselves more noticeable to you by decloaking in broad daylight and by being more dramatic in your night skies. Our message is, You are not alone! Further, Mother Earth is accelerating her transformation into a unified, 5-D-reality Being. In the eyes of your geologists and atmospheric scientists, the latest geological indices seem to point to the potential for worldwide catastrophe, but such is not the case. Mother Earth is indeed drastically altering her weather patterns by changing the jet streams that create the global climate; also, unusual heating and cooling states are changing the very nature of the Conveyor Belt that mixes the waters of your oceans, and this too influences your weather patterns. However, this is part of a positive process that will eventually bring together the waters and atmosphere of the surface with those of Inner Earth.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with an update of what is currently happening on your world. We are moving through the final days of the ultimatum that is forcing the dark cabal and its die-hard adherents to resign their public and ministerial offices. These coming official 'resignations' will signal the start of the process of a vast conveyance of power from the dark cabal to the agents of the Light. This process also parallels an immense transfer of money throughout your world. During this time, many banks will change hands from the cabal to delegates of the Light. In charge of these complex transactions are various elements of our secret sacred societies. In effect, a new financial system will rise up out of this change in bank ownership and it will be based on new gold-backed currencies. Once these proceedings are complete, the new governments will make their broadcasts.
The new governance in many nations will be secured by the power of the Light, the Agarthans, and the first-contact team. We are committed to ensuring that the holy edicts of Heaven are manifested here on Earth. All this is being done in order to set you free, and to move you through the next phases of your path to full consciousness. We are monitoring everything as these things come down the pike, as this massive transition is designed to be swift and benign to all life. For ages we have discussed within our holy communion how best to create this new reality; above all we dearly desire to present these things in a manner that is comprehensible and acceptable to you, and that truly serves the greater good. The divine purpose of our undertaking is to give you the opportunity to be free and sovereign. Much knowledge needs to be imparted to you during the coming months in order to reassure you and to retain your sacred trust.
Communication remains the key to everything we do, and so we have been careful to cover all the bases to keep you informed. We have asked the Galactic Federation to make itself fully known to you after disclosure is announced, and have asked the Agarthans to do likewise. Each of you needs to acquire full knowledge of what is happening and why, and where it is all headed. It is equally important for us to have feedback from you regarding this sudden flurry of events to hit your societies. We, the Ascended Masters, intend to appear and heal and bless all of you even before the mass landings. We sincerely ask for your feelings on these matters as the time has come to change how you interact with Heaven. You are each a sacred physical angel. You need to learn about your divine lineage and the sacred Orders you are a part of. Ponder on these matters, as Heaven is now returning in force to your world!
Today, we brought you another message. We are providing them to keep you informed as best we can about the events of the day from our perspective. We ask that you use this information to help others as well as yourselves to better understand what is now ready to happen across your world. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light: 3/29/12
The ground will shake and the skies will be dim during the first days of the birthing of your new world. Many changes will have to be made, and much of the old will have to be torn down to make way for the new. We are master builders and architects and we will assist you to rebuild your new world from the bottom up and from shoreline to shoreline. We are master craftsman and we have designed and built many worlds throughout this universe, and we are here now to assist you convert your world from a 3rd dimensional home to a 5th dimensional home. This rebuilding project will last for days, weeks, and maybe even months as we prepare your world for your arrival from the safe zones that will shelter you through this reconstruction project. You will be protected while you remain in these safe zones, and immediately upon the culmination of this great dimensional shift you will be entirely free to leave these areas and behold your new 5th dimensional kingdom.
It will be beautiful, it will be plentiful and it will be yours to cherish forever, to protect, to nurture and to enjoy as you will have earned your right to its keys and all the treasures stored within. Help us build you a better world by continuing the work you are doing today spreading our messages far and wide and helping to calm the fears of your brothers and sisters. In time, there will be other avenues of information available to all throughout your world, but today you are our voice and we ask you to use it and inform those who wish to hear of the changes that are and will continue to take place all around them.
Turning back the clock of your Earth is what we plan to do as we repair the widespread damage that has been done to your mother planet. This is a necessary step as we will not build on unfertile ground. We will only build on a foundation of perfection, so this will be the first step in our rebuilding project. How we will do this will be explained to you, and there will be those among you who will be taking a hands-on approach throughout areas of this rebuilding project. Nothing will be kept in secret, and there will be nothing that is not readily and completely explained to you. This rebuilding project will begin in earnest once all who wish to relocate are safely removed from the construction sites.
Your Earth will receive a complete makeover, and in many ways she will be unrecognizable to you upon her unveiling. She will retain her natural beauty that she possesses today, although her soils and her air will be sparkling and pure. Her forests will be green, and they will be rich in their trees and wildlife. Her oceans, lakes and rivers will be crystal clear blue water, alive with your aquatic species, and your skies will be abuzz with your bird species soaring from treetop to treetop. You will have new homes prepared for you, and you will have libraries and places of higher education assessable to all. You will have new career opportunities where you may offer your services to others and the community, and all this will be available to you upon your ascension into your new higher dimensional home.
We look forward to assisting you in each way that we can, and we look forward to working with many selected individuals from throughout your worldwide communities. We wish to get started soon with many of these projects, and the notification process for those who we are interested in working with will begin shortly upon the purification of your world of those aligned with the dark. We see this process continuing smoothly, and soon you will witness how hard many have been working in secret. Please continue to do your parts in issuing advanced notice of these proceedings as to greatly reduce the shock and fear some may succumb to upon the revelations of what has been transpiring in their world. Not everyone understands as you do what has been going on here, and many see those who will be taken away into custody as their servants and protectors and they will be quite astonished to learn that so many of the world’s dire problems were directly and purposely cause by these dark individuals.
These revelations come as no surprise to many of you who have taken the time and made the effort to inform yourselves, but you are rare cases indeed, and that is why we ask you at this time to share this information that can act as a desensitizer for many who will be overwhelmed throughout these proceedings. After we are satisfied that it is safe to proceed with the next phases of operation, we will begin our initial introductions to those who will be working with us. Upon these introductions, many of you will share the evidence of your experiences with us through your media outlets that will be freed from the control of those that have been taken into custody, and many of your world still reeling from the revelations of these arrests will again be shocked as they learn that they are not alone in the universe and that we are here. This will be an extremely trying time for many of your world, and we wish you to make it your top priority to be there for your fellow humans, to comfort them, to ease their fears and to assure them that the ills of your world are now being repaired and we are here to assist in this much-needed process.
We see so many of you working so hard in this effort and we thank you greatly for your dedication to our mission together. Soon you will begin to see these arrests as several of your media outlets will be covering these events throughout many days. You have waited a long time for this day, and we assure you it will be worth it as the site of those aligned with the dark being taken into custody will allow many of you to forget how many days have gone into the planning stages of this worldwide event. This event will surely be worth the wait, and we wish each of you to enjoy it to its fullest. Much depends on the outcome of this operation, and we wish as many as possible to be reached through this process. This operation is more than merely the arrests of these individuals, as we also wish for these arrests to act as a trigger to awaken so many of your brothers and sisters who yet sleep, and we also wish for these arrests to be the catalyst for so much change needed in your world.
There are many institutions that must be either abolished or restructured throughout your societies, and we see these arrests as merely the beginning of an avalanche of dominoes triggered by this media event. We wish to see many of you publicly displaying your elation upon these arrests, and we hope to see many of you celebrating openly as a demonstration to so many throughout your world that this event can be seen as good news and a reason to be cheerful and hopeful for your future, as indeed, that is precisely what this event signifies. You have so much to look forward to as individuals and as a collective, and these arrests will merely be the beginning as your world takes the shape and form of a higher dimensional society. You will be joining our Galactic community, and you will be officially welcomed in ceremony. You will be formally introduced to all the communities throughout this galaxy and some even beyond, as you are officially welcomed as a higher dimensional member of our extended family. We are so excited for this day for you, and we say to you that you have earned this place of honor and we have high expectations of your world to contribute greatly your gifts to your Galactic community.
With the honor of being welcomed into a Galactic community you will be presented with many gifts and tools that we offer you that will benefit your world greatly in many ways. We ask you to use these technologies with diligent care and responsibility, and tell you that upon your demonstration that you are using these technologies wisely, there will be other gifts presented to you as well in the future. This is how this universe has been designed, where the Creator's gifts never cease to be showered upon those demonstrating their worthiness for them. You have earned all of the gifts you are to receive, and we look so forward to their presentation to you as they will benefit so greatly every man, woman and child on your planet and allow so many to enjoy their lives the way they have always meant to be enjoyed. We look so forward to this day, and tell you it will not be long now.
Show others your love for your changing world as it unfolds before the opening eyes of many. You are a Wayshower, and we ask you to show the others the path without fear, without suspicion, without distrust, and show them a path that is clear of all these lower dimensional aspects. Take the time to explain to them that there is nothing to fear and that no harm will come to them in any way. Explain to them that much of your old world must be torn down and redesigned through the higher dimensional geometries of love. When you make the effort you will reap the rewards as there will be those that respond positively from your example. Naturally, there will be those who oppose your point of view and speak out against you and your position, but we say to you that enough lives will be touched in a positive way through your efforts to make even the harshest of naysayers speak fall harmlessly shy of your ears.
There are so many others out there that are willing to listen and carefully weigh their options, and they only look for an alternative viewpoint to think over and it is here that your wisdom is needed most. There are very many of those who speak for the voice of fear and separation, and what we ask of our Lightworkers is that they counterbalance these negative forces and give the others who deserve another point of view a brighter picture to think about and look forward to. Many will avoid the consequences of a fear-based choice due to your efforts to explain fully their options, and these souls are out there right now waiting to hear your voice cut through the negative echoing of the voices of fear. You are called to duty at this time as Lightworkers, to shine your beacons through the darkness and guide those souls to your shores within the safe harbor of love.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light 3/29/12
As channeled through Greg Giles
To Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.. ENJOY!!
AWAKENING The masses to The Divine Within Themselves!!
Pyramids Of Glass Submerged In The Bermuda Triangle 03/29/2012
This article is simulcast on Apparently Apparel and Before It's
Posted by Zach Royer | March 29th, 2012 | Editor in Chief, Apparently Apparel
These strange underwater pyramid structures at a depth of two thousand meters were identified with the help of a sonar according to oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer. Studies of other structures like Yonaguni in modern day Japan have allowed scientists to determine that the two giant pyramids, apparently made of something like a thick glass, are really impressive - each of them is larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.
Recently American and French scientists as well as other countries that are conducting surveys in areas of the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle, claim to have found a pyramid standing upright on the seabed that has never been discovered. The length of the base of this pyramid reached 300 meters, 200 meters height, and distance from base to the tip of the pyramid is about 100 meters above the sea floor. Preliminary results show this structure to be made of glass or a glass-like (crystal?) material, as it is entirely smooth and partially translucent.
When talking about size, this newly re-discovered pyramid is larger in scale than the pyramids of ancient Egypt. On top of the pyramid there are two very large holes, sea water at high speed move through the second hole, and therefore the raging waves roll by forming a giant vortex that makes the waters around this cause a massive surge waves and mist on the sea surface. This new discovery makes scientists wonder if this is having an affect on passing boats and planes and could be the reason for all the mystery surrounding the area.
Posted by Zach Royer | March 29th, 2012 | Editor in Chief, Apparently Apparel
These strange underwater pyramid structures at a depth of two thousand meters were identified with the help of a sonar according to oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer. Studies of other structures like Yonaguni in modern day Japan have allowed scientists to determine that the two giant pyramids, apparently made of something like a thick glass, are really impressive - each of them is larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.
Recently American and French scientists as well as other countries that are conducting surveys in areas of the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle, claim to have found a pyramid standing upright on the seabed that has never been discovered. The length of the base of this pyramid reached 300 meters, 200 meters height, and distance from base to the tip of the pyramid is about 100 meters above the sea floor. Preliminary results show this structure to be made of glass or a glass-like (crystal?) material, as it is entirely smooth and partially translucent.
When talking about size, this newly re-discovered pyramid is larger in scale than the pyramids of ancient Egypt. On top of the pyramid there are two very large holes, sea water at high speed move through the second hole, and therefore the raging waves roll by forming a giant vortex that makes the waters around this cause a massive surge waves and mist on the sea surface. This new discovery makes scientists wonder if this is having an affect on passing boats and planes and could be the reason for all the mystery surrounding the area.
Built on Land - Lost During Last Pole Shift?
There are several Western scholars who argue that the pyramid on the seabed may have been initially made on the mainland, after which a devastating earthquake struck and changed the landscape completely. Other scientists argue that a few hundred years ago the waters of the Bermuda Triangle area may have as one of the cornerstone activities of the people of Atlantis, and Pyramids on the sea floor may be a supply warehouse for them. Perhaps it is related to the underwater race of humanoids discovered in Washington State in 2004 - the so called "aquatic ape" beings? (See last article titled "Animal Planet: Navy Cover-Up Of Intelligent Beings Found in Ocean")
A more detailed study over time will give results that are difficult to imagine. Scientists have processed all of the data and concluded that the surface is perfectly smooth for it to look like glass or ice. The size of the pyramids are nearly three times the size of the pyramids of Cheops. This news was sensational, and was discussed at a conference in Florida and even reported to local Florida newspapers.. The journalists present in it, have a lot of pictures and high resolution computerized data, which show three-dimensional pyramids perfectly smooth, without being covered with a surface free of debris or algae or cracks.
There is also a suspicion that the Bermuda triangle and the area where this pyramid was supposedly located may be some sort of "holy grounds" that is being protected by the fabled Atlanteans - that whatever crosses over the location is considered an offering... Others hypothesize that the pyramid can attract and collect cosmic rays, from the so called "energy field" or "quantum vacuum" and that this may have been used as an Altantean power plant (or whoever was around at the time). With the mystery still surrounding behind the Egyptian pyramids and the fact that the pyramidal structures seems to be found in almost all ancient cultures - its going to be hard to tell for certain the origin of this structure or if it truly exists (we haven't been there yet so...) but be sure to check back frequently as we at Apparently Appare & try to bring you this kind of news BEFORE it makes it to the rest of the world. That's why we are here. That is our mission.
There are several Western scholars who argue that the pyramid on the seabed may have been initially made on the mainland, after which a devastating earthquake struck and changed the landscape completely. Other scientists argue that a few hundred years ago the waters of the Bermuda Triangle area may have as one of the cornerstone activities of the people of Atlantis, and Pyramids on the sea floor may be a supply warehouse for them. Perhaps it is related to the underwater race of humanoids discovered in Washington State in 2004 - the so called "aquatic ape" beings? (See last article titled "Animal Planet: Navy Cover-Up Of Intelligent Beings Found in Ocean")
A more detailed study over time will give results that are difficult to imagine. Scientists have processed all of the data and concluded that the surface is perfectly smooth for it to look like glass or ice. The size of the pyramids are nearly three times the size of the pyramids of Cheops. This news was sensational, and was discussed at a conference in Florida and even reported to local Florida newspapers.. The journalists present in it, have a lot of pictures and high resolution computerized data, which show three-dimensional pyramids perfectly smooth, without being covered with a surface free of debris or algae or cracks.
There is also a suspicion that the Bermuda triangle and the area where this pyramid was supposedly located may be some sort of "holy grounds" that is being protected by the fabled Atlanteans - that whatever crosses over the location is considered an offering... Others hypothesize that the pyramid can attract and collect cosmic rays, from the so called "energy field" or "quantum vacuum" and that this may have been used as an Altantean power plant (or whoever was around at the time). With the mystery still surrounding behind the Egyptian pyramids and the fact that the pyramidal structures seems to be found in almost all ancient cultures - its going to be hard to tell for certain the origin of this structure or if it truly exists (we haven't been there yet so...) but be sure to check back frequently as we at Apparently Appare & try to bring you this kind of news BEFORE it makes it to the rest of the world. That's why we are here. That is our mission.
True or False?
"It doesn`t sound too real to me," said Calvin Jones of the Florida state Division of Historical Resources. " I'm always open minded because we`re always learning new things. But the idea of a pyramid structure, let alone one made of glass, under more than 10 feet of water -- the chances are about one in a million."
Jones said if it is a genuine archaeological find, the pyramid would have to have been built between 10,000 B.C. and 6,000 B.C., when the continental shelf was not covered by water, said Chisholm.
Florida archaeologists agree with him on the time span, but disagree with many other of his group`s claims.
Florida State University anthropologist Glen Doranprofessor said the earliest Near East pyramids are dated to about 4,000 B.C. and all New World pyramids are dated after 1 A.D. So any such structure off the coast of Florida would be at least 2,000 years older than all other known pyramids.
Other Underwater Pyramids are Found
In 1977, a mysterious discovery was made on the floor of the Atlantic concerning an unknown technology. A 650-foot pyramid was mysteriously lit up, with sparkling white water surrounding it that turned deep green, a shocking contrast to the dark black waters at that depth. The discovery was photographed by Arl Marahall's expedition off Cay Sal.
Another huge pyramid, in 10,000 feet of Atlantic water, was reported to have been found with a pulsating crystal on top of it, by Tony Benik's expedition. The group also found an opaque crystal tablet there, and reported that when a light was beamed through it, mysterious inscriptions became visible.
"It doesn`t sound too real to me," said Calvin Jones of the Florida state Division of Historical Resources. " I'm always open minded because we`re always learning new things. But the idea of a pyramid structure, let alone one made of glass, under more than 10 feet of water -- the chances are about one in a million."
Jones said if it is a genuine archaeological find, the pyramid would have to have been built between 10,000 B.C. and 6,000 B.C., when the continental shelf was not covered by water, said Chisholm.
Florida archaeologists agree with him on the time span, but disagree with many other of his group`s claims.
Florida State University anthropologist Glen Doranprofessor said the earliest Near East pyramids are dated to about 4,000 B.C. and all New World pyramids are dated after 1 A.D. So any such structure off the coast of Florida would be at least 2,000 years older than all other known pyramids.
Other Underwater Pyramids are Found
In 1977, a mysterious discovery was made on the floor of the Atlantic concerning an unknown technology. A 650-foot pyramid was mysteriously lit up, with sparkling white water surrounding it that turned deep green, a shocking contrast to the dark black waters at that depth. The discovery was photographed by Arl Marahall's expedition off Cay Sal.
Another huge pyramid, in 10,000 feet of Atlantic water, was reported to have been found with a pulsating crystal on top of it, by Tony Benik's expedition. The group also found an opaque crystal tablet there, and reported that when a light was beamed through it, mysterious inscriptions became visible.
More underwater pyramids were found off Central America, Yucatan, and Louisiana, where domes were found in the Straits of Florida. A marble Greek style building was found between Florida and Cuba. And what about the column that radiated energy Dr. Zink found in the Bahamas and Zink also brought up other artifacts from his dives over Atlantis, and he was interviewed by Mind International agent Steve Forsberg.
Other pyramids have been explored by a Dr. Ray Brown on the sea floor off the Bahamas in 1970. Brown was accompanied by 4 divers who also found roads, domes, rectangular buildings, unidentified metallic instruments, and a statue holding a "mysterious" crystal containing miniature pyramids. The metal devices and crystals were taken to Florida for analysis at a university there. What was discovered was that the crystal amplified energy that passed through it. Perhaps this is the reason for the glass-like pyramid!
Dr. Ray Brown's Crystal Sphere
In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, a naturopathic practitioner from Mesa, Arizona, went scuba diving with some friends near the Bari Islands in the Bahamas, close to a popular area known as the Tongue of the Ocean (This was depicted in the tv show"In Search Of -- Atlantis," originally made in 1979.
Other pyramids have been explored by a Dr. Ray Brown on the sea floor off the Bahamas in 1970. Brown was accompanied by 4 divers who also found roads, domes, rectangular buildings, unidentified metallic instruments, and a statue holding a "mysterious" crystal containing miniature pyramids. The metal devices and crystals were taken to Florida for analysis at a university there. What was discovered was that the crystal amplified energy that passed through it. Perhaps this is the reason for the glass-like pyramid!
Dr. Ray Brown's Crystal Sphere
In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, a naturopathic practitioner from Mesa, Arizona, went scuba diving with some friends near the Bari Islands in the Bahamas, close to a popular area known as the Tongue of the Ocean (This was depicted in the tv show"In Search Of -- Atlantis," originally made in 1979.
During one of his dives, Brown became separated from his friends and while searching for them he was startled when he came across a strange pyramid shape silhouetted against the aquamarine light.
Upon investigating further, Brown was surprised by how smooth and mirror-like was the stone surface of the whole structure, with the joints between the individual blocks almost indiscernible.
Swimming around the capstone, which Brown thought might have been lapis lazuli, he discovered an entrance and decided to explore inside.
Passing along a narrow hallway, Brown finally came to a small rectangular room with a pyramid-shaped ceiling. He was totally amazed that this room contained no algae or coral growing on the inner walls. They were completely spotless!
In addition, though Brown had brought no torch with him, he could nevertheless see everything in the room with his normal eyesight. The room was well lit, but no direct light source was visible.
Brown's attention was drawn to a brassy metallic rod three inches in diameter hanging down from the apex of the center of the room and at its end was attached a many-faceted red gem, which tapered to a point.
Directly below this rod and gem, sitting in the middle of the room, was a stand of carved stone topped by a stone plate with scrolled ends. On the plate there was a pair of carved metal bronze-colored hands, life-sized, which appeared blackened and burnt, as if having been subjected to tremendous heat.
Nestled in the hands, and situated four feet directly below the ceiling rod gem point, was a crystal sphere four-inches in diameter.
Brown tried to loosen the ceiling rod and red gemstone but neither would move. Returning to the crystal sphere, he found, to his amazement, that it separated easily from the bronze hand holders. With the crystal sphere in his right hand he then made his way out of the pyramid.
As he departed, Brown felt an unseen presence and heard a voice telling him never to return!
Going Back 5000 Years
The Chinese are said to possess some of the oldest and most ancient documents known to man. Master Li Hongzhi in Zhuan Falun is said to have an explanation of the discovery of a prehistoric civilization as follows:
“On earth there are continents of Asia, Europe, South America, North America,
Oceania, Africa and the continent of Antarctica, which scientists in general geology
called ‘continental plates’. Since the formation of continental plates until seakrang,
there are already tens of millions of years of history. It can be said also that many
mainland from the ocean floor that rises to the top, there are also a lot of land that
sank to the seabed, since this condition is stable until the situation is now, already
historic tens of millions of years."
But in many sea floor, has found a number of large high buildings with exquisite
carvings, and not from the cultural heritage of modern mankind, so surely the
building that was created before he sank to the bottom of the sea. “
Seen from this angle, the mystery of the Pyramids on the seabed has been resolved. We are simply seeing the results of a cataclysmic earth changing event which resulted in raised sea levels and many lost coastal civilizations. Scientists know more about the surface of the moon then they do about the depths of the earth's oceans. Perhaps we should follow James Cameron's lead and start asking more questions about what is really down there - maybe even exploring for ourselves.
Upon investigating further, Brown was surprised by how smooth and mirror-like was the stone surface of the whole structure, with the joints between the individual blocks almost indiscernible.
Swimming around the capstone, which Brown thought might have been lapis lazuli, he discovered an entrance and decided to explore inside.
Passing along a narrow hallway, Brown finally came to a small rectangular room with a pyramid-shaped ceiling. He was totally amazed that this room contained no algae or coral growing on the inner walls. They were completely spotless!
In addition, though Brown had brought no torch with him, he could nevertheless see everything in the room with his normal eyesight. The room was well lit, but no direct light source was visible.
Brown's attention was drawn to a brassy metallic rod three inches in diameter hanging down from the apex of the center of the room and at its end was attached a many-faceted red gem, which tapered to a point.
Directly below this rod and gem, sitting in the middle of the room, was a stand of carved stone topped by a stone plate with scrolled ends. On the plate there was a pair of carved metal bronze-colored hands, life-sized, which appeared blackened and burnt, as if having been subjected to tremendous heat.
Nestled in the hands, and situated four feet directly below the ceiling rod gem point, was a crystal sphere four-inches in diameter.
Brown tried to loosen the ceiling rod and red gemstone but neither would move. Returning to the crystal sphere, he found, to his amazement, that it separated easily from the bronze hand holders. With the crystal sphere in his right hand he then made his way out of the pyramid.
As he departed, Brown felt an unseen presence and heard a voice telling him never to return!
Going Back 5000 Years
The Chinese are said to possess some of the oldest and most ancient documents known to man. Master Li Hongzhi in Zhuan Falun is said to have an explanation of the discovery of a prehistoric civilization as follows:
“On earth there are continents of Asia, Europe, South America, North America,
Oceania, Africa and the continent of Antarctica, which scientists in general geology
called ‘continental plates’. Since the formation of continental plates until seakrang,
there are already tens of millions of years of history. It can be said also that many
mainland from the ocean floor that rises to the top, there are also a lot of land that
sank to the seabed, since this condition is stable until the situation is now, already
historic tens of millions of years."
But in many sea floor, has found a number of large high buildings with exquisite
carvings, and not from the cultural heritage of modern mankind, so surely the
building that was created before he sank to the bottom of the sea. “
Seen from this angle, the mystery of the Pyramids on the seabed has been resolved. We are simply seeing the results of a cataclysmic earth changing event which resulted in raised sea levels and many lost coastal civilizations. Scientists know more about the surface of the moon then they do about the depths of the earth's oceans. Perhaps we should follow James Cameron's lead and start asking more questions about what is really down there - maybe even exploring for ourselves.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Message from the Ashtar Command - March 28th 2012.
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Atlantis |
We would like to revise history here, and that is the purpose of our mission. There were events in your past that saw the destruction of an entire continent and millions of lives lost in this catastrophe. It is our intention to replay this event, but this time we wish to achieve a different outcome. This is the basis for our presence here in you world, and as we move forward more of what we intend to do will be revealed to you. As more information is shared with you, you will understand better your reasons for being here as well.
Many lives were lost when your planet experienced great seismic activity and your oceans became mountains of water rushing over continents. What we intend to do is prepare your planet and your people for these events this time, and spare as many lives as possible from these consequences. We have a plan, and we have greatly advanced technologies than what you possess today here in your world and we will share these technologies with you to better prepare you at this time for this seismic activity which again will result in rising sea levels. There is no reason to panic or be fearful. Instead, this is a time to remain balanced, calm and courageous, as together we will work to prepare your world for these eventualities. In time, we will disclose our plans for your people and give everyone an opportunity to prepare themselves for these seismic events. Everyone, with no exceptions, will be given the opportunity to relocate to what we refer to as safe zones.
These safe zones will be scattered around your planet and they will be accessible through technological means that we will reveal to you at the proper time. Once within these safe zones you will be safe from harm's way as your planet restructures herself for her new beginning as a 5th dimensional world. When these events culminate and your planet rises in her frequency, you will be free to leave these safe zones and behold your new home within the higher realms. There will be plenty of notice and time given each of you to relocate to these safe zones, and there will be proper housing facilities available to all of you which will be provided through the advanced technologies that we have come here to share with you. These areas will be safe harbors for you and your family, and no harm will come to you as long as you remain within these boundaries during these seismic upheavals.
Great care has gone into the planning for these events, and again we wish you to understand there is nothing to fear and we do not wish to create a panic. We feel the time has come for you to begin to understand better the events of your year of 2012 and why we are here. You, our Lightworkers in the field, will be called upon to do your best to maintain the calm of your brothers and sisters. This is one of the more important reasons you are here incarnated within the human vessel at this time. As the beings you are, you will be able to remain calm, and we wish for you to act as Wayshowers to lead your fellow humans and to demonstrate for them that there is no reason to panic or fear these events.
These events are necessary on several different levels and they must transpire. There is no choice in that matter, but how you as an individual and you as a people live through these events is a matter of choice, and we are here to offer you one of those choices. We offer you the opportunity to triumph over these events by coming together as one without fear, without panic, and courageously face these changing times knowing that what awaits you on the other side is glorious and the new beginning that so many of you understand is necessary for your race and civilization.
We wish you to understand that events like these do happen from time to time throughout this universe due to many different contributing factors. The factors that are the cause of this event to come have been contributed to by the damage that has been done to this planet in the name of profit and greed. Your planet has been harmed in ways that can only be repaired by breaking out of her current 3rd dimensional shell and being birthed anew like the morning sun. This will happen within this calendar year of 2012, and we wish to have the relocation programs completed before these seismic events begin to grow powerful enough to cause widespread damage and flooding.
Looking at our timeline we would say that we would like to have your populations relocated to the safe zones by fall of this year. This will give us time to introduce ourselves to your people and build an adequate trust between ourselves before the initiation of these relocation programs, and we will make announcements through your media outlets once they are freed from the control of your dark Cabal. These announcements and explanations of these geophysical events will be broadcast repeatedly for months until we are satisfied that everyone around your planet has received adequate notification. We, of course, have alternative means to reach individuals without access to popular media, and we will see to it that everyone around your planet has access to this information in one way or another.
For now we ask you, our Lightworkers, to discuss with your family and friends your understanding of these events to come. We wish you to do this without causing any panic and to do your best to explain these events without causing them to fear them in any way. We understand that this will not be possible with all the individuals you speak to about this, and we ask you to do your best to calm their fears and assure them that there is an evacuation plan and there are dedicated teams of very large numbers who are highly trained and very capable to carry out these migrations that will ensure the safety of everyone willing to participate. We foresee there will be those who refuse our help, and we must honor their free will choice to experience these events the way they wish to. We cannot and will not force anyone to relocate from wherever they are. We can only offer our assistance, our advice, our expertise and our help. This is all we can do, and we will not do anymore.
There will be those who see these events and our plans to relocate you to safe zones as some kind of trickery or deception in some way. There will be debates among you about whether to trust us or not, and we say to you to rely on your intuition and your inner guidance and follow where this inner voice leads you. Whether this voice leads you to the safe zones, or this inner voice convinces you that this is all part of some evil plot, we will honor your decisions. These will be challenging times for you, we wish to make that clear, but we also wish you to know that we see this as a wonderful opportunity for all of the people of your world to come together in support of each other, in assistance to each other and in love for each other, and triumph over these adversities. What awaits you beyond these challenges will be a glorious new beginning for you, and you will emerge into your new home together as one.
We wish to say that we see these events as humanity's shining moment, and we have confidence that you will triumph over any challenge set before you. You have all gone through so much through your many incarnations, and we see these events as one last challenge for you to conquer before the blessings of Heaven are bestowed upon you. We are here to assist you, and together there is no challenge that can defeat us. Fear is your biggest obstacle now, and only fear can stand in the way of you and your new world. We have shared with you how we felt fear would play such a large role in the coming days, and it is here that fear will present its greatest challenge for many of you. It is your task to overcome any fear you may have, and it is your mission to help others overcome fears that they may succumb to.
Many of you have trained extensively over many lifetimes to be of service in these challenging times, and you will be called to the forefront to put all your training and your gifts to use in service to your brothers and sisters of your world. We ask you to be there for others and be a pillar of strength and calm reassurance through these challenging times. We will begin our announcements in the days ahead and it is here upon these initial announcements that fear will present its greatest challenge for many of your world, and so it is here that we ask you to rise to the occasion and do what it is you do best.
We see these events and how you will triumph over them as the guiding light that will shine upon your new world. This event will be eternalized within your history books, your artwork and your song for eons of time to come, and all future humanity will learn of the birthing of your new Earth and of the men and women who came together and made it all possible. This will be the story of the creation of your new world, and each of you will play a starring role in your saga.
We are your Family of Light from the stars.
As channeled through Greg Giles
I AM Gaia!
My dear ones I AM Gaia, speaking to you!
You have asked Me to explain what will happen with My body in the near future. There are many who expect Me to move soon in a more dramatic way than I have done so far in the past.
To those and to all those who are in fear and who believe in nearing catastrophic events, I say: there will be none of these upheavals occurring. Not in the very near future and what is beyond that depends entirely on where your human collective consciousness is heading to.
In this context it has to be said that conscious intention, when expressed firmly and from the heart by a certain number of people, whereby about 8-10% are enough, can easily override the rest of the collective consciousness, whether it is conscious or unconscious.
For Millenniums your collective mind has been imprinted with the desires of those who claim that I am their possession, but who did never respect and honor My spiritual condition and needs, and who therefore abused My grace, patience and loving being continuously and exploited shameless My body. They have told you via religious means that around this time I would either be completely destroyed or at least end up in catastrophic events.
They have imprinted this idea into your mind so that this vision attracted and accumulated so much energy that it seems that I cannot avoid such disasters.
However, catastrophic events are not necessary, my dear ones! If your heart and your mind is at peace and radiates love, there is no need for My body to violently shake or to be destroyed. It is as with your own body! If there is a disturbance or illness, it always can be self-healed when you allow the natural God-given energies to flow.
Those who have abused Me for so long, did also abuse you, and were eager to indoctrinate you with the belief in disease, or even more, incurable disease and death. None of them is necessary, both is only a matter of ignorance and separation from Divine Consciousness and the realization of unity.
Only if you believe that you are nothing but a body, you will die or cannot be cured. The same applies to Me: if you acknowledge, that I Myself AM foremost a spiritual being with a consciousness you understand that My body can be healed without major catastrophic events, which would destroy most of the beings who live with Me and cause for them unnecessary misery. The Divine does not need you to suffer in order that you awake to the spiritual being you in truth are.
However, it is also true, that many are waking up through suffering. But be asserted, that suffering is NOT necessary to begin with. The idea of the necessity of suffering has been introduced by those who have abused Me and also you.
If you live in peace with one another and love one another and respect and love Me and live in collaboration with Me, there are no catastrophic events! What is toxic and polluted and abused can be healed by humanity’s love and care, and I myself will make sure that devoted hearts will find the means to purify what has been damaged. So in that sense there is no need for major earthquakes or for violent volcano eruptions or for gigantic tsunamis and storms! I can easily harmonize Myself with minor movements of these elements, if you let Me.
You have asked what you can do to make sure that the ascension process occurs in the most possible harmonic way without major disturbances.
You see, when humanity lost their seat in their heart, when they lost love and true self-identity, calamities began.
Therefore, if humanity restores their heart identity and love, My restoration and healing is absolutely guaranteed. In this case we all shift easily into the higher dimensions together, without disruptions.
You cannot truly heal Me with your mind, dear ones. You need to enter the non-dual feeling place in your heart and envision from there and feel my healing. Embrace Me with your Peace of Heart and burnish the waves of upset with the Love of your Being. Let this smoothing vibration of love and peace embrace My whole body, especially when you expect quakes and other upheavals.
Envision and feel the region where these events are expected directly in your heart and feel the oneness of us by letting the presence of your innate peace calm down what otherwise would show the sign of inflammation, – yes, look at these regions and elements as if they were inflamed. With your cooling love and calm in your heart, by fully taking these inflamed parts of My body into your loving heart, they can heal.
Do this, My dear ones, from now on and never allow yourselves to follow the propaganda of disaster, which is so much cherished by those who only carry harmful intentions in their minds. As you know, creation works only from inside out. Energy and manifestation follows what you first feel and envision in your heart and then can become thereby reality.
What happens to my body is entirely dependent on the consciousness and intention of humanity. We are not separate and it is you who can take responsibility for what you will experience!
I love you all very dearly, you must know. But I need your help so that we can together experience a Divine Reality. In a Divine Reality disasters never occur!
I AM Gaia!
Message conveyed by Ute
You have asked Me to explain what will happen with My body in the near future. There are many who expect Me to move soon in a more dramatic way than I have done so far in the past.
To those and to all those who are in fear and who believe in nearing catastrophic events, I say: there will be none of these upheavals occurring. Not in the very near future and what is beyond that depends entirely on where your human collective consciousness is heading to.
In this context it has to be said that conscious intention, when expressed firmly and from the heart by a certain number of people, whereby about 8-10% are enough, can easily override the rest of the collective consciousness, whether it is conscious or unconscious.
For Millenniums your collective mind has been imprinted with the desires of those who claim that I am their possession, but who did never respect and honor My spiritual condition and needs, and who therefore abused My grace, patience and loving being continuously and exploited shameless My body. They have told you via religious means that around this time I would either be completely destroyed or at least end up in catastrophic events.
They have imprinted this idea into your mind so that this vision attracted and accumulated so much energy that it seems that I cannot avoid such disasters.
However, catastrophic events are not necessary, my dear ones! If your heart and your mind is at peace and radiates love, there is no need for My body to violently shake or to be destroyed. It is as with your own body! If there is a disturbance or illness, it always can be self-healed when you allow the natural God-given energies to flow.
Those who have abused Me for so long, did also abuse you, and were eager to indoctrinate you with the belief in disease, or even more, incurable disease and death. None of them is necessary, both is only a matter of ignorance and separation from Divine Consciousness and the realization of unity.
Only if you believe that you are nothing but a body, you will die or cannot be cured. The same applies to Me: if you acknowledge, that I Myself AM foremost a spiritual being with a consciousness you understand that My body can be healed without major catastrophic events, which would destroy most of the beings who live with Me and cause for them unnecessary misery. The Divine does not need you to suffer in order that you awake to the spiritual being you in truth are.
However, it is also true, that many are waking up through suffering. But be asserted, that suffering is NOT necessary to begin with. The idea of the necessity of suffering has been introduced by those who have abused Me and also you.
If you live in peace with one another and love one another and respect and love Me and live in collaboration with Me, there are no catastrophic events! What is toxic and polluted and abused can be healed by humanity’s love and care, and I myself will make sure that devoted hearts will find the means to purify what has been damaged. So in that sense there is no need for major earthquakes or for violent volcano eruptions or for gigantic tsunamis and storms! I can easily harmonize Myself with minor movements of these elements, if you let Me.
You have asked what you can do to make sure that the ascension process occurs in the most possible harmonic way without major disturbances.
You see, when humanity lost their seat in their heart, when they lost love and true self-identity, calamities began.
Therefore, if humanity restores their heart identity and love, My restoration and healing is absolutely guaranteed. In this case we all shift easily into the higher dimensions together, without disruptions.
You cannot truly heal Me with your mind, dear ones. You need to enter the non-dual feeling place in your heart and envision from there and feel my healing. Embrace Me with your Peace of Heart and burnish the waves of upset with the Love of your Being. Let this smoothing vibration of love and peace embrace My whole body, especially when you expect quakes and other upheavals.
Envision and feel the region where these events are expected directly in your heart and feel the oneness of us by letting the presence of your innate peace calm down what otherwise would show the sign of inflammation, – yes, look at these regions and elements as if they were inflamed. With your cooling love and calm in your heart, by fully taking these inflamed parts of My body into your loving heart, they can heal.
Do this, My dear ones, from now on and never allow yourselves to follow the propaganda of disaster, which is so much cherished by those who only carry harmful intentions in their minds. As you know, creation works only from inside out. Energy and manifestation follows what you first feel and envision in your heart and then can become thereby reality.
What happens to my body is entirely dependent on the consciousness and intention of humanity. We are not separate and it is you who can take responsibility for what you will experience!
I love you all very dearly, you must know. But I need your help so that we can together experience a Divine Reality. In a Divine Reality disasters never occur!
I AM Gaia!
Message conveyed by Ute
A message from Hatonn through Nancy Tate: 3/28/2012
I am here today with some pressing news. Today is a day filled with unprecedented events. First we are taking the liberty to welcome many of your political and financial leaders to our ships. We are to see to it that they are interspersed throughout the solar system on various places of life where we have bases and means of comfort. We will be interviewing these people and will take charge of the means by which they are told to be in readiness for what is to come for them. They will be given the choice as to whether to come to a different way of seeing things and their interaction with all of you, or to be taken to other places to begin their reassignments to their return to themselves, at the deepest core of their being.
Secondly, we are part of the process that is realigning your energies with that of the Central sun. We are intervening with these energies and with the Hollow Earth beings we are including our services with them in the effort to begin the transformation of the surface of earth. As this evolves over the next months we will begin a series of overtures that will be relative to the ongoing process of restoring the pristine beauty and life to earth and all of life on and within her body. As the Central Sun intervenes and in that way increases her vitality so too will you benefit and share that new vitality with her. It will be an ongoing interception and evolving in the Oneness that you are. You are all part of the energy of earth, therefore as is her image, so too is yours.
As this process takes place we will be given much assistance from Gaia and we too to her. We will see that there is an ongoing extension that will bring about the resolution of the issues that have plagued mankind for so long. These issues will be resolved and the wonders of the true nature of mankind will come to the surface. There will be an ongoing evolution of what it means to be in truth with oneself and to take on the attitude of honesty and harmony with all of life. It will be a universal system of restoration and will be followed by a continual evolvement and exploration of the universal gifts that await these times of opening.
I bring to you the first in a series of treasures for the ongoing evolvement. It is a course of restoration for those who wish to remain on the surface. We will be coming to earth to work with you in the business of bringing the ideal life to the world that you are in the process of creating. You will be working within and on the surface. There will be members of your humanity who will be chosen to come to our ships regularly for meetings with us. As we come to meet with you on the earth we will bring with us those with whom you will be working and creating. In this you will feel the newness of our family and how it feels to walk in the steps of whom you really are, and how we can all walk in harmony and beauty forevermore.
As these times take shape we assure you that your safety is uppermost in our minds. We are working, as we have been for some time, on keeping you as safe and in as good heath as is necessary for you to be able to be with us, taking the pleasure for celebration at every turning point. Those who have left your planet to begin the next step of their evolvement will welcome you to their new world. They will have made their choice to be here and to present to you their new way of relating to you. As for those who have left that you will not be reunited with in the soon times, they have gone to reunite with their family in other star systems. They may at some point revisit you in one way or another. It is all universal; there is no separation in this universe. We are all members of the same family. As we reunite we will hear the bells toll for the coming together of the beauty of family throughout this universe that was created for all of us to experience this wondrous expression of who we all are.
I leave this message for this day, and in so doing I invite you all to take a moment and feel the love that I transmit to you. It is a love that encompasses all of Creation, and it is filled with the Love of reuniting all that is. You are treasures beyond compare, and I welcome you back to the Family of One.
Thank you dear Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate
SaLuSa 28 March 2012. Galactic Federation of Light
The news about the changes is travelling more quickly around the world, and that pleases us as those with enquiring minds are seeking the answers as to what is happening. Some fear the meaning behind them, but others sense that something major and exciting is happening to the world. Fortunately the truth is being spread far and wide, and we are in gratitude to those of you who are at the forefront endeavoring to reach as many people as possible. When disclosure takes place, it will make our task so much easier if they have already been primed as to what to expect. Time is speeding by at such a fast rate, everything is being hurried along, and very soon you can expect some major announcements.
Mankind has had adequate time to start paying attention to the many messages given, that are intended to pave the way for the greater revelations. The ones in the slow lane will have to witness much that will be a great shock to their mindset, but we must get moving. There is no more time to wait until a greater percentage of you are understanding of what is about to happen. That will of course change dramatically, when the media are released from the constraints placed upon them by the dark Ones. Truth has been a rare commodity in the past, but as the controls are removed it will come back in full force. Even those who profess to be aware are even so going to be surprised at the full extent of lies and disinformation, that has been dished up as the truth in the past. It goes well beyond what you would imagine, and will reveal the extent to which you have been controlled.
Returning your freedom is paramount in our minds, and we will remove all those controls that have been used to keep you in your place. Those responsible will at some stage answer for their crimes against Humanity, so we ask you not to concern yourselves too much with what will happen to them. It is more important to concentrate on your own needs and preparation for Ascension. Live to your highest concept of one who is able to give Unconditional Love, spare judgment and instead generously show compassion. Do your best and you will master the ways of being the Master that you really are.
By anyone's measure you do not now have long to go before you experience the benefits of the changes that are about to materialize. We of the Galactic Federation shall oversee them, and ensure that their implementation shall take place smoothly and efficiently to the benefit of everyone. Release from financial constraints and illegal taxes, will free you from the burden they place upon every person. Yes, you still have to pay your way for the services of others, but with the coming of abundance that will not be a problem. In short time you will advance to a level that you should have already reached, but for the deliberate interference of the Illuminati and their minions. From thereon Ascension will take you even further until money itself will no longer be necessary.
Let go of any ties you have to the present period so that you can make allowances for the new way of life that is taking over. Be prepared and know that it will not be fully experienced until you rise up, and then another phase will commence as you take your place as a Galactic Being. Your evolution is going to take some massive steps forward, and return you to where you came from as a fully conscious Being. By then you will have merged with your Higher Self and be of the Christ Consciousness. At present that must seem a long way off, but be assured that it is your destiny as you travel through the higher realms. Thereafter you will be able to travel anywhere in the Creator's Kingdoms.
Meanwhile we are most active at this time as you might expect, and are keen for some positive signs to be passed onto you with regards to the removal of those who have formed the top echelon of the Illuminati. They have felt untouchable in the past but now feel so vulnerable as their castle walls have been destroyed, and they have nowhere to hide that we are not aware of. We will also take away their assets almost certainly gained by illegal dealing or outright criminal activity. They will be given back to those who rightfully own them, and go a long way to overcoming the many needs of the people.
President Obama is still a key figure in the coming changes, and shall lead the mission to bring peace to the world. Those who play at wars will have to find another way of amusing themselves, and we will put their military to good use by instead serving the people. As you know there is plenty to do in making good the damage to Mother Earth, and ensuring that the most needy quickly have a proper standard of living. That is the least that people can expect, and it will be added to as soon as new technologies are used to make life easier. War has been written into the history books as it truly took place, and the truth of who was behind them. Everything that has ever happened is recorded in the Hall of Records, and will if necessary be used to illustrate the truth for you.
One important feature of incarnation is that when you review your lives, they are seen and experienced exactly as they happened. There is no place for distortion of the facts or denial of the truth, it is there for all to see. Those who felt that they "got away with it" on Earth will get a shock to know that it is not the case, so no lies or laying the blame elsewhere will be accepted. If this was not so, some souls would escape their responsibility as they have done on Earth. The truth allows a careful consideration of your actions and importantly your intentions. That way the need for certain lessons to prevent a recurrence can be arranged, that should give the soul an opportunity to prove that they can live from a higher level of understanding. Dear Ones, no one wants to see you fail, and that is why you are given every chance to succeed where you previously have not done so.
Feel the changes being brought about by the higher energies that are being grounded upon Earth, and add your own by spreading your Light as far as possible. As the days are passing, you are becoming more powerful and have much stronger powers of creation, use them wisely for the good of All.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Fed...
Dratzo! We return! The time for the great shift in consciousness draws close. Your dark cabal faces a dilemma that gets harder by the day for it to handle, and we are ready to act as divine executors on behalf of the sacred secret societies appointed by the Ascended Masters. In short, an immense transformation of your reality is ready to begin. A number of key monetary programs are being prepared for global distribution, and relevant components of our various first-contact teams are in place to protect what is to be the initial foray into abundance for your world. This project kicks off a whole slew of activities that will set your reality on a path toward the Light! The Ascended Masters are setting up the new financial system as quickly as possible, and already the nations of the East are being groomed to accept this new system which ends the long financial dominance of the West, giving them true fiscal equality. Simultaneously, the bridging needed for the new governments is being brought into being by the numerous sacred societies founded in Europe centuries ago.
These European sacred societies are concentrating on the best way to remove the dark-centered governments which have kept your globe destabilized by the threat of nuclear war ever since the splitting of the atom in the 1940s. In addition, these same governments have invaded many nations throughout your world in order to maintain the fear and gross manipulation long employed by the Anunnaki and their many Earth-bound minions. The immense arrogance of the dark's strategy developed into tunnel vision, which over the last decade opened a way for the sacred societies to reveal a new and wondrous reality to you. This moment in your history also coincides with the many decrees of Heaven for your realm. These sacred edicts invited us to come here to carefully oversee a unique series of transformations, which is why we here above you in huge numbers to ensure that these decrees are carried out. As a result, the dark is no longer in charge of this world, and Earth humans dedicated to the Light have reached the prophesied point of success.
The work of the Light has brought you to the moment when a great prosperity is to sweep through your societies. This prosperity heralds a series of governmental changes which will enact, among many things, the legal basis of your freedom and individual sovereignty, accompanied by an official proclamation of this. It is a historic moment. For the first time since you were permitted to enter limited consciousness, you are to be acknowledged as worthy Beings by your former 'masters.' At a stroke you become their equal, able to wield justice and appropriate retribution for their crimes against you and your ancestors. This time is when the present reality collapses and is transformed into a vehicle capable of conveying you back to the very threshold of full consciousness. Our responsibility is to take you from that doorway through to your final transformation, which will allow you to take your place once again among your many spiritual and space families. This will be a moment of long-awaited celebration for us all!
In anticipation of bringing your planet and yourselves back into the Light and into full consciousness, we are increasing the sightings of our craft in your skies; they are making themselves more noticeable to you by decloaking in broad daylight and by being more dramatic in your night skies. Our message is, You are not alone! Further, Mother Earth is accelerating her transformation into a unified, 5-D-reality Being. In the eyes of your geologists and atmospheric scientists, the latest geological indices seem to point to the potential for worldwide catastrophe, but such is not the case. Mother Earth is indeed drastically altering her weather patterns by changing the jet streams that create the global climate; also, unusual heating and cooling states are changing the very nature of the Conveyor Belt that mixes the waters of your oceans, and this too influences your weather patterns. However, this is part of a positive process that will eventually bring together the waters and atmosphere of the surface with those of Inner Earth.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with an update of what is currently happening on your world. Presently, we are moving through the final days of the ultimatum that is forcing the dark cabal and its die-hard adherents to resign their public and ministerial offices. These coming official 'resignations' will signal the start of the process of a vast conveyance of power from the dark cabal to the agents of the Light. This process also parallels an immense transfer of money throughout your world. During this time, many banks will change hands from the cabal to delegates of the Light. In charge of these complex transactions are various elements of our secret sacred societies. In effect, a new financial system will rise up out of this change in bank ownership and it will be based on new gold-backed currencies. Once these proceedings are complete, the new governments will make their broadcasts.
The new governance in many nations will be secured by the power of the Light, the Agarthans, and the first-contact team. We are committed to ensuring that the holy edicts of Heaven are manifested here on Earth. All this is being done in order to set you free, and to move you through the next phases of your path to full consciousness. We are monitoring everything as these things come down the pike, as this massive transition is designed to be swift and benign to all life. For ages we have discussed within our holy communion how best to create this new reality; above all we dearly desire to present these things in a manner that is comprehensible and acceptable to you, and that truly serves the greater good. The divine purpose of our undertaking is to give you the opportunity to be free and sovereign. Much knowledge needs to be imparted to you during the coming months in order to reassure you and to retain your sacred trust.
Communication remains the key to everything we do, and so we have been careful to cover all the bases to keep you informed. We have asked the Galactic Federation to make itself fully known to you after disclosure is announced, and have asked the Agarthans to do likewise. Each of you needs to acquire full knowledge of what is happening and why, and where it is all headed. It is equally important for us to have feedback from you regarding this sudden flurry of events to hit your societies. We, the Ascended Masters, intend to appear and heal and bless all of you even before the mass landings. We sincerely ask for your feelings on these matters as the time has come to change how you interact with Heaven. You are each a sacred physical angel. You need to learn about your divine lineage and the sacred Orders you are a part of. Ponder on these matters, as Heaven is now returning in force to your world!
Today, we brought you another message. We are providing them to keep you informed as best we can about the events of the day from our perspective. We ask that you use this information to help others as well as yourselves to better understand what is now ready to happen across your world. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light: 3/27/12
We would like to say we are humbled by the efforts of our Lightworkers in the field who are working very diligently towards our shared goals. We would like to thank each and every one of you for your efforts in support of our cause. Your work is clearing many paths, and we see the light at the end of the tunnel approaching. Please continue the great work you are doing, and together we will complete our assignments and move on to better days having achieved what we all desire. Continue into each new day knowing we are that much closer to the completion of our mission and that nothing can stop us from reaching our goal. Try to look at these last days of your current reality as a time to sharpen all the new skills and techniques you have been learning. Practice makes perfect as you know, and we would like to see you practicing your new skills as they will take you far and be very useful to you in your future endeavors.
It is almost time for those of you that will be working with us to meet us in person face-to-face. We look very forward to these introductions, and look at this meeting as an historical event that will be recorded in your history books for posterity and for future readers to look back and learn how first contact was made with your celestial neighbors. Those of you who will be involved in this project will be remembered for your courage and your efforts to be the Wayshowers of your fellow man. Many doors will open upon our introductions and we are able to begin working together in a peaceful cooperation. There are many gifts that we offer in friendship, and there are many technologies that we can share with you that will assist you tremendously as you move forward as a society. You have been living with outdated technologies for quite a long period of time. It is now time for your culture to catch up to where it is it could be at this point of your journey.
The means in which you travel are a major stepping stone for you as we will share our space travel capabilities with you and you will be able to traverse your planet in a matter of minutes, whereas now it could take you days at your current level of commuter capabilities available to the average citizen of your world. Allowing you the freedom of movement will greatly enhance your collective experience and bring your world so much closer together. These capabilities will also bring you closer to your Galactic neighbors from many different star systems and galaxies. We are those neighbors, and these capabilities have brought us to you.
There is nothing we want except your friendship. That is all we ask. Accept us as your friends and neighbors and you will be doing your society a tremendous service, as it is now time for you all to experience more of what the universe offers you. They changing of the guards is what is in store for your society as we assist in the removal of those of the dark who are sworn to an agenda to enslave and impoverish the people of your world. This is their mission. This process is nearing its completion stages as all systems are go and we are moments away from moving forward in this operation and taking into custody so many of those who have conspired against you. This operation will be vast, and it will reach far and deep into your societal structure as we remove deep-rooted corruption throughout your world. Please be patient as we move forward with our plans, and continue to spread this information to act as a precursor to what will be a major media event. This is our plan, and we expect it to go off without a hitch.
We, along with our Earth allies, have invested a great deal of time and effort in the planning stages of this operation and we plan on it moving forward to its completion perfectly according to its design. We have no intention of allowing any part of this operation to fail for any reason, and every name that is on our list for arrest and subsequent trial will be taken into custody when we want them to be, perfectly according to our schedule. This is how this operation will unfold and proceed to the letter, and we will not stop or slow our efforts until every name on the list is checked as they are removed from your society. This operation will take days and possibly even weeks, but we tell you this is only due to the amount of arrests that will be made. There are limits to how fast we can proceed as resources will be thinned, as these arrests will be scattered all over your planet.
You may have confidence that the dark and their days ruling over you and your world will be finished upon these arrests, and you may take solace in knowing they will never be allowed to transgress upon you or your society ever again. There will be no second life for them once they are taken into custody. They will not be permitted to reenter your society, and they will not be able to enter any society until they are fully rehabilitated. Your society will be free to grow and to prosper, and each of you of your world will enjoy a freedom that many of you have never known. You have this to look forward to, and we wish for this knowing to keep you going through this challenging period in your lives. This day is now dawning on your horizon as final preparations are being made for these mass arrests. Please be patient while our Earth allies make final preparations for their roles in this operation. We are ready on our end, and we await the signal that the time has come to proceed.
This operation will be a testament to how well our Galactic alliances can work with your Earth alliances. We have worked with your Earth alliances a great deal through these planning stages, but now it is time to see just how well we can work together through our coordinated efforts in the field. This day will mark great achievements, not only in the removing of those of your dark Cabal, but this day will also be remembered for the achievement of our Galactic commands working together with those of your world to successfully achieve a common goal. This will be a triumphant day on many levels, and we wish to say that it has been an honor to work with those courageous men and women of your world who have dedicated so much of their lives in this effort to bring peace, prosperity and stability to your world. We owe our thanks to these men and women and salute them for the courage that they have shown in the face of danger and threats made against them by those of your dark Cabal. They have shown great tenacity in their pursuits of justice, and their efforts will not be in vain as justice will be served when those of the Cabal are removed from your society.
We look forward to working with you as we move ahead with this operation, and we say to you we will be with you and watch over you as you make these arrests throughout your world. We will give you maximum support in all areas of this operation, and you can be assured there will be no military intervention against you and your efforts permitted in any way. You can proceed through your operations with confidence knowing that we are overlooking this entire operation and are monitoring those military factions still aligned with the Cabal. No one or nothing will be permitted to interfere in any way with you or your operations, and we will remain in contact with you throughout these proceedings and keep you up-to-date on the movements of your targets. No one will be able to escape your grasp or elude capture for any length of time. You have our word and we will not let you down. We wish you success on your mission, and again say to you that we are set to go on our side and only await your final signal that you are ready to proceed.
All throughout the joy you have experienced here as well as all of the hardships you have endured, you knew deep down inside there was going to be a great change for your society down the line. That time has now come as you have reached the point where the great changes in your society will now be made. This is a large project we are involved with and a great deal of time and effort has been invested in this process to bring to this world changes and advancements that will benefit everyone greatly. You may look upon these changes as necessary, and know that all has been planned from the very beginning and that all of the events that are now to occur were inevitable.
This is why you are here, to help usher in these changes and bring forth a new and better world for all of the inhabitants of your planet. There are many throughout your world who are in need of assistance, and this assistance has not been offered them by the current rulers of your world. The help that they need will now be extended to them through our efforts and those of you who wish to work with us on these many projects that will see to the upliftment of all those in need throughout every corner of your world. This is an opportunity for you to help others and to make your world a better place. We wish for you to take advantage of these opportunities and share these gifts we offer with everyone who can benefit from them. We have scouted your world for many years now and we see those who need assistance and we would like nothing better than to be able to give them the help that they need, but this can only be done through those of you who are willing to work with us through this process.
We look forward to working with those of you who are interested in working with us, and it will be soon that we can begin the initial orientation programs to get you better acquainted with us and familiarize yourselves with the opportunities that will be made available to you. We will begin your training immediately after your initial consultations with us as there are many projects to be completed and as matters are, our time is very short. These initial consultations will begin shortly after your society is purged of all those that stand in the way of your progress, and we see this day just up ahead now. We wish for you to prepare yourselves for these opportunities, and we will make the procedure for these known to you at the proper time. Once you see these arrests you will know that it is now time for you to keep your eyes and ears open for these opportunities to become available to you.
There are several ways we will make these opportunities known to you and they will differ from person to person, but all of you that we are interested in working with will be contacted in some way and advised how to proceed. Once we can begin to freely communicate with you, all will be explained to you and there will be no further need for secrecy for the sake of safety as there is today. Although the days are numbered for the Cabal, there are those of them that still wish to interfere with us and our plans, and so we must take precautions and therefore cannot reveal too much at this time. Be assured this will change however in the coming days and we will be able to freely communicate back and forth, and at that time all of your questions will be answered and all your options will be fully explained to you. We look forward to discussing these opportunities with you, and say to you it will be a pleasure and an honor to work with many of you who are demonstrating your will and your determination to change your world and make it a better place for everyone. We will be in touch with you soon.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
Laura Tyco TAUK with Sfhs, 27 March 2012 -- On Decloaking, Disclosure, ...
Laura: Good day Sfhs, I believe you would like to share a new message.
Sfhs: Yes a new message for your readers today, Laura. Times and preparations for great changes are in plain sight. The arrests are speeding up the system’s collapse. People have disbelief in an unfair system, with a different set of rules depending on your social class and your name. These times when one is judged by the colour of one’s skin, by one’s position in society or by one’s bank balance is over. Over. Over. The great inner revolution taking place at a soul level for each and everyone of you, will eventually spread and amplify to the entire population.
The days of hiding behind lies are over, all is now brought into the light. With this process the shift in consciousness will also take place also.
Laura: one of my readers was asking if there would be Disclosure and mass landings before Ascension, and if Galactic beings will be allowed to help us with cleansing Mother Earth and our finance system, or new technology for us?
Sfhs: These are always a difficult questions to address in public. But I will try to give it my best here. There is a threshold, a point of no return, a point that human society must reach alone, without direct help from us. I am afraid you will have to do most of the clearing work, as part of clearing your final karma and setting things right on your own planet first. The help we are allowed to provide until such time needs to be discreet.
When you, as a collective Human Consciousness, will reach that precise point, sometimes call the Zero Point, your way into Ascension will be more than assured. Your level of consciousness will be more or less equal to ours, and we will then begin our talks with your legal and free governments. So there is still work to be done until the vast majority of governments will be run by balanced people. Perhaps politicians will at this stage be no longer needed, but a different system of self governance will also be needed.
You may believe that it will take years for this to pass, but just look at how fast all have been set into motion regarding the corrupt banking system. Is it possible for you to believe that the same cleansing will take place in the political arena in an equally short period of time?
Once we are fully confident that our presence will be well received by the vast majority of the Earth’s population, and that your level of consciousness will be such, that we will be working as equals among you, we will make official and unofficial contacts with many of you.
Bare in mind that Disclosure, Mass decloaking, Abundance and Ascension will take place in a very short period of time between one another.
Blessings from Sfhs
Laura Tyco
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